Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 799: 6th dimension

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   The main star of the Yuri galaxy.

   In the president's room, Slerda stood in front of President Tolson.

   "That's the way it is. The two space patrol officers are probably helping us clean up the monsters in the undead galaxy at this time."

  Torson nodded when he heard the words, and smiled: "Very well, you did a good job this time. But that document does not exist. Do you want to deal with the anger of the two of them not getting the document?"

   Slerda hurriedly bowed and said, "Relax, Lord President. I have reliable information. As long as this Li Luo launches an attack on the planet of the undead, he can get very big benefits, but we don't know what the benefits are."

   "Oh. That's the case, then I'm relieved." Tonyson smiled, stood up, and picked up a wine glass: "Come on, let's toast to our Rams to open up the ground in other galaxies!"


   The two smiled at each other, and laughed loudly.


   end-time galaxy

   on a deserted planet full of monsters.

   Li Luo and Yang Shang stood on the corpses of 100,000 zombie monsters, breathing slightly.

   From these corpses, vines shot out, and quickly climbed to the walls of the ruins, forming huge gourds.


   The gourd burst, and a gourd baby jumped out of it. The gourd above his head shot out countless vines, deeply inserted into these dead bodies.

   Immediately afterwards, one by one gourd fried, thousands of gourd babies popped out of it and began to absorb the flesh and blood of the surrounding zombies.

   Li Luo and Yang Shang looked at each other, slowly flew up and flew towards the floating city high in the sky.

   "Hey, do we really not find the files mentioned by the Ram people?" After entering the main control room, Yang Yang couldn't help but ask.

   "Aren't we looking for it all the time?" Li Luo smiled and said deeply.

   Yang Shang seemed to understand something, showing a look of stunned expression.

   Time passed a little bit.

  Because the intelligence is much higher than that of zombies, the gourd baby army quickly cannibalized the zombies in this city and spread to the surrounding city ruins.

   In just over ten years, the war between the gourd baby and the zombies on this plane has entered a fever pitch.

   Suspended quietly in the void, feeling the turbulent negative emotions in the void, Li Luo's face was solemn. The star soul energy in the necklace on his chest was already saturated. Now he is trying to destroy the messy power of destruction inside, trying to absorb and improve his own strength.

  According to Li Luo's plan, he will return to the wizarding world only after this plane is liberated. During this period, the saturated star soul origin is planned to be completely destroyed and absorbed.

   Gradually, Li Luo was enveloped in a purple-black energy, and the destructive power in his body began to vibrate, purifying and destroying the destructive power in the star soul.

   Time passed a little bit.

   In a blink of an eye, another fifteen years have passed.

   The whole planet has undergone earth-shaking changes.

   Calabash Baby did not know if it was the influence of the zombie virus, but evolution occurred. Some individuals not only possessed wisdom, but also evolved genetic locks on their own, gradually becoming normal, and regaining their closeness to Li Luo.

   "Grandpa. Grandpa!"

   fell in the ruins of the city, one by one gourd children came around, shouting at Li Luo.

   Looking at the gourd baby who had recovered his sanity in front of him, Li Luo's expression was slightly moved, and his arms kept trembling.

   After a while, he took out some blood in the gourd baby, returned to the spacecraft, and started research.

   So, after staying on this plane for another three years, Li Luo left here in relief.

   These gourd babies seem to have successfully resisted the zombie virus and evolved. After evolving to a certain level, the next generation of gourd babies have evolved genetic locks, and they also have strong evolutionary potential.

   Looking at the pale green blood in front of him, Li Luo thought deeply, thinking about some other things.

   First of all, if these evolved gourd babies are used properly, Li Luo can establish a human base on this planet and create clones one by one.

  Secondly, after the clone was created, the base was rapidly expanded. After a period of time, the entire planet fell into the hands of the human race.

  Finally, after taking this galaxy and saving Li Luo from the end of the world, he will get a high merit value from the Space Patrol!

   In this case, it's amazing. The most indispensable thing for the Space Patrol is resources. In the merit redemption list in the watch, there is a fetish of Nine Turns Returning the Corpse Grass!

  He first returned to the wizarding world and gave all the origins of the star soul to Ainos, and then returned directly to the Ziyuan galaxy, and reported the affairs of the apocalyptic galaxy to the Ziyuan Great Emperor.

After giving the evolved gourd seeds to Emperor Ziyuan, Emperor Ziyuan configured thousands of spaceships for Li Luo. Li Luo's clone army entered these thousands of spaceships and traveled towards the thousands of life planets in the apocalyptic galaxy. Away.

   In the apocalyptic galaxy, the war between the gourd baby and the zombies lasted for a hundred years. On this day, thousands of apocalyptic planets were liberated almost simultaneously.

But unfortunately, there are only a few human bases on each planet. Because there are no creatures like insects, they cannot produce secondary gene stocks, and they cannot cultivate enough clones. Therefore, the construction of the bases has to be done. Stalled.

   However, at this time, Li Luo, with the help of the abundant Star Soul Origin, had already reached the peak of Tier Nine.

   This is still the result of his deliberate delay. According to his plan, the activity of the cells in the body has also been improved under painful gravity training.

  Because there are so many planets that can be harvested, Li Luo was promoted in confusion in the end.

   On this day, he drove the spaceship to the Space Patrol headquarters and found Seaman.

   "You said you want to return the corpse grass in the ninth turn?" Seaman looked at Li Luo, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

   Seaman took a breath: "The peak of Tier Nine! How did you kid do it!"

   "Every time I save a doomsday~www.readwn.com~, I can absorb the original energy of this planet once." Li Luo said with blinking eyes.

   "Is that so..."

Seaman sighed slightly and said: "This kind of **** is not in stock, but you can get the qualification to go to the gods and evil worlds by virtue of this feat of saving the galaxy. By the way, the distance to the gods and evil worlds is opened. There will be a hundred years. At that time, you can bring your people here to report."

   "By the way, you can only bring three people at most!"

   Li Luo nodded and said goodbye to Seaman.

  So, he has been traveling back and forth between the wizarding world and the apocalyptic galaxy in this hundred years. Gradually, with the help of many powerful star soul origins, the foundation of the wizarding world has begun to undergo earth-shaking changes.

   On this day, the time and space of the wizarding world began to twist, and the whole world began to vibrate violently, and towering energy tentacles shot out toward the meteorite group in the galaxy.

   Soon, the huge meteorite was dragged into the wizarding world by the tentacles of the star soul, and the wizarding world began to grow larger. At the same time, three planets around the wizarding world's solar system were pulled over, and were torn apart in the drag.

   The turbulent meteorite group continuously smashed into the ocean and turned into land, and huge ice blocks continued to fall and turned into gurgling sea water, like someone playing a mysterious sound nine days away, a sense of ethereal wonderland, rapidly fermenting at this moment.

   With a burst of Sanskrit sounds, Li Luo felt that the surrounding heaven and earth elements were suddenly mentioned, and the wizarding world finally upgraded to the sixth dimension at this moment!

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