Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 764: reward

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"General Li Luo, our mission is to hunt down powerful insects. This is also the mission of most mercenary teams." Wei Lun said.

Li Luo nodded. These are clone fighters. Not surprisingly, they will die one after another in a few years. It seems that they are earning crystal core points for their main body.

Just when Li Luo was about to leave, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said, "I'll give you a task that will give you a lucrative return. Can you do it? Of course, the risk is basically wiped out."

"Of course, General Li Luo. As you know, we are all clones, with a life span of a few years." Several mercenaries said with joy.

"One hundred thousand crystals per person nod." Li Luo nodded.

"One hundred thousand!" Several people exclaimed.

To clone a avatar would cost them a thousand crystal core points, one hundred thousand crystal core points, and it would almost raise their subject to the seventh-order level!

"You are so generous." Wei Lun took a deep breath and said, "We have taken over the task."

Li Luo nodded and said: "I will try my best to make movement in this area later to attract the worm. You take this grenade, go deep behind the worm and detonate it!"


Wei Lun and others took the anti-matter bomb, put it away carefully, and stood by.

Li Luo released the invisibility technique for them, turned and flew into the air, a purple-red fireball slowly emerged in his hand, and blasted towards the worm base in the distance.


A mushroom cloud rose instantly, destroying a sarcoma building in an instant, and then, dense insects rushed from the insect nest.

Li Luo led these worms and fleeed towards the northwest. After watching the worms chasing away, several soldiers ran towards the worm base.

"It's really amazing. I have long heard that wizards have weird abilities, but now it seems that it's more than that." Wei Lun said in the communication channel.

"Boss, when this mission is over, we should be able to have enough resources for the seventh step, right?" a soldier asked.

"Well. Don't be careless, if nothing happens, this is an anti-matter bomb." Wei Lun reminded.

Several people stopped talking, and carefully passed the base.

But just as they passed through, a group of worms came from all directions under a harsh hiss.

"Cover me!" Wei Lun looked cold and rushed out into an afterimage.

The remaining few people all poured firepower at the insects around Weilun, and there were soldiers holding a TNT bomb and rushed towards the densest place of insects.


There was a loud explosion, and only three soldiers rushed out, counting Wei Lun.

"Run separately!" The two soldiers ran to the lateral sides respectively, and Weilun plunged directly into the bushes and disappeared.

In the dense jungle, Wei Lun walked forward quickly, and soon a soldier rushed up from behind.

"Boss. Lowe died." The soldier panted violently, leaning against an old tree.

Wei Lun's complexion changed, gritted his teeth, and said, "It's okay, anyway, even if it doesn't succeed, General Li Luo will strike Jingcoo!"

"Let's go." Wei Lun immediately turned into a big afterimage, and continued to rush forward.

The soldiers behind him gasped violently for a while, and followed.

Soon, the two rushed all the way, because they were the relationship of the sixth-order powerhouse, the speed was absolutely crushed by ordinary insects, and they quickly passed a distance of more than two hundred kilometers.

But at this moment, there was a neighing in all directions, densely packed, and there were tens of thousands of insects surrounding them.

"Beasts, die!"

Wei Lun's face was sullen, and he opened the switch of the antimatter grenade.


The miniature antimatter grenade burst out with dazzling dark golden light, and a dark golden energy storm swept in all directions. Fiction

Everything, worms, demons, and the buildings of worms in the distance, at this moment, turned into a little ashes and floated away.

Under the sky full of smoke and dust, tornado storms blew up and continued to rush towards a hundred kilometers away. After all the way, many ancient trees were blown down, and then they stopped.

Li Luo was in the high air, his body erratic for a while, and he felt a powerful force coming and swept him out.


After breaking two ancient trees, he slid out several hundred meters before he stopped.

Glancing at the dust in the sky, Li Luo rubbed his aching shoulder and turned into a scared rainbow flying away in the direction of the base.

After Li Luo returned to the base, he transferred the accounts for the main body of Wei Lun and others. After that, he used the remaining crystal core points to purchase some earth vein **** milk and began to retreat.

A little bit of time passed, and the wiped out insects were quickly replaced by other insects, but there is no doubt that those mutated insects gave birth to more competitive warriors.

Soon, almost one-tenth of the insects in the front line began to decline from generation to generation.

In the same way, Li Luo did not forget to continue doing the insect gene virus experiment while in retreat.

The soldiers on the front line hunted down the worms and cut off the tenderloin and carapace, and then all experimented with Li Luo.

In this way, after another ten years, nearly one-third of the mutant worms replaced the original worms, and their decline has reached the extreme, and the combat power of ordinary worms is almost the same.

Li Luo quietly ended today's experiment, collected the gene poison, and walked outside.

He flew up and flew towards the territory of the worm demon.

At this time, this generation of mutant worms, no matter in terms of physical strength or body immunity, can't compare with normal worms, and it can be called old, weak and sick.

Li Luo put the genetic virus on the bodies of several human soldiers killed by the insect demon, and then stood quietly on an ancient tree, waiting incognito.

In a short while, these Terran soldiers were dragged away by the worms and entered the sarcoma building of the worms.

A little bit of time passed, Li Luo was in the cave, hunting down the lone worms and checking the state of their bodies.

About a month later, Li Luo slowly woke up from meditation.

"It's almost done." He stood up slowly, he murmured, and flew away.

Looking at the worms killing each other in the distance, Li Luo looked as usual, holding the necklace in his hand, and began to collect the destructive power around him.

After the worm demon in the entire worm nest was completely dead, he piled the corpses together and began a new round of blood sacrifice.

In this way, after obtaining the first batch of genetic virus mutants, Li Luo stopped continuing to observe and returned directly to the base, waiting quietly.

Three years later.

In the entire planet KF19, all the worms began to fight frantically, and the force of destruction poured into Li Luo's necklace.

In this way, ten years later, after several rounds of decisive battles, a large number of human souls rushed into the depths of the earth and were absorbed by the star souls.

The dark green Insect Demon Star Soul also gradually transformed, turning into a faint white, transforming into the Human Race Star Soul.

On this day, Li Luo was in the void, shooting towards the earth, and soon a pale green star soul flew out.

"Human. Why call me?"

The star soul floats in the air, exuding powerful soul pressure.

Li Luo's face was as usual, and he said, "Fuse, enter my necklace."

"What good is this for me?!" Star Soul said in a low voice ~www.readwn.com~ somewhat displeased.

"What's the benefit? Of course it won't be wiped out by me!" Li Luo's eyes were cold, his hand pointed towards the star soul, a blast of destruction ray shot out, and instantly fell on the star soul.

"Damn it! Stop it. You turned out to be a descendant of the God of Destruction! Ah...stop it, I agree!" The pale green on the Star Soul gradually faded and turned into a milky white ball of light, which sank into Li Luo's necklace.

Feeling the fluctuation of the star soul in the necklace no less than that of the wizarding world, Li Luo's expression was immediately happy.

After working hard in the Ziyuan Galaxy for so long and working for the Ziyuan Great Emperor for so long, he finally achieved his goal.

Yes it is. Li Luo's purpose is very simple. Collect the star souls of various planets to transform the star souls of the wizarding world and make the foundation of the wizarding world more rich and powerful!

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