Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Chase and escape

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   Opposite is a group of robots with powerful tracking ability, Li Luo directly escaped from Seaman.

   "You can't escape!" The voice was not far behind Li Luo. A metal robot was extremely fast. If it weren't for the surrounding environment, it would have caught up with Li Luo long ago.

   But despite this, the robot also locked Li Luo and transmitted the information to the spaceship far away.

   Since Li Luo is wearing exoskeleton armor, the MMA blocking electromagnetic gun in his hand is already the most powerful firearm in the interstellar. In terms of strength, he is no longer afraid of the robot behind him.

   There is only one goal, and Li Luo must quickly solve it.

   Li Luo is running, and there is an open area in front of him, which is suitable for him to shoot freely. The footsteps of the super robot can already be heard behind him, and it only takes five breaths from him to catch up.

   The red light spots on Li Luo's faceplate suddenly disappeared, which made his heart sink.

   The figure of the robot flashed and appeared on his side, his arm surging with fluid, and a golden long sword instantly condensed.

   This robot can be liquefied like in the movie!

   Li Luo's face was cold, and he stepped on his feet vigorously, his figure disappeared suddenly, and he opened a distance of thousands of meters with a flash.

   "Stop, humans, I can give you a way out. You can't escape. Our interstellar warship can take off immediately. You have been locked. Hurry up and put down your weapons!" The liquid metal robot yelled while accelerating.

   After Li Luo pulled the distance away, he blocked the electromagnetic gun in his hand to lock the robot instantly, and suddenly shot out.


   With a loud explosion, the liquid robot's chest burst open instantly and fell to the ground, but the chest wound was slowly healing.

   Li Luo's figure flashed and appeared beside the robot. The purple-red light of his fingertips suddenly lit up, and a spiral ray shot out, covering the robot in an instant.

   Zi La!

   There was a toothy muffled sound, and the liquid robot instantly evaporated, turning into bits of element particles and dissipating.

   Li Luo turned around and ran, toward a forest in the distance.

   He didn't dare to fly away, because the goal was too obvious. But even so, there was still a red light spot in the visor quickly approaching him. Although the direction was a little off, he would indeed be spotted in a quarter of an hour.

   Li Luo didn't intend to hide anymore, he flew straight up and flashed toward the forest in the distance.

   Behind him, a powerful oppressive force surged in. Unlike the robot's energy coercion, this oppressive force is more manifested in the spiritual level.

   "Metal life!" Li Luo felt cold, plunged into the forest, and fled in the other direction.

   Obviously, this is the leader of this group of mechanical civilization, just like the mandala itself, it has evolved into a metal life!

   Li Luo fled all the way, and the metal life behind him chased him, urging Shenluo to move with all his strength under his feet, but the pressure behind him became more obvious.

   After a while, Li Luo's heart was stunned, and when he turned his head, he shot out.


   Although the electromagnetic gun is powerful, it is also compared with ordinary tenth-order monsters. It looks like a human metal life, but a dark golden light shield around the body flashes, and the electromagnetic pulse cannon is blocked.

   "No energy was wasted!" Li Luo's pupils shrank, and immediately turned into an afterimage, fleeing into the distance.

   At the same time, the purple stripes all over his body suddenly shined, and he turned into a ten-meter-high purple-patterned giant. When he turned his hand over, the slime essence was in his arms.

   Li Luo opened his mouth wide, and began to swallow as he escaped.

   "You're looking for death!" The metal life in the distance looked cold, and the dark golden light in his hand suddenly brightened.

   Li Luo felt a sense of horror, and his figure moved more than three hundred meters out of thin air.

   At his original position, the space was torn apart in an instant, and a turbulent flow of space shot out, spreading towards the surroundings.

   But the metal life form also stagnated for a while, apparently over-consuming, Li Luo pulled away from him at once.

   Li Luo changed direction and continued to escape, the slime life essence in his hand was getting less and less, and he gradually swallowed it all.

   At this moment, countless robots in the distance flew from a high altitude, all of them aimed at Li Luo with their weapons.

   Li Luo's heart sank, his eyes swept around sharply, and his thoughts turned quickly.

  In the distance, there is a huge volcanic crater, with fire flashing inside, and dozens of powerful auras oppress it.

   Li Luo immediately made a decision and rushed towards the crater.

   Suddenly, under a wave of ripples in the void behind him, thousands of energy rays lased out.

   Li Luo's heart sank, the energy in the dantian burned rapidly, the speed soared more than three times, abruptly avoided the fire, and rushed into the crater.

   rushed into the crater. On the inner side of the volcanic wall, there was a huge hole. Li Luo rushed in.

   I saw him holding the Thunder Dragon Sword, and with a sharp glance, he saw dozens of gods and evil spirits approaching him.

Although the exoskeleton armor on    had been broken, the power of Li Luosi after the transformation was no less than these gods.

   These monsters have a spirit of grudge, Li Luo had to put on the invisibility cloak, lifted his transformation, and dived inside.

   After releasing the last few gourd babies and letting them lead these gods out, Li Luo quickly ran across the dark golden boulders to the depths of the cave, a land of fiery red magma.

   Behind him ~www.readwn.com~ the sound of metal life soon came.

   "Yes. You can steal the deity's spoils as expected."

   Metal Life came step by step, and a golden giant sword in his hand trembled slightly.

   "The name of this deity is Camo. Now that you have swallowed the god-level life essence, obediently become a part of the deity's body!"

   Camo looked at Li Luo on the opposite side, and he walked over leisurely, just to create pressure on Li Luo, and to make Li Luo lose his composure.

   If you lose your calm, the battle will end soon.

   But Li Luo in front of him had no effect at all, and quickly took out a purple-gold long sword, which made him extremely surprised.

   "Kill!" Li Luo didn't wait for Camo to move first, the Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand turned into a dark golden lightning and struck it out.

   The Thunder Dragon Sword, which was promoted to a pseudo-sacred weapon, seemed to be more powerful than the golden giant sword. The moment it was swung again, it was so powerful that the power of the law of lightning surged out and instantly enveloped Kamo.

   At this moment, a golden light shield appeared on Camo, and the dark golden electric light crackled, making the shield on his body flicker.

   But at this moment, Camo's golden giant sword with Li Luo's long sword flashed with golden light, fluidized and turned into countless but golden spikes and shot towards Li Luo.

   Li Luo saw this, his heart sank, and a layer of diamond armor appeared on his body. But the spikes were obviously extraordinary, and a dark red light flashed on them, instantly piercing the diamond armor and piercing Li Luo's body.

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