Overlord Wizard

Chapter 64: Beginning of strength

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   Two black-robed wizards appeared in the air. They looked at Li Luo who was wearing wizard robes with a cruel smile on his face.

"Li Luo, **** Li Luo, you let the second prince lose face at the party, we will let you know today, what is the cost of offending the prince!" There was a wave of elemental energy surging through the two of them. In the void, electric sparks began to pop up, crackling. One of them uttered a low roar at Li Luo.

"The second prince is so big that he sent two official wizards to intercept me. Today I found out that my head is so valuable!" Li Luo stared at the two wizards closely and touched the underside of the wizard robes. After wearing the enchanted dragon leather armor, he calmed down and said slowly.

   One of the wizards didn't even want to look at Li Luo more. With a wave of his hand, a flame burst out of his hand and flew towards Li Luo.

  Li Luo raised his hand up, swoop! An orange-red energy ball greeted him and turned into a half-meter-sized fireball, colliding with the flying firelight.


   There was a loud explosion. Afterwards, a ball-shaped fire wave burst into the air, and at the same time a tremendous force surged out in all directions, Li Luo couldn't help but step back a few steps.

   "What? It's impossible! Who are you?" The wizard who had just cast the spell looked at the spell blocked by Li Luo in shock, and asked with some uncertainty.

   "Who am I, don't you know?" Li Luo looked at the wizard in front of him, with a glimmer of cold light in his eyes, and said, "Aren't you the second prince sent to kill me?"

   After saying these two sentences, Li Luo paused, his eyes rolled around, and shouted:

   "I am Li Luo."

   "Li Luo who took away Ai Anna's first night!"

   Li Luo?

   Li Luo who took the first night of the director’s daughter?

"It's impossible!" One of the wizards' complexion changed, without thinking about it, and he blurted out a word, "The dean's daughter has already imposed a witchcraft restriction on her body, and no one else can have a relationship with her! You bastard, You dare to slander Ai Anna's reputation, you are looking for death!"

   "Really? That prohibition is indeed a bit troublesome, but it's the same thing." Li Luo smiled, his face showing noncommittal.

   "Calm down, Barack. This kid is deliberately irritating us." One of the wizards said lightly to the one who was furious next to him.

   After saying this, the latter calmed down, took a deep breath, and said, "This cunning little bug almost caught his way. Fortunately, you reminded me."

   Barak calmed down and shouted: "Then, Krall, control him!"

   The sorcerer known as Krall's face became cold when he heard the words, and his hand was a little bit towards the open space where Li Luo was.


   Li Luo felt a crack on the ground, a dozen dark green shadows, and flew over with the sound of cracking soil.

  嗖! "Warblade Clash!"

   Li Luo didn't move slowly, so he yelled and moved straight out forty meters away.

   "Huh! See how many times you can dodge!"

   The two wizards glanced at each other, flicking their fingers, and countless ball of light flew towards the ground near Li Luo.

   "War Blade Crash!" "War Blade Crash!" "War Blade Crash!" "War Blade Crash!"

   Li Luo moved horizontally more than two hundred meters away, and he only felt hot pains on his body. Obviously, the meridians had suffered some damage. This kind of displacement skill, Li Luo also displayed five consecutive times at most, and had to cool down for a period of time.


   The ground that Li Luo moved out of, shot out hundreds of dark green vines, swaying there, as if looking for something.

   Li Luo wiped the cold sweat on his head, flipped in his hand, and several flying knives emerged out of thin air. Facing the two wizards in the air, they threw it out.


   As soon as the flying knife flew out, it turned into a few phantoms and lased towards the two wizards. The speed was so fast that as soon as Li Luofang threw it out, the flying knife came close to the two wizards.

   "It's ridiculous..."

   The two wizards saw the flying knives that Li Luo took out, and they simply put up an energy shield, then laughed, but then immediately shut their mouths. On them, flying knives were embedded in the energy shield fiercely. Although they would not break the defense, they believed that as long as the energy shield was removed, they would definitely not end well!

   Shocked Ballack and Krall into a cold sweat, they must fight quickly!

   The two thought of this in a tacit understanding, while holding up the energy cover, while condensing two scarlet energy **** in their hands.

   Although Li Luo could not release his displacement skills for the time being, he could not slow down much with the enchantment bonus on the dragon boots when he ran. While running, Li Luo threw out several throwing knives, like arrows glowing with cold light, constantly shooting at the two of them.

   "Clang clang... clang clang!"

   After a sound of gold and iron, the two wizards seemed to have sparks, and a few invisible cracks appeared on the energy shield.

  Balak and Krall looked surprised, and no longer continued to increase the power of the spell, they directly threw the energy ball in their hands.


   The two of them showed a hideous look on their faces, and the energy ball burst out while flying, and circles of orange-red flames burned, making the two fireballs look like two flying missiles.

   Li Luo's pupils shrank, and his hands were not idle, and he threw the condensed cyan energy and orange energy into the air.

