Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 753: Layout and harvest

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Soon, several demons moved a statue of a white woman over.

"let's start."

Morkis and Akakid began to chant unknown spells, and the eyes in the statue gradually became red.

"A good sacrifice. Hey, this woman is very good. This woman is very powerful. I can feel the power in her body!"

In the statue, there was a hoarse and deep voice that looked like a man or not a woman, and a burst of pitch black energy began to rush towards the seven people on the ground.

Soon, the faces of the seven were twisted, and their bodies began to become stiff. The seven brilliances flowed out from the chests of the seven and sank into Vatican.

"I feel it, an extremely powerful body and energy!" Inside the statue, the deep voice became more powerful, and the red light in his eyes gradually brightened to the extreme.

Soon, the seven police detectives who had become sacrifices convulsed, and there was no sound.

"It's rare for you to find seven love corpses of the same origin. I am very satisfied." The voice in the statue was slightly excited, and continued to speak: "When this king is reborn, you will definitely be given two unparalleled powers!"

The two blood-sucking demons looked happy, and then they spoke: "Master Diablo, the wizarding world is too threatening to our abyss, you see..."

The statue snorted coldly, and the surrounding void exploded in an instant, and a series of pitch-black space cracks instantly surfaced.

The two vampire demons were shocked, their complexions changed, and said, "Of course, we will never doubt your ability."

The energy radiating from the statue gradually subsided, and soon let out a surprise.

"Strange, why doesn't this girl have a mutation?"

The phantom of Diablo's soul floated out, turned around the girl for a moment, and said: "It seems that the will to the light in her heart is too strong, and the love in her body is about to die out."

"My lord. Just turn her into a succubus. Let's look for other suitable containers." Akakid hurriedly said.

"No need!" Diablo snorted coldly, turning into a streamer and lasing towards Vatican.


Li Luo's face was happy, and the incantation quickly moved, Vatican glowed with a dazzling purple-red light.

As soon as Diablo Fang sank into Vatican, he let out a roar.

"This is a trap!"

"Kill this woman!"

Inside Vatican, Diablo's roar came out, and the surrounding void suddenly cracked.

Morkis and Akakid's expressions changed, and they immediately rushed towards Vatican.

Several other demons did the same thing.

But seeing Li Luo chanting words, a metal ball on Vatican's chest swelled instantly, turning into metal fragments and spreading out. At this moment, a simple teleportation witch formation was formed in an instant.

As soon as the white light flashed, Vatican disappeared out of thin air, replaced by a metal giant.

Li Luo flew up quickly and continued to chant the spell. The metal giant screamed loudly and long, and the tiny nuclear bomb in his body exploded in an instant.

Boom! Sixth book

A mushroom cloud rose. The surging nuclear energy fire wave rushed towards the surroundings, and an incomparable shock wave instantly turned all the buildings in a radius of 10,000 meters into ashes.

At a height of 10,000 meters, Li Luo gasped slightly, and he quickly flew towards the direction of the academy.

When he flew back to the dormitory, he saw Vatican half-kneeling there, his body was dark for a while, and fuchsia destructive power surged, as if he was doing it with Diablo. With fierce confrontation.

Li Luo quickly ran over, pressing his hand towards Vatican, the pendant on his chest suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and Diablo's power began to rush towards the pendant on his chest.

"The humble reptile actually steals the power of this king, I want you to die! Ah!"

A scream came from Vatican, and Diablo's voice gradually weakened.

"This is only one-tenth of my strength, I remember you. Reptile!" In the end, as if from a roar from the soul, Li Luo was instantly awakened.

He hurriedly sat cross-legged, and the billowing magenta energy surged out and began to destroy the power of the evil spirit in the necklace.

Suddenly, a trace of pure soul power began to rippling out of the necklace, toward Li Luo's soul.

An invigorating and comfortable force poured out from Li Luo's spirit sea, and the spirit sea, which had not risen at all, began to loosen slightly.

This is the fruit that Li Luo has produced over the past ten years with careful layout and planting of seeds.

From the beginning of cultivating seven clones, he planned everything. First, let the seven clones understand the power of Diablo; second, cultivate enough positive **** power of Vatican; finally, with the sacrifice of the seven clones, summon Diablo and sink into Vatican.

Because of the accumulation of sufficient positive **** power, Vatican has the inheritance of the mystery totem, plus the destructive power that Li Luo bestowed on her, with the enhancement of the star soul, she completely resisted the erosion of Diablo.

Li Luo's retreat lasted three years, and when he woke up, he found that he had been promoted to the middle of the eighth stage!


Feeling the power of destruction surging in his body, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"General Li Luo, Vatican said he was going to see his brother on planet KF19. We stopped her, but she was violently mutilated by her and recovered only two months ago."

"Has the Alliance extended its military power to that planet?" Li Luo looked as usual, nodded, and said, "Whether she is not there, has anyone disappeared in the news recently?"

"Yes. Of course there is." A soldier looked at the news on his watch and said: "There have been six missing cases recently, all of them are boys and girls. It seems that they are members of a cult organization, and they are starting to do something again."

"Compared with this, Miss Luna is here, waiting for you to leave the military department." Another soldier casually scanned the news on the light curtain of the watch, and said.


Li Luo hurriedly walked out of the academy and flew towards the military headquarters~www.readwn.com~ Soon, Li Luo met Luna at the military headquarters.

"Look at what I brought you. Big villain!" Luna smiled softly, handed Li Luo a space capsule, and said.

"It doesn't matter, you can come." Li Luo smiled and put the space capsule away, holding Luna's arm, his face flushed.

"Uh, I don't seem to have done anything like that in a long time."

Luna sneered and said, "You. Your clone looks like a cultivator besides shopping with me. It's really annoying."

Seeing that Luna didn't want to do anything, Li Luo sighed and turned and walked outside.

"It's been a long time since gravity training. Luna, let me see how much you improve."

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