Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 781: Butchering chickens and dogs

[Renren Novel Network]

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"You hairy boy, don't be too happy!" The crocodile monster's expression changed, and a fierce expression flashed on his face.

The snake essence narrowed his eyes, the snake letter hissed out, and a wish came out of his hand. Under the blow, the ground where the gourd Xiaojingang was located split immediately, and then fell down.

"Eighteen layers of hell, see how you survived!" The fatigue on the snake spirit's face was even more obvious, turned and lay on a bed, and fell asleep.

Li Luo retracted his gaze, at this moment, he had already lost his figure again, and walked out in another direction.

Waiting quietly in front of a cave entrance, Li Luo thought deeply.

According to his back hand, Gourd Little King Kong will not accidentally encounter the biological weapon he made earlier, Sister Butterfly. After Sister Butterfly was killed by the snake spirit, Little King Kong would not accidentally go straight away.

After thinking about it in place, Li Luo walked directly along the entrance of the cave and walked towards the depths of the earth step by step.

About a week later, Li Luo finally found the deputy commander of Toad in the fifth hell.

"How are things going?" Li Luo asked calmly.

The deputy commander of Toad stood respectfully next to Li Luo and said, "Little King Kong and Sister Butterfly were imprisoned in thirteen levels of hell. According to your instructions, I rescued them. It's just..."

"It's just Sister Butterfly died, right?" Li Luo nodded and said.

Toad's deputy commander's complexion changed, and his body could not help but tremble. "You have counted this too?"

Li Luo gave a hum and ordered: "Bring sister Butterfly's body."

"Okay." The deputy commander of Toad clapped his hands, and soon, a beautiful woman was carried over by several mouse monsters.

Li Luo's complexion was as usual, and the golden light in his hands was surging, rolling towards sister Butterfly's heart. Feeling the only vitality in the heart of Sister Butterfly, he took out the corpses of the monsters one by one, and took out the flesh and blood tissue.

Soon, a bloodline witch formation began to operate, and the bodies of Sister Butterfly and Beasts quickly melted, and under a series of blood runes, a brand-new replica of Sister Butterfly was born.

Into a spiritual imprint at will, using the mechanical heart in the chest. Infused some memories into this replica, and sister Butterfly's eyes gradually became more agile.

With his spiritual imprint, Li Luo easily enslaved the butterfly sister in front of him.

After Li Luo put the butterfly sister into the imperial beast bag, he walked out of the cave and waited quietly. After waiting for a full week, the cave was smashed open by Xiao Jingang under a blast.

"Fairy! I want you to die!"

The anger on Gourd Little King Kong's face has been raised to the extreme, turning into a ghost and rushing towards the snake spirit and the crocodile spirit.

Snake essence and crocodile essence are catalyzed biological weapons. Now their latent energy is exhausted, and the lamp is exhausted, and the gourd baby soon beheaded.

Little King Gourd was in a daze for a while, and walked out to the outside swayingly.

Li Luo's complexion was as usual, and the mandala shot out in his hand, instantly covering the two 9th-order demon heads.

Soon, the mandala's breath began to rise steadily, and within a short while, it broke through the limit, reached the level of the eighth level, and even began to evolve rapidly toward the ninth level.

Soon, the mandala's aura reached the level of the eighth peak, and stopped.

Li Luo collected the mandala, turned around and left the cave, flew away towards the direction where Little King Gourd had disappeared.

So, three months later.

Little King Kong finally began to undergo a certain change, and his whole person became sluggish, and gradually fainted beside an ancient tree.

After a while, the Rota clan's interstellar spacecraft flew over.

A few Rota soldiers walked out of the hatch, erected Gourd King Kong, and returned to the spaceship.

After Li Luo followed a few soldiers into the spacecraft, he followed them to the main control room.

Kokier looked ecstatic and came to Xiaojingang Gourd, took a test tube of blood with a syringe, and began to analyze it in front of Guangnao.

So, three days later.

Kokier's eyes grew sharper, his eyes became scorching hot.

I saw that he was about to cut the gourd on top of Gourd Xiaojingang's head with a laser scalpel, and the expression on his face was extremely excited at this moment.

Koki's face flushed, and the scalpel in his hand was about to be cut off, but his body was taken, and the expression on his face was weird.

The gourd Xiaojingang in front of him actually sat up, his eyes bursting with a golden light, and when he swept it, Li Luo's figure was illuminated. "Kill him!" Coki's face was grimaceous, his eyes full of endless greed when he looked at Li Luo.

A **** glow appeared in Xiaojingang's eyes. After he stood up, he shook for a while, and the hostility on his face rose into the sky like a red sun.

Li Luo's face was as usual, gradually turning into the appearance of an old grandfather, and when he slapped the space bag, the figure of Sister Butterfly also appeared.

After seeing the two familiar figures, Gourd Little King Kong suddenly stiffened his unconscious body, and his movements stopped there.

"Child. Don't you know us?" Li Luo smiled with a kind face.

"Brother Xiaojingang. Did you agree to stay with me for life?" Sister Butterfly smiled softly and blinked at Xiaojingang.

Suddenly, the hostility of Gourd Little King Kong gradually disappeared, with a pair of clear eyes, his gaze swept towards Li Luo and Sister Butterfly.

"Grandpa. Sister Butterfly. Little King Kong had a terrible nightmare, killing and killing all the time. I'm so uncomfortable!" Little King Kong rubbed his eyes~www.readwn.com~ Tears flowed down.

Koki's expression changed, and he was about to run to the exit of the main control room, but was stopped by Li Luo.

"Your Excellency, I'm leaving now, don't you think it's too late?!" Li Luo's eyes flashed with cold light, his arm blurred, and he passed in front of Cokier.

Soon, Kokier's body shrivelled, and the mandala swayed, as if he enjoyed the Rota's corpse very much.

At this time, a sirens sounded from the spacecraft, and a group of Rota warriors in black armor burst in from outside.

"Doctor!" A Rota soldier looked startled, his gaze swept towards Li Luo, and the electromagnetic gun in his hand instantly locked Li Luo.

At this moment, Li Luo's heart beat instinctively, turning into an afterimage and disappearing.

"Do you dare to kill my grandfather!" Gourd Xiaojingang's expression was sullen, and he rushed towards dozens of soldiers.

The plant life of Tier Nine, in terms of omnipotence, even if the Mandala has advanced to Tier Nine, it is definitely not King Kong's opponent.

Soon, the surrounding Rota soldiers were slaughtered by Little King Kong, and an excited look came out from the mandala, and the surrounding Rota soldiers quickly turned into corpses.

Li Luo swept the spacecraft again, and after confirming that the Rota was dead, he kept operating in front of Guangnao.

About a week later.

Li Luo just went back to the room somewhat collapsed.

Rota's technology is really extraordinary. This is his most intuitive judgment. Deciphering the optical brain of this spacecraft is almost endless for six days and six nights.

In this way, after a week of rest, Li Luo asked Guang Brain to export the real experimental data of King Kong.

Looking at the group of data in front of him, Li Luo's eyes gradually became shocked, even frightened.

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