Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 793: trek

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A quarter of an hour later, Li Luo slowly retracted his arm. In front of him, Diss had died of anger.

"Very well, this time we were lucky to meet a core member of the Shadow Serpent."

Li Luo glanced around and waved to the little boy in the distance.

The little boy walked over carefully, and Li Luo handed him a badge.

"Go. Take this badge to the Wizarding League. The wizard of the Snake of Shadow hides in the death swamp southeast of the desolate ancient forest."

The little boy took the badge, hesitated, and asked, "Sir, can you let me know your name? In the future, if I have a chance, I must repay you."

Li Luo shook his head and winked at Dani beside him. The two immediately turned into two jets of black light and disappeared into the sky.

After flying for an hour, the two had to stop in front of a forest.

Although the trees in front of them were only less than a hundred years old, they were hovering in the sky with powerful pterosaurs, which forced them to drive on land.

"Brother Luoning. Are you here to help us this time?" Dany couldn't help but ask, walking in the forest.

Li Luo shook his head and said, "No. He will not come. We will join this organization. Use your bloodline power to make them mistakenly believe that we have cultivated the mind of Purgatory."

Dani nodded in excitement, and said, "Are you a ghost?"

"Not bad." Li Luo chuckled and nodded.

After walking only tens of kilometers, Li Luo's brows were slightly furrowed, and he looked into the distance, where a tall figure was walking towards the two of them step by step. It was a high-level Tyrannosaurus rex!

"Huh? It turned out to be a Tier 7 Yalong." Li Luo looked at the stalwart figure running step by step in front of him, his complexion changed slightly, and he said to Dani: "The void mirages this meditation. It devours the blood of creatures, but it is not as overbearing as the heart of purgatory to digest. Today this Yalong cannot be better."

After speaking, Li Luo roared and turned into a giant covered with purple and black lines, rushing towards the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Although Li Luo is not powerful at the wizard level, the knight level, with the help of a large number of potions, has reached the seventh level.


The Tyrannosaurus roared, the red light surging in its mouth, and a shock wave swept towards Li Luo.

Li Luo's complexion remained unchanged, a layer of diamond armor emerged out of thin air, and with a bang, he resisted the shock wave of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. When he stepped on it suddenly, it turned into an afterimage and came to the front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Seeing his hands blurred for a while, layers of fist shadows instantly enveloped the Tyrannosaurus rex.

There was a burst of rain like a loquat, and under the scream of the Tyrannosaurus rex, the fragments of his body were cracked, and the entire dragon body was smashed to the ground.

Before it could make any counterattack, Dany came to it with a few flashes. The black light in his hand suddenly brightened, and a spiral ray instantly submerged into its body.

This behemoth suddenly struggled, and the lintels on his body began to crack inch by inch, and bursts of bright red blood flowed out, and the sound gradually weakened.

Danni was muttering a word, a dark giant snake phantom emerged from the back, biting at the corpse of Tyrannosaurus rex in front of her, and swallowing it in a few mouthfuls.

Immediately afterwards, Dany's face flushed, and the power of the surging blood stunned her into a coma.

Li Luo placed Danni in a cave and waited quietly.

It was only a week later that Dany woke up leisurely. The two set out again on the journey to find the snake's lair of the shadow.

After experiencing the Tyrannosaurus rex attack, Li Luo naturally didn't want to go on the road alone anymore. He and Dany waited quietly in the forest. On the only way to the death swamp, they waited a full month before they came. Caravan.

"You two want to join us?" The leader of the caravan was a middle-aged man, exuding the spirit of a formal wizard, and asked.

"Of course." Li Luo and Danni glanced at each other, according to the agreement, they controlled their breath to the fifth step and spread them.

"Although the strength is not weak, it is only so." The middle-aged man shrugged and said: "Ten high-level magic stones, only responsible for sending them but not receiving them."

"Deal." Li Luo nodded and handed ten high-level magic stones to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded, smiled mysteriously, and said: "Welcome you, friends. My name is Harder, and I am the leader of this time. Don't think I'm just a first-order wizard, but when it comes to exploring the New World, few people compare I have explored deeply!"

Li Luo became interested when he heard the words, and said, "I would like to hear the details."

"Hey, this desolate ancient forest is nothing, but the deeper you go, the more weird and strange the abilities of the monsters you encounter. A powerful creature like Yalong will encounter a few waves, but you can rest assured, my guard , They are all titled knights, all have reached the seventh rank!"

"The most troublesome thing is to encounter the harpy. These creatures have very powerful charm rules. Every time they pass by the Eagle Mountain Range where they live, they will break several title knights in. Tsk tsk..."

"If you fight for strength, my knights will naturally have nothing to say, but these banshees have enchanting rules, and my knights are full of energy. It is inevitable that they can't control themselves and get lost in the mountains."

"The most dangerous place is the Death Swamp. There is a creature called the Swamp Venomous Bee inhabiting here. Their individual strength has only reached the first level, but they are grouped together, even if a high-level wizard encounters it. Went around and left."

"When these poisonous bees die, they will expose their bodies and turn into a pool of poisonous mist that will cover the surrounding area. If the dense poisonous bees are killed, they will turn into dense poisonous mist. That effect... ."

Listening to the words of the middle-aged wizard ~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo could not help but nod. With him and Dani, he was not afraid of these two dangers.

"However, you can rest assured that as long as these two difficulties are passed safely, the value of the high-level creatures in the death swamp is also unimaginable for the two."

"For example, the skin of an ancient chameleon is the best material for refining high-level invisibility cloaks. The most exciting thing is the subspecies of the son of Purgatory, the Serpent of Mordor, used to refine the blood of the son of Purgatory. That's great!"

"Finally..." At this point, the middle-aged wizard became mysterious and approached their ears.

"I heard... in the depths of the death swamp, there is a divine beast. I don't know what it is. I only know that a Tier 8 wizard once went to search for it, but he escaped back griefly."

Listening to the introduction of the middle-aged man, Li Luo also had a general judgment.

On the next journey, the two used some tricks slightly, and the team easily passed through the Fallen Eagle Mountain Range, and gradually came to a moist swamp.

Seeing the green poisonous fog spreading in the distant swamp, Li Luo frowned slightly.

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