Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 772: Ling Yunzi

[Renren Novel Network]

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In a private room in a big restaurant in Doom City, Xiao Jin sat cross-legged, looking at the meteorite iron in front of him, and swallowed it in one bite.

After a while, Xiao Jin became drowsy and passed out completely in a coma.

After putting Xiaojin into the royal animal bag, Li Luo also began to retreat.

According to Xiaojin’s inheritance memory, as long as he swallows enough meteorite iron, he will get a talented spell-‘Desperate Spell’

Speaking of this delusion breaking technique, it is a powerful spell to break illusions and dreams. If Xiaojin obtains this talented spell, it will undoubtedly save Li Luo a lot of trouble.


Outside the restaurant, several figures stood here. They were dressed in black robes, headed by an old man, impressively Mo Xuanzong's suzerain.

"Sect Master. This restaurant was officially built by Doom City. Let's go in and arrest people, I'm afraid..." a Demon Xuanzong man said slowly.

"Hmph. Taking our meteorite iron, and wanting to stay here in peace, it's a wishful thinking! Follow me in and kill this bastard! I will explain to Emondo at that time!" Mo Wujin snorted and took the lead. Walked towards the restaurant.


Mo endless kicked open the door, his palm was slightly sunken, and a pitch-black claw grabbed Li Luo.

Li Luo's complexion was as usual, and a silver diamond shield condensed on top of his head. With a bang, the shield shattered, but the dark claws also dissipated.

"There are two sons." Mo Wuxuan's eyes condensed, his eyes narrowed slightly, his whole body blackened, and he rushed towards Li Luo.

Li Luo showed a sneer, and under the blur of his arm, layers of fist shadows arrived instantly, and instantly bombarded Mo endless body up and down.

Each of these punches almost used Li Luo's full strength, and the roar sounded with an ear-piercing sound, which instantly enveloped Mo Infinity.

But Mo Wujin's physical body also seemed to be very strong, and the aura exuding from his body reached the ninth level to the extreme. I saw the black flakes emerging from his body, and he stubbornly picked up the fist shadows.


The entire restaurant immediately shook and broke apart.

Li Luo's face was as usual, floating in the air, quietly looking at the old man not far away.

Mo Wujin's complexion changed, and he didn't expect that Li Luo was also a rank nine powerhouse, and he couldn't help but retreat.

But at this moment, Li Luo's eyes lit up slightly, looking at the mirror faintly emerging from the old man's arms, his expression was delighted.

"Since you are here, please leave the treasure!"

Li Luo instantly turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of the old man. He saw a masterpiece of purple light all over his body, and instantly transformed into a four-meter-high purple-patterned giant. Under the blur of his arm, he hit the old man with a punch.


The violent fist wind smashed the space instantly, and the strong spatial turbulence instantly enveloped the two of them.

Li Luo felt the pain like scraping bones, and quickly stepped back, the old man in front of him still looked unscathed.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie." Mo Wu Xian smiled sternly, and then stepped back. The black light all over his body suddenly mastered, and a wave of tyrannical nightmare power spread towards Li Luo.

The nightmare mist spread quickly, and Li Luo was inevitable, and was instantly enveloped by the mist.

Immediately, he was in a trance before his eyes and found himself suddenly in front of a vast ocean. Just as he was puzzled, the ocean changed for a while, instantly turning into a scarlet color.

A bloody, filthy breath rushed towards him, as if to swallow him.

Mo Wujin looked happy, and watched Li Luo trapped in the illusion. With a flash of his figure, he charged towards Li Luo.

At this moment, a man's low voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

"This little friend, don't wake up soon!"

The sound seemed to pierce the soul, and Li Luo felt a clever, as if he was slapped on the head severely, and the whole person was suddenly awakened.

In front of him, as soon as Mo Wuheng's claws came out, he saw Li Luo's clear eyes, as if there was endless murderous intent, locked himself in.

Mo Wujin's complexion sank, and he was about to fly away, but then his whole body stiffened, and he was confined in place by a burst of cyan energy.

Not far away, an old man with a childlike face showed a cold sweat on his forehead, and his righteous thoughts moved his formula. A bowl-shaped pseudo-immortal device was emitting a dazzling blue light, curled up on Mo Infinite's feet.

Li Luo smiled with joy. Although he didn't know the identity of the old man, he didn't hesitate. He shook his arm hard, and his arm swelled more than three times out of thin air. It turned into a purple puppet and slammed into the inkless head. Come.


There was a muffled sound.

Mo endless head was like a ripe watermelon, torn apart.

Behind Mo Wujin were a group of disciples of Demon Xuanzong. After seeing his head violently die, their complexion changed drastically, and they ran towards the black castle in the distance.

"Let's go to see Master Emendo!"

Although they said that, they ran out of the city.

Mo Li's complexion changed, a layer of cold sweat dripped on his forehead, and his body suddenly stiffened.

"This little friend, can this Mo Li's life be handed over to you? After all, our sect's disciple who died at the hands of this child is no less than three hundred!"

The old man with a childlike look and hair wandered over, but in fact a few flashes appeared beside Mo Li.

I saw a flash of scarlet light in his hand, UU reading www.uukanshu. A talisman in com shot Mo Li instantly.


The old man's movements were very fast, and he didn't give Mo Li time to react. At this moment, a raging flame ignited on Mo Li's body.

After Mo Li's body disappeared, a transparent shadow still had this kind of flame attached to his body, screaming that it was taken into a gourd by the old man.

"So. The Demon Xuanzong that endangered our Cangyuan Continent has survived in name only." The old man seemed to be in a good mood and said with a smile.

Li Luo's eyes condensed, the pressure that the old man put on him was no less than the pressure that Emmento gave him that day, and he was also a ninth-tier powerhouse.

"This fellow Taoist. My name is Li Luo, thank you for helping me deal with these two guys." Li Luo bowed respectfully.

Although the old man is not stronger than him, Li Luo still put aside his face out of respect for his elders.

The old man smiled and nodded, and took out Yin Yang Po Li Boundary from the endless space bag of Mo.

"Under Ling Yunzi, if the little friend doesn't dislike it, please let me do my landlord friendship." After speaking, a light flashed on the mirror in Ling Yunzi's hand, and a spatial wormhole emerged.

Li Luo raised his brows. Although he didn't know why Ling Yunzi invited him to be a guest, he stepped into the space wormhole.

Li Luo only felt a whirl of heaven and earth, and he didn't know how long it took before he woke up faintly.

When he could see the things around him clearly, he came to a jungle of birds and flowers, a few white cranes floated across the sky, and the misty piano sound came from a blue stone house in the distance. In front of the bluestone house, there is a huge lake. The lake is calm, the water is clear, the mountains, the light and the water are integrated, and the whiteness seems to be in a fairyland.

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