Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 749: Accept disciples

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The surrounding music began to slowly stop, and then Mei Lin walked up to a leap step, clapped her hands, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone around her.

"Fellow students."

He stood on the leap, with a faint smile on his face: "All of you, Gaoxin, can come to my villa as a guest, let us celebrate the birthday of the beautiful classmate Aiya!"

"Dear beautiful ladies, please accept the invitation of the most handsome guard of our family and jump on the song "Venus Kiss" with you."

Soon, the music rang again.

The flowers in the room began to wither, but they exuded almost a substantial floral fragrance, with a faint pink mist spreading to the surroundings.

Aiya's eyes were a little fascinated, and she was a little confused by the fragrance of the surrounding flowers. She was held by a waiter and hugged deeply in her arms.

Vatican's complexion changed, and he said: "Aya, we should go now!"

Aya was also a clever, and immediately broke free of the waiter, and walked quickly to Vatican.

But soon, as Mei Lin's face distorted, the surrounding flowers instantly withered, and a thicker pink mist floated towards the two of them.

Everything around them began to blur, and Aya and Vatican's eyes were blurred, and they gradually passed out in a coma.

"Bring them to the basement." A guard took a deep breath and turned to look at Mei Lin. The latter walked over with Lianbu, his figure gradually rising, and gradually turning into a succubus with a height of more than two meters.

"As you wish, dear." Mei Lin picked up the unconscious girls and sent them into the basement.

When I arrived at Aya, the waiter called Mei Lin and said, "Wait. Stay here and I will transform into a succubus."

Mei Lin's complexion changed, and she said, "But, Antal. This girl is..."

"Huh. Don't worry. No matter how noble her blood is, she can't replace your position!" Antal snorted coldly, and his figure gradually rose up, turning into a four-meter-tall demon, walking towards Aya step by step.

Watching all this quietly, the two clones of Li Luo did not stop them.

Anokitz walked slowly to Antar's side and said: "Boss, I want a woman in the basement, she is very helpful to my promotion."

Antal glanced at Anokitz lightly, then rushed towards Aya with a hum.

Anokitz walked into the basement, picked up Vatican, walked out of the villa, and walked into the distance.


the next day.

Vatican gradually woke up.

She touched her confused head and gradually saw the surrounding environment.

In the room, there is a luxurious big bed. Looking outside, through the window, it is a familiar scene on campus.

"Wake up?" In the corner of the room, Li Luo was pouring water on a pot of violets.

"Did you save me?" Vatican asked with a change of face.

Li Luo raised his brows and asked, "How to say?"

Vatican swallowed, and said, "That dance party was very strange...just like my brother said, it was a trap!"

Li Luo's face remained as usual, and continued to water the violets: "Your brother?"

"Yeah." Vatican nodded heavily, and said: "Yes. My brother is a senior soldier. He knows some high-level secrets and the demons."

Li Luo nodded suddenly, and said, "The two guys are right, you are the most suitable candidate for me."

He smiled and played a video.

"Look carefully. Don't miss a place."

Patting Vatican on the shoulder, Li Luo walked out of the room. Chasing literature

Vatican looked at the picture in the video.

In a dark basement. There are several standing corpses. The corpses lay on an altar, and a stream of blood flowed down the altar to a tall figure, to be precise, a monster.

The monster had a pair of curved horns, a dark green armor, sharp fangs, and a pair of fleshy wings on the back.

She slammed her mouth, almost unable to scream out.

On the altar, a few short, sharp-toothed silhouettes, looking carefully, are a shrunken version of the tall silhouette, gnawing at the corpse there.

Under Vatican's shocked gaze, in the picture, the little demon dug out his heart with his paws, and then tremblingly gave it to the tall figure in front of him, screamed a few times, and then rushed towards the corpse.

The bright red blood flowed along the altar to the tall monster in the picture, and the latter sucked all the blood into his mouth with an intoxicated look.

The flow of blood gurgling sounded from time to time in the video.

A slight breeze from outside the window also made Vatican feel a chill in this terrifying picture.

Feeling the sensation of her body being blown by the breeze, she looked at the appearance of several corpses in the picture, and she was surprised. A few corpses, they were a few classmates who entered the villa with her, but Aya was not seen.

"Fortunately, Aya is fine. I'm afraid..."

As Vatican said this, his face changed. In the picture, Aya walked into the basement with a dull expression and glanced at the corpse on the altar. The figure began to rise gradually, and a pair of fleshy wings appeared on the back, with two foreheads. A mini bulge bulged out, with two fangs exposed at the corner of his mouth, and he threw it over.

She turned into a female of this monster, and she ate the corpse on the altar with the little monster!

The impact of this picture on her is not unreasonable. Vatican stayed there in a daze, and hadn't recovered for a long time.

This is the end of the screen.

Li Luo walked in slowly.

"Sir. What do you want me to do! Kill these monsters?" Vatican's face gradually became cold, and said in a deep voice.

Li Luo nodded and said, "Yes. But not now. Are you ready?"

Vatican nodded and said: "I accept all the training you gave me!"

Li Luo smiled and said, "Very good. You have a strong willpower. I like it very much. Come with me."

The two quickly walked into Li Luo's laboratory.


Two years later.

Inside the college’s biological warehouse.

Vatican gradually opened his eyes.

"Sir. The sixth level of exercises, I have completed it."

Walking out of the biological warehouse, Vatican fluffed his hair and said with some excitement.

Looking at the bulging students, Li Luo sighed slightly.

"Vatican, it's still too late to modify other exercises." Li Luo turned around and said hesitantly.

"Are you afraid that I can't find a man?" Vatican said in a disdainful voice ~www.readwn.com~: "When I become strong enough, I am afraid that no man will come here?"

Li Luo turned around a little speechlessly when he heard the words: "Okay. When I didn't say it. This is the seventh layer of exercises and advanced gene stock solution. It is enough for you to consume for a year. Just retreat in this laboratory."

After speaking, Li Luo turned and walked out of the laboratory.

Walking across the streets of the college, looking at the students in a hurry, recalling a series of recent moves.

First, he ordered Vatican to kill Aya, exposing the identity of the other demon, and he killed the demons one after another, which attracted the attention of the demons hidden in the crowd.

I believe that soon, these demons will move.

Today, when he leaves the academy, it is precisely to hunt down a few more demons. His goal is simple, to make the demons hate him to an extreme.

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