Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 774: The queen of ghosts

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As for the actions of these ten people, the surrounding disciples did not stop them.

"Ouyang Ji, do you want to betray me too? You also want to abandon your own fairy path and fall into the magic way!" Ling Yunzi looked at a blue-robed man not far away and asked in a deep voice.

The red flame on his body was surging, setting off amazing heat waves, and it was still burning the chain on his body, but because of the devilish energy, the chain was constantly swallowing the flames that gushed out, leaving the chain unchanged.

Obviously, Ouyang Ji and others are not relaxed. Everyone has a fine layer of sweat on their foreheads, and no one dares to relax a little. The devilish energy on their bodies is pouring into the chains, trying to maintain the erosion of the devilish energy on Ling Yunzi. .

"Ling Yunzi, although we have been able to come out in large numbers these years, we are unable to contend with the magic way. Their upgrade speed is by no means comparable to that of our right ways! We can only rely on heaven, material and earth treasures to improve our strength quickly, and Compared with Demon Dao, it is too far behind. Brothers all want to live forever, but the resources of our world have long been exhausted. Joining Demon Dao is our most correct choice!" Ouyang Ji took a deep breath, righteously speaking. Said.

The corners of Li Luo's mouth twitched slightly. For the first time he heard that someone had demonized himself, and he could still speak so grandly.

"Do you guys think so too?" Ling Yunzi asked, looking at the other disciples who hadn't done anything.

These people bowed their heads after hearing this, and after a while, someone finally raised their heads.

It was a few young men and women, who looked just fifteen or sixteen years old.

"These magic cultivators have incomparable enemies with us. Even if the clones are broken bones, they must fight to the end with the master!" The headed man said firmly with a cyan long sword in his hand.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie." In the distance, the ninth-order magic repair headed by him gave a weird smile, licked the corner of his mouth, and said with a grin: "I haven't eaten the heart of a virgin in a long time. I will definitely pass you this time. Master’s face, swallow your flesh and blood in one bite, and hang your skins in my ghost face flags, so that you will live forever and endure the pain of ghosts and hearts!” Several young girls turned pale and dripped cold sweat on their foreheads. .

"And you, don’t seem to be from this world? Don’t worry, I will let you be with these decent maggots forever, and keep your souls imprisoned in my ghost flags forever!" At this time, the black-robed old man Looking at Li Luo, with a touch of greed on his face, he sneered.

"The good show is over." Li Luo's mouth twitched, revealing a sneer.

But seeing a hideous weapon in his hand instantly appeared, it was a ZSS blocking electromagnetic gun, facing the ten magic repairs that besieged Ling Yunzi in the distance, it was a shocking explosion.

Several young men and women around, there was a warmth in their ears, two streams of blood flowed down from their ears, and the whole person fell towards the sea.

boom! Bang bang! .....

Under a burst of sound, these eighth-order demonic repairs suddenly broke apart like an egg smashed on the ground.

The scene suddenly calmed down. Naturally, the apprentices of Ling Yunzi's brothers and apprentices needless to say. Even the magic disciples who were watching the show were killed by the lightning and flint in front of them, their complexion changed, and they were chilling.

Wenjiu cuts Huaxiong, but that's it, right?

"What kind of fairy tool does this man use?!" The black-robed old man shrank his pupils, revealing a look of fear.

"Kill him for me, he is only one person!" The black robe old man shouted angrily, waved his hand, and the rolling devilish energy swelled away, instantly submerging his figure.

Today, after Li Luo has promoted the knight level to the ninth rank, he can continuously activate the ZSS blocking electromagnetic gun in his hand!

Ling Yunzi, trapped in the chain, had no supply of devilish energy from the chain, and real flames gushed out of his eyes. He suddenly grasped a chain with one hand, and the aura on his body began to rise steadily.

On the palm of his hand, a blazing red golden flame rose up. Accompanied by the howling wind, his hand squeezed hard and the red golden flame suddenly lit up.

