Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 758: Hidden Land Demon

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  The battle is simply a one-sided slaughter. Although these Rota robots are very powerful, it is the same in front of these core disciples.


   If they encounter ordinary Ziyuan galaxy warriors, these robots may be able to win, but these Rota people don't know what the core disciple's strength is, what is the concept.


   It is no exaggeration to say that these great emperors and their core disciples are all dispatched, which is enough to flatten an ordinary galaxy. Of course, except for Insect Demon, after all, they reproduce too fast, and the master is second only to the Purple Yuan galaxy.


   Without Luna's order, more than 20 core disciples began to search for the spacecraft.


   "Captain, there is a krypton mine!" Luna, who was talking with Li Luo, was overjoyed when she received the report from the core disciple.


   "Li Luo, it seems that this spaceship has nothing else, but the krypton mine has to be turned in!" Luna said with a smile.


   Li Luo knows the preciousness of krypton ore. The mining of krypton ore can only be done by manpower-operated machinery. Because of energy radiation, intelligent mining cannot be carried out.


   In addition, any krypton crystal mine is an important resource, which has a fatal attraction to insects. There are a large number of insects entrenched, and it is very difficult to mine krypton crystals.


  This has made krypton crystals very precious, and they have always been in the hands of the government or large power consortia.


   Luna, Li Luo and other core disciples came to the spacecraft’s warehouse. This warehouse is not too big, but about a few hundred cubic meters of space is filled with krypton crystals.


   Krypton ore is just a few hundred cubic meters of krypton ore, which is at least worth millions of crystal points.


This harvest made all the elite disciples present smile. Although they will hand over to the government or the army, it is okay to accept part of it by themselves. This is the unspoken rule for all fighters to hand over the krypton mine. There is no army or government department. Details survey.


   The royal spacecraft used the towing beam to drag the captured spacecraft down slowly, and entered the seventh resource star range of the KF19 wild planet.


"Big brother, when you arrive at Resource Star 7, you must first adapt to gravity. The gravity of Resource Star 7 is only one-third of that of ordinary life planets, so you need to adjust the power control when fighting!" Karen stood in Li Luo's body. Introduced by the side.


   "The spacecraft stopped descending, we will jump down from here!" Karen shouted.


   The royal spacecraft stopped 700 meters in the air. At this height, everyone jumped down without hesitation.


   They are all 7th-tier powerhouses, even if they jump from a height of one kilometer, they only need to fly for a while and they can land safely.


   Twenty core disciples took out their weapons. Almost all core disciples are equipped with electromagnetic sniper rifles, but there are other weapons inserted into their armor slots. Ten of them had warhammers in their backs, three had big shields on their backs, four had two long swords in their waists, three had spears in their backs, and Karen had a great axe in their backs, but Li Luo Surprisingly, there is also a female medical soldier with only two medical beam guns in her hand to urgently suture the soldier's wounds.


   It can be seen that the core disciples are not only good at fighting alone, but also very good in configuration and coordination.


   When conducting dangerous missions, these core disciples are neither afraid of long range nor close combat.


   There is no oxygen on the resource star No. 7, so just after everyone jumped off the royal spaceship, the survival system on the customized exoskeleton armor was automatically turned on, and oxygen was continuously produced through material conversion.


   The Star Alliance’s research on the space survival system has been completely finalized. It can be said that as long as the armor is present and there is a supply of krypton ore, the exoskeleton armor will continuously produce oxygen.


   As for food, the only way to obtain the only edible tenderloin on the corpse of the worm can be obtained by hunting and killing the worm, which is then roasted and eaten in the armor.


   Water is the only thing that you don’t have to worry about. There are ice cubes everywhere. Cut a piece and put it in the armor. The survival system will automatically melt into water for human consumption.


   The body lightly fell on the ground without making much noise. After landing, Li Luo's eyes swept sharply.


   They were divided into three groups, each with a Mullard core disciple. Li Luo and Luna were in charge of the leaders of the other two groups, and Karen was in charge of one group.


   "Li Luo, this is a map of the terrain. We choose a high point as a sniper spot to cover other people to the base." Blocker Shuta said to Li Luo in the group communication channel.


   Shuta is an experienced core disciple, and the sniper is his original combat career.


  Like Li Luo, he can also leapfrog using a blocking electromagnetic gun.


   He is an ordinary soldier who has been promoted to the status of the core disciple of the emperor step by step, and he is even more helpless in terms of strength. Karen also took into account Li Luo's special status and sent Shuta to cooperate with him.


   One is that Shuta can bring Li Luo, and the other is that at a critical moment, when encountering danger, it also resolves with Shuta's rich experience.


   "Okay!" Li Luo nodded and said, looking at the light curtain displayed on the side of the tempered glass and the position marked on it.


   Shu Ta hum, he not only has a blocking mission this time, but also considers Li Luo's safety, so he has to tighten his spirit.


   The four core disciples with long swords in their waists are exploring the way at the forefront of the three groups. They are professional investigators, and they are equally powerful.


   The three groups kept a hundred meters away and pushed forward.


Li Luo and Shuta also came to the first sniper spot. Li Luo put the'ZSS blocking electromagnetic gun' on the ground. After he got down, he pressed a button and the exoskeleton armor made a sound to fix him. On the ground.


   Shuta next to him is just like him, fixing himself on the ground, keeping a close eye on the surrounding environment, always ready to block.


   Soon, the first two groups stopped and began to cover the third group. Li Luo and Shuta took the third group to the second blocking point.


   reached the second blocking point, and the other members of the first two teams moved on.


   Until a certain moment, Luna and Karen stopped the team almost at the same time.


   "The situation is a bit wrong~www.readwn.com~ We have walked at least seven or eight kilometers, and we haven't encountered a bug or larva!"


   The number of worms is not blown out, even if it is such a barren and populated resource star, at least there is a team of worms in one kilometer.


   There is only one possibility. Either there is a worm in ambush here, or there are other places that attract the attention of the worm.


   The position where the royal spacecraft dropped Li Luo and others is only 15 kilometers away from the rescue target. This is the best distance. Even if the combat team falls into the siege of the insect demon, the human race in the base can quickly come to support.


   In this situation, how does it look like being surrounded?


   Just as Luna's voice ended, Li Luo's "ZSS blocking electromagnetic gun" made a roar.


   A longsword core disciple who was investigating in the front, under the ground beside him, suddenly shattered, and an earth demon insect split into pieces instantly.


Normally, even if this core disciple is hit by the Earth Demon, he can hardly suffer severe damage, but the mecha on his body is easily damaged. Although he still has backup armor, he still has a cold sweat on his forehead. .


  There is no other reason, this place monster actually blocked the scanning of his scanning device.


   As expected.


   With the sparse sound, the ground vibrated for a while, and the Earth Demon Insects emerged from under the ground, rushing toward the core disciples in a swarm.

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