   The two energies intertwined in the air for a while, and instantly turned into a one-meter-sized fireball and ran into the two flying'missiles'.


   There was a blast in the sky, and then there seemed to be countless sparks and lightning surging away, and the void was trembling with a piercing rubbing sound, and at the same time an indescribable energetic wave of fire spread in all directions.

   Because Li Luo was the closest, he had to rush to prop up the anti-energy shield, and he flew out as if hit by a cannonball.

The waves of fire spread extremely fast, covering a radius of hundreds of meters in just one breath. The woods on both sides of the road instantly turned into a piece of coke, and the ground on which it was located began to crack and burst out. Black smoke.

   The smoke and dust dispersed.

   Li Luo got up from a distance, his throat was sweet, and a small bit of blood flowed out.

   Li Luo looked along, Barak and Krall had fallen from mid-air, and the energy shield on their bodies had also shattered, but they had not suffered any major injuries.

   But at this moment, instead of feeling sorry for Li Luo, he was shining brightly.

   At this time, the two wizards were obviously agitated in their mana, and they could not support the energy shield to defend.

   Thinking of this, Li Luo's eyes flashed coldly, and several flying knives emerged, rushing towards Barack and Kraer.

  Looking at Li Luo who rushed over, "How is it possible?!" Barak was taken aback, the expression on his face looked a little unbelievable.

   It was Krall who endured the spell's backlash and forcibly propped up a shield.

   swish swish!

   Several bursts of sound, the flying knives shot at Barak.

   In an instant, cold light appeared!


   There was a muffled sound like a few leather trails.

   Barak stiffened and looked down at his chest. A stream of blood spurted out of several blood holes, gushing out back and forth along the body.


   Barak fell to the ground, his eyes rounded, and he looked incredible in the end.

   Kraal glanced at Barak, his face changed, and he flew directly into the air and fled into the distance.

   Li Luo slowly walked to Barak and glanced at the disappearing figure in the distance. This was another gulp of blood spurting out, and he knelt down.

   He didn't hesitate, after drinking a few bottles of healing potions, he immediately pressed Barak's body with both hands, and the two magic sacrifice circles lit up.


   Under a buzzing sound, Barak's body melted away, turning into a milky white light ball with different colors floating in Li Luo's hands.

   The witchcraft sacrifice array between his hands dispersed, and Li Luo sat on the ground not far away, swallowing the ball of light in one mouthful.

   He didn't dare to meditate and breathe in the knight's Qi gathering method, but the light group still wandered around every part of his body and melted into his body.

   Li Luo just felt every cell in his body cheered at this moment, and his injury instantly recovered. The body is like a stimulant, full of an indescribable sense of strength.

   "This kind of improvement! It's really, terrible..."

   Li Luo muttered to himself and felt it carefully.

   After a while, his expression changed, and he couldn't help but yelled, "I have improved so much!"

  At this time, not only did he advance to the middle stage of the Great Knight's early stage, but his soul power and spiritual power were also more condensed.

"Would you like to find more official wizards to try?" Li Luo thought secretly, but then shook his head quickly and murmured: "How is this different from those demons? In the future, others will not take the initiative to provoke me, I Never deliberately hunt down formal wizards... As for the dark wizards, you can only blame them for bad luck!" He said so, picked up Barak's space bag and stood up.

   Li Luo had a plan in mind, so he took out the map and compared it, and walked in one direction.

   After walking for about two days, Li Luo finally ran into a carriage that was approaching.

  He beckoned~www.readwn.com~ The carriage stopped.

   The carriage curtain was pulled open, and a beautiful girl with blond hair and emerald green eyes looked towards Li Luo.

   "Sir, are you a mercenary?" the girl said shyly.

   Li Luo was stunned. At this moment, he was indeed destroyed by the wizard's robe because of the attack, and he was indeed more like a mercenary. He looked at the four horse-riding knights behind the carriage, nodded, and admitted.

   "Where are you going?" the girl continued to ask.

   "I went to Griffon to play for two days. It is now in the deep winter. I heard that the climate there is better." Li Luo thought for a while and made up a reason.

   "Oh, is it? Although we don't pass there, we can put you down at the nearby eagle collar. Come on." There was a blush on the girl's face, and a silver bell-like voice came over.

   "Wait." A knight behind immediately rode up and said: "Miss, this person is of unknown origin, I am afraid it is inappropriate to do this..."

   "He is alone, he seems to be just a formal knight. It's okay, Verusu." The girl smiled sweetly, beckoned, and motioned Li Luo to come forward.

   Li Luo was dumbfounded, the girl in front of him was second only to Ai Anna in terms of temperament and appearance, and being so gentle, Li Luo couldn't help but rippling. But then, he calmed down.

   "Thank you girl, then I will cause you trouble." Gentleman Li Luo performed aristocratic manners and smiled slightly.

   Several knights glanced at each other, and for a moment, could this little brother in front of him come out to play? Thinking of this, a few people didn't stop it anymore. Li Luo boarded the carriage smoothly, and gradually disappeared on the densely forested road with the convoy.

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