A crisp sound of "click"!

The chain seemed to have been burned and lost its spirituality, and it broke apart. Then Ling Yunzi's body aura rose to the extreme, and a more dazzling golden light exploded on the body.

I saw a masterpiece of scarlet golden light on him, and then it turned into a dazzling golden pillar of fire and rose into the sky, and all the chains broke apart in an instant under a crisp sound.

Wherever he passed, golden glows appeared in a somewhat vague void.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light shone in all directions, and the dazzling golden light instantly evaporated a full foot of water on the entire sea surface. The mist rose as if a fairy music played, and when it rose to high altitude, it turned into a golden piece of gold. The water curtain poured down.

As soon as Li Luo flew to Yun Wan's side, he somewhat guessed that the relationship between this woman and Ling Yunzi was unusual.

Ling Yunzi showed a touch of gratitude, then his face became cold, and he looked at the other demon monks.

"Everyone. The catastrophe of the mainland is over now!"

Ling Yunzi's voice fell, the corner of his mouth grinned, and he laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha. Old man You Ming, without that **** Mo endless, how many methods can you have to contend with the deity? Is it to rely on these wastes to become a bargaining chip for your victory!"

While Ling Yunzi laughed wildly, his long hair fluttered, and a blue long sword appeared in his hand.

As soon as Li Luo's pupils shrank, he felt a surge of sword intent sweeping away, pressing towards the distant black cloud.

A weird scene happened, the black cloud rolled and a strange laugh came from inside.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie. This deity has long expected such a day. Ling Yunzi, your hard work for so many years will still be in vain! Look at your subordinates, what is in their eyes!"

Ling Yunzi's heart sank, and he looked at the crowd around him. Except for the apprentices, everyone else had red eyes and seemed to be in madness.

But before he could take any action, these decent masters suddenly had black mist rolling over their bodies, and their flesh and blood quickly dried up, and a wave of black devilish energy surged towards the black-robed old man in the sky.

"You Mingzi!" Ling Yunzi's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted, turning into an afterimage and rushed towards the high sky.

You Mingzi sneered, and took a photo with his hand toward the other Demon Dao disciples. Suddenly, these Demon Dao disciples also followed in the footsteps of these decent disciples, their bodies quickly dried up and fell from midair.

Ling Yunzi's figure rushing into the air suddenly stagnated, his complexion changed.

Li Luo frowned slightly, and the black robe elder in front of him had an incredible level of devilish energy, and he was faintly breaking through a certain limit~www.readwn.com~ not good. It's the Blood Ghost Mother Sutra! You have cultivated such a vicious exercise! "Ling Yunzi's complexion was cold, and his face darkened.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't know how evil this technique was, he still raised the electromagnetic gun in his hand, and shot the You Mingzi in front of him.


Under the blast of the sky, the devilish energy on You Mingzi's body was rolling, and he actually blocked all the electromagnetic guns of the ZSS blocking electromagnetic gun.

Li Luo's expression changed, touching the red barrel, and putting away the gun with a gloomy expression.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie! Die!"

You Mingzi's face was grinning, the black light flashed in his hand, and a huge black claw grabbed Ling Yunzi.

Yun Wan's complexion changed, without any hesitation, turning into an afterimage and falling in front of Ling Yunzi. The shadow of the snow lotus that was called out rose to hundreds of feet high, protecting her and Ling Yunzi in the center.


With a loud noise, the snow lotus shattered and turned into hundreds of snow-colored winds blasting in all directions.

Ling Yunzi and Yun Wan flew directly upside down, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths.

The surrounding demon cultivators were directly cut off by Gang Feng's heads, cut off their bodies, and flew away wailingly towards the distance.

The entire surface of the sea was filled with bright red blood, which was then washed away by the waves.

Seeing this, Li Luo's complexion sank, and his entire body was full of purple light, instantly transforming into a purple-gold giant, rushing towards You Mingzi in the sky.


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