Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Coming to the world of gods (1)

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   Abyssal World.

On a barren land, densely densely packed Abyssal Demon Kings have sacrificed a million high-level calamity beasts around an altar. A deep portal has opened a crack, growing bigger and deeper. Through to the unknown void.

   There are not only the Abyssal Demon King, but even the Demon King like Diablo is standing here, temporarily forming an alliance with the Demon Clan.

   Among the many demon kings, there are the Demon King and several super-powerful demons second only to the Demon King, and next to them are some undead powerhouses!

   "Hmph! If we give us more time to the dark forces, we will surely calm the wizarding world!"

  Several undead strong said sorrowfully, unwilling to regret it.

   "The wizarding world has risen, and the strength of the star soul is comparable to our abyss world, otherwise, you would not be willing to gather here."

   An Abyssal Demon King said unceremoniously. At this level, he knew exactly what happened in the wizarding world.

   First from the strongest of the abyss world, then the strongest of the nearby natural disaster world, and finally the demon kings and natural disaster kings of other galaxies also poured into the abyss world and came to this barren land.

   Even an upgraded wizarding world can hardly carry so many lives. This is the strongest demon in the galaxy of the entire universe!

   Under the agitation of rules and laws, some space cracks will appear from time to time, but for so many dark creatures gathered, it is not worth mentioning.

   "A total of more than fifteen thousand and six hundred demon-level powerhouses."

   A tall black lin figure said so, a dark flame ignited on his body, and when he looked closely, it was more like pure black light.

   Next to the one-horned demon king, the one-horned head trembled slightly, turned his head and stared at it, full of shock, and said in a low voice: "You have actually understood the flames of the **** of extinction!"

The abyssal demon king then absorbed the extinguishing flames on his body, and a ghost of the gods and demons appeared on his body, faintly said: "Huh, our galaxy is in a battle with a mage galaxy, and even their star souls have been refined. , Unlike the demons of a certain galaxy, let those **** humans elevate their world to the heights of the gods!"


   The one-horned abyss demon lowered his head slightly without expressing any dissatisfaction.

   "Well, let's focus on injecting energy. The portal of the gods is about to be opened."

   Diablo is standing in the center of the altar at this moment. Many demon kings, the strongest demon kings of hundreds of galaxies, continue to sacrifice low-level demons and undead from other worlds, and illusory passages are running through the gods.

The demon legions of all planes are centered on these demon kings. With a single order, endless demons and undead will rush into the world of gods and act as the most primitive cannon fodder, rushing to a **** and help the devil king. Complete the transformation with the king of natural disasters.

   looked away from Diablo, the unicorn looked up.

"Those technologically advanced worlds will arrive at the God’s Ninja Realm ahead of time. We will pass through the God’s Ninja Realm’s portal. In the space channel, we will encounter the alienated exiles who have been stranded in the God’s Evil Realm. To become a god’s puppet, you need to slaughter them all."

   In front of this multi-million-meter-long spatial passage, the Unicorn Demon King seemed to be saying something insignificant.

"The unicorn is right. This time, we sacrificed half of the galaxy's demons and evil beasts. I believe we will soon enter the gods and evil worlds. The sooner we reach the gods and evil worlds, the more opportunities we have. Our demon is born with a strong blood. As long as we swallow a god, it will not be difficult to advance to the tenth level." Diablo nodded and said hoarsely.


A demon king with a pig or beast body said coldly: "Now you are the leader. Just say what you need me to do. It's irritating to be circumscribed! I hope that when we reach the realm of the gods, what is waiting for us is not the endless army of gods. it is good."

   As he said, the demon king with a pig-headed human body stopped saying much, standing with his head high, staring at the portal.

  Many demon kings are also nervous, ready to go, only waiting for the demon kings to give an order.

   More and more creatures were offering sacrifices. Suddenly, the tens of thousands of demon kings around the altar looked happy. Diablo seemed to perceive something and shouted in a low voice: "The portal is opened!"

   Accompanied by Diablo's low drink and a "hum" sound, the portal that was originally several million meters suddenly expanded rapidly, as if receiving an order, and the many demon kings who had been waiting for a long time in front of the portal roared.



   God's evil world, in the dim and misty fog.

   carefully feeling the breath of the abyss coming from a distance, Li Luo's expression was slightly startled.

   Needless to say, the abyssal world, but what is going on with the atmosphere of other abyssal demons in it? Among them, the powerful demons do not know where they are. Although the remote portals have not been fully opened, Li Luo couldn't help worrying in his heart. Will these demons usher in destruction or transformation?

   "Hmm. But what is the meaning of victory and defeat, since you are here, don't even think about going back." Li Luo sneered at the corner of his mouth, his mind moved, and the surrounding gourd children disappeared into the universe in an instant.

   temporarily put down the idea of ​​closing the huge portal in the distance, Li Luo took a few people and fled to the distance.

   They gave up this continent directly, or is it better to say that an island is more suitable? They flew all the way to a relatively huge ‘island’, and continued to hunt down gods, picking magic grass and gods, and enhancing Li Luo’s physical strength. At the same time, let the spacecraft intelligently monitor the demons, as long as they leave the portal, Li Luo will definitely go and destroy the portal without hesitation, and let these demons stay in this gods and evil world forever!


   With a wave of time and space, Li Luo, who was waiting patiently in the distance, stared at him instantly~www.readwn.com~ His eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of space and landed in front of the huge gap in space.

   That is a huge elemental body, it seems that it should come from the elemental plane.

The flame-bearing body is not a pure element, but is similar to a third-order elemental wizard, becoming a half-cell and half-element creature. Its surface appearance looks like a huge fire element with a volume of more than 100 meters. It also has an orange warhammer and a magma-like skin, but in Li Luo's induction, the activity of each of its cells is extremely powerful, comparable to a Tier 10 powerhouse!

   For this kind of super energy body creature, even if Li Luo meets alone, it is a bit tricky.

   But shortly afterwards, the situation that stunned Li Luo appeared.

   I saw this extremely tall elemental creature, turned into a size of two meters under a burst of red light, and the flames on his body were all dispersed, and his body was squirming. Both his breath and appearance were as good as ordinary gods!


   Li Luo suddenly thought of some incredible possibilities!

   "Each cell is highly elemental, and it can even temporarily change the cell structure in the body. Isn't it easy for such elemental creatures to turn into gods and mix into the swamp, and get Rank Nine Returning Corpse Grass?"

   After a pause, Li Luo sighed: "This is the greatness of the vast universe, a powerful and mysterious civilization, and a civilization that evolves toward the mysterious side! Praise the universe and make our world colorful!"

   is so mysterious, this trip to the gods and evil world is somewhat interesting.

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