Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 784: Calculated

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A heavy footstep came from the front.

Under the gaze of many avatars, a group of men in black military uniforms walked out and slowly walked towards Li Luo.

These Rotas are tall and upright, although their appearance is not flattering, but they are full of power and temperament. They are the official army of the Rotas on this planet.

In the army, a Rota tribe was standing there quietly, his name was Stan, the leader of this army.

The giant that Li Luo had transformed looked at Stan and stood there quietly, without saying much.

"Is this your cloned army?" Stein asked.

"Of course. General Stan." Yang Shang said with a respectful expression on his face.

Stein nodded, "Very well, come with us." After speaking, he led the army in one direction.

Li Luo and Yang Shang glanced at each other and couldn't help asking: "Excuse me, General, where should you take us?"

"Come with us to the military to do some experiments and extract a little stem cell from your clones for research." Steiner said.

"Sorry. General, our army hasn't improved its strength yet. If you experiment, let's wait until they all reach Tier 7 before doing it." Li Luo bent over pretentiously and said,

"Don't forget your identities, just a group of black house interstellar mercenaries! We have the right to recruit you!" Stan's expression changed and he shouted angrily.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer: "I know that when appropriate, I will go to the military department, but before that, we still have to improve our strength, which is more reliable! After all, the gourd people on this planet There are many more. If all other mercenaries are hunted and killed, our army will lose its motivation to advance!"

Yang Shang nodded and said in agreement: "I am a member of the planet, and I have the right to reject your proposal, General Stan."

Stan's expression was sullen, looking at the tall Li Luo in front of him, he finally gave up doing it.

Li Luo and others took a deep look at Stan, then returned to the research institute with the clone army.

"Continue to clone a team of 10,000 people."

Li Luo pointed his finger at the table, thought about it, and said.

"it is good."


Stanel led the people back to the military with a gloomy expression, his expression a little ugly.

"General Stan." A brown-skinned, fat alien looked at Stan and said, "Are those humans unwilling to cooperate?"

"Yes. Mr. Perney," Stein replied respectfully.

Perni nodded and said: "Unsurprisingly, these two guys will clone more copies in the next step. I believe it will not be long before this planet will be the world of these two people."

Stan's expression changed when he hesitated, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Master Perney. Your proposal...I accept it!"

Perney nodded appreciatively and smiled: "That's right, Stan, go...go to release these viruses and let the gourd people die."

"Also, remember, this planet is already owned by our Ram people."

There was no expression on Perney's plump face, he just said so indifferently, and handed a box to Stanell.

Stein carried the box and walked towards the conference room.

They didn't notice that a golden beetle quickly turned into a streamer and flew away from under the table.

In front of a piece of city ruins, Stan carrying a suitcase, step by step.

"You did something on us?"

Quietly walked to the ruins and looked at Li Luo and Yang Shang. Stein frowned and asked, "When will the bug on me be pushed?"

"It was the first time we met, but it was not a bug, but some other means." With a smile on Yang Shang's face, he looked at Stan in front of him as if he had seen an old friend: "The wizard The pets of the world are difficult for ordinary people to detect."

Hearing what he said, Stein nodded indifferently, then turned around and looked at Li Luo.

"It's really surprising." Looking at Stan in front of him, the expression on Li Luo's face was still calm: "I didn't expect you to cooperate with other aliens. The purpose is to live long, or to say, to live long. Get a higher status?"

"There are fewer and fewer gourd babies. What can you get if you cooperate with that Ram?"

"Then don't bother you." Stanel looked coldly: "Get out of here, I can let you go."

"Hand over the suitcase." Next to him, the smile on Yang Shang's face remained unchanged: "As the Ram said, our purpose is this entire planet."

"I can assure you that as long as you hand over the genetic virus in the suitcase, I will let you leave safely, and even give you a lot of gourd seeds to help you gain stronger strength and a longer lifespan. At that time, Your position on this planet is still noble, still an upper-class nobleman."

"You don't have to worry about the safety of other Rota people." Yang Shang continued, his low voice seemed to contain magnetism, and he couldn't help being infected by him: "What we want is always to become stronger. Wait until we get enough strength. After that, this planet will eventually have to be taken care of by someone else, and this person, you Stan, couldn't be more suitable."

Listening to Yang Shang's advice, Li Luo couldn't help but slander. He was an old liar!

Yang Shang's words seemed to dissolve Stan's resistance and asked him to hand over the suitcase.

Facing the persuasion of this super spy, Yang Shang, even if he was as firm as Stanell, his face couldn't help but become a little hesitant. Looking at the suitcase in front of him, the expression on his face was a little uncertain.

Looking at him, neither Li Luo nor Yang Shang said anything at this time, as if they were waiting for him to make a quiet choice.

Roar! !

A violent roar suddenly erupted from a distance, resounding through the entire Deco City in an instant, attracting everyone's attention.

"Could it be that besides the gourd people, there are other high-level lives coming?"

Stan's complexion changed and his face sank.

Roar! !

The voice fell, and a louder roar erupted.

Compared with the previous beast roars, this roar is obviously more powerful. It contains endless desire to kill and devour, and strong emotions of horror. It is like an abyssal demon, which makes Stan's heart at this moment. Jumping, a trance in front of my eyes, the scenery in my eyes shook violently~www.readwn.com~Boom! !

A majestic aura rushed from the distant sky and rushed directly to the sky. For a time, a huge figure knocked down a building, revealing the appearance of a hideous child, making the hearts of the three people at this moment tremble. .

"How is this power possible?"

Looking at the huge child in the distance, Yang Shang's face instantly became horrified: "Tier Nine!!!"

"I shouldn't be able to cultivate the Fa-Shaping!" Next to him, Li Luo had a dignified face, but he said: "However, even if there is no Fa-Shaping, I am afraid that the strength is much stronger than the ordinary Tier 9 powerhouse!"

Boom! !

The earth began to churn again. Above the sky, a little bit of golden sunlight shining on, the huge figure looked like a world-destroying demon god, looking at Li Luo indifferently.

In the void, at this moment, bits and pieces of element particles are boiling, and there is endless energy surging on them, and the void begins to twist.

This strange and terrifying scene attracted the attention of all three of them.

There, the wicked child grinned at the three of Li Luo, revealing a pair of sharp teeth with the slightest bit of flesh and blood, and walked toward the three of them with heavy steps. come.

At this moment, Stein no longer hesitated, and quickly opened the box.

A tube of medicine was presented in front of the three of them. Li Luo looked at the medicine in front of him, his pupils shrank, and his complexion changed when he felt the power of the necromancer emanating from the medicine.

At this time, the loud police sirens suddenly sounded, and spaceships flew over here.

"Stan, we are the Galaxy Patrol. You and two human races are spreading genetic viruses in this world. Now the evidence is solid and you can plead guilty!?"

Listening to the words of these galaxy patrols, Li Luo's complexion changed drastically, and his mind became tense at this moment.

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