Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 762: Hidden Institute

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After defeating the two insect kings, many insect demons will lose their backbone, and they will not be able to organize an effective attack for a while.

The Insect Demon who can pose a threat to the core disciple team of this size will never meet again, so the three of Li Luo did not proceed too cautiously, but accelerated their speed, wanting to complete the task earlier.

Although the injuries of the wounded in the team have been dealt with, but injuries like fractured bones can only be fully recovered if they return to the base and undergo systematic treatment.

The mining area quickly appeared in front of you. In the video returned by the investigator ahead, there were only more than 30 hunters in the mining area.

Three groups consisting of ten soldiers and six or seven core disciples each rushed into the mining area. There were large shield core disciples in the group, and under the absolute number of people, these "hunters" hardly resisted. Was killed.

Li Luo followed the team into the mining area.

Of course, under his perception, everything around is indeed safe, and if there is a Zerg, he will find out for the first time.

"Li Luo, your team stays here, and the wounded are also left behind. We will hunt down the worms in the mining area, and strive to eliminate the threat as soon as possible, so that the mine can become operational again." Luna looked at the injured people and said. , Took another look at Karen and said: "You stay too!"

"Okay!" Karen replied helplessly.

He was shocked by the encounter in this mission. He did not expect that with the strength of his core disciple, he would be so powerless in front of the high-level insect king, which made him even more yearning for the cultivation of wizards.

The rest of the soldiers and core disciples were divided into two groups and entered the dark mine. This is the position occupied by the Zerg as the base said.

Li Luo leaned against the entrance of the mine. There was no injury on his body. Only the recoil of the ZSS blocking electromagnetic gun made him a little uncomfortable. He quickly removed the recoil while resting.

As soon as he sat down, the spirit sea seemed to feel something.

He immediately strengthened his perception and felt it, and soon he discovered that it was a dense group of ‘hunters’.

Is this the nest of the ‘Hunter’?

His heart was full of questions, because in the mission message, this is a mining area, at least a few days ago, it was still mining, how could it become their nest.

Li Luo thought in his heart, seeing a passage under the spread of spiritual power.

This passage is five meters above the ground, and there are dozens of "hunters" resting in the passage. Li Luo was shocked. If this place becomes a ‘hunter’’s lair, then the worm demon transported by the star giant insect will be a terrifying number. You must know that this planet is guarded by the main body of worm demon.

Li Luosi measured it and walked into the mine.

"Big brother, wait outside," Karen said.

Li Luo turned his head and glanced at Karen, and said, "You protect the wounded, and I will return as soon as I go."

His mental power spread, and he found that there were indeed only sporadic worms in the first-level passage, but there were many worms lying on the ground in the second-layer passage, seeming to be resting.

Passing through the first layer of passage, here is like an ordinary mining passage, with miner's lamps installed, and the ground is full of gravel and mining waste materials.

When walking into the second-level channel, the dark green and bright red blood stains that are drenched in the eye, covering the entire steel channel, the lights are shining, and it looks a bit oozing.

It's normal for this kind of scene to appear here. After all, this place has been attacked by insects, but this kind of scene should appear in the wizarding world.

It was like an experiment where a certain wizard failed. 32 Novel Network

He walked along the direction of the second-level passage, first, he wanted to support Luna and the others, and second, he wanted to see what was at the end of the passage.

After Li Luo walked more than 20 meters, he saw that the core disciples began to fight with the hunters, and the scene was still a one-sided massacre.

Li Luo continued on in the other direction, passing through the blood-stained passage, and gradually came to a steel gate.

He walked a few steps forward again, spreading his mental power, passing through the steel gate, and saw a huge space.

The reason why it is huge is that there are five rows of ten sets of biological warehouses in this space, and the creatures in these biological warehouses are not human beings.

Through his mental power, Li Luo perceives that there are only ‘Insect King’s in the biological warehouse!

In this room alone, there are fifty sets of insect king biological warehouses, of which most of the biological warehouses are empty, and in the remaining biological warehouses, the insect kings in the high-level gene stock solution are floating.

Seeing this, Li Luo looked cold.

These insect kings are plugged into various thin or thick connecting lines, and some data is displayed on the screen in front of the biological warehouse.

The anger cannot be stopped, this is Li Luo's mood at this time.

He has been in the Ziyuan Star Territory for so long, and he has deeply felt the threat of the Zerg to humans.

The war has never stopped. Numerous human races and clone human races have sacrificed in exchange for a short peace, but now someone is cultivating the insect king?

He quickly thought of a possibility, that is, are the ‘hunters’, and the weevil, all born by the Zerg queen cultivated here?

This is a very scary question. The offspring of these Zerg queens seem to have more evolutionary potential?

Open the steel door forcefully, continue forward, and walk through this laboratory. At the end of the laboratory, there is a similar steel door.

Passing through the steel gate again, you can see a steel passage. Under the flashing lights, there are human corpses wearing research uniforms. Can you imagine that this is actually a research institute for Zerg queens?

Passing through the passage and entering another empty room, the corpse of a Zerg queen was locked on the operating table, which should be the dissection room here.

There are three passages in the dissection room, one is the steel gate connected to the laboratory, and the other is on the floor of the dissection room. It is a hole. Unlike the steel passage just now, it looks like it was excavated by an insect demon. I don’t know where it leads to. . The last door is on the other side of the dissection room, and I don't know where it leads to.

Temporarily letting go of the impulse to kill those Zerg queens, Li Luo continued to walk along the passage on the other side of the dissection room. What caught his eye was the destroyed experimental facility and the corpses of more researchers.

The entire research institute suddenly turned into a Shura field.

Soon, he walked to the front of a room, and the sign on it read the three characters of the director's room.

Li Luo looked happy~www.readwn.com~ There should be the answer he was looking for.

After walking in, I saw a corpse in a white coat lying on the table, with his arms pointed at the bookshelves against the wall, his eyes staring round, as if staring at him.

Li Luo's eyes followed the direction of his fingers, and he saw the books on the bookshelves neatly arranged. Although they looked like they were chopped off by a jagged sickle, there were still three metal books placed quietly. where to put it.

He walked to the bookshelf and tried to remove the three books, but they were fixed there.

Immediately, Li Luo gently turned the three books, and the bookshelf gradually sank into the ground. After a sound, a metal box emerged.

Li Luo opened the box and saw that it was a memory chip. After putting it in the watch, a group of experimental data appeared before his eyes. After reading the experimental data, he showed a daze on his face.

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