Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Mine news

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After a while, Xiao Jin flew back and landed on Li Luo's shoulder.

"Boss, I only brought back twenty sacred stones. There was a cloudy wind in front of me, it was very powerful, and I couldn't make it through."

Li Luo's heart sank, and he began to look around.

The place is dark and unusual, the ground is as hard as cement, and at the same time, a gust of cold wind blows through, causing pain in his cheeks.

In the nearby exploration area, there are some dark rocks scattered all over the place.

Beside the stone, there was a strange plant with a size of a size and a faint fluorescence, and there was a gust of wind surging farther away, and I didn't know where it led to.

This place is so dim, and there seems to be a strange energy barrier in the void. Even if Li Luo activates the Eye of the Stars, his gaze can only reach a few feet away, and it is dark and indistinguishable no matter how far away.

Li Luo frowned slightly, and after taking a deep breath, he finally calmed down and turned his head to look back.

At this moment, a group of human figures had already walked over, found a mountain wall, and started to dig it with the miner's hoe.

"Tsk tusk tusk, good luck today, there are so many newcomers."

Just as Li Luo was about to move out of this passage, a gloomy man's voice suddenly came from the darkness not far away.

Li Luo squinted his eyes slightly to follow the prestige, and faintly saw a dark place ten feet away, and a tall figure was slowly walking towards it.

After he approached, Li Luo could vaguely see this person's appearance.

He was about two meters tall and was a man of human race. He was wearing a tattered shorts coat, like a beggar.

Li Luo raised his brows when he saw this. Now he knew nothing about the mine situation, and he just lacked a good soul search object.

When the man saw this, he was overjoyed and walked toward him even more unavoidably. His eyes flashed with greed. He didn't know when he had a golden shiny bone knife in his hand. Under the dim light, it was quite For the conspicuous appearance.

Li Luo raised his hand without saying a word, and with a thought, a purple-gold long sword fell into his hand, emitting a dazzling electric light, illuminating the surroundings.

Li Luo saw the man with a grin on his face through the electric light, he groaned slightly, the sword light in his hand flashed, turning into a purple-gold sword energy, and he slashed towards the man's calf.

An amazing scene happened.

The man didn't know if he was hiding his strength, he just smiled contemptuously at the sudden lasing flash of light in front of him. When the sword light was less than ten feet away from him, his arm moved and the bone knife left an afterimage in the air.

"Zi La" sounded.

The purple sword light was instantly smashed by the bone knife, and the electric light was scattered in all directions.

Seeing that the man's breath had reached the peak of Tier Nine, Li Luo's eyes sank, his figure rushing towards the man like a fish.

Seeing Li Luo attacking him instead of retreating, the man's face flashed a hideously, his arm blurred, and the bone knife slashed towards Li Luo from top to bottom.

Seeing this, Li Luo took a deep breath while his body was still in the air. The energy in his body boiled, and his backhand was shot out with a sword.

At the same time, a layer of silver diamond armor emerged from his body.

With a "knock" sound, the bone knife bounced immediately, and at the same time a huge force surged from the Thunder Dragon Sword.

After the man on the other side shook his body, he immediately flew upside down, and at the same time, his throat became sweet, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out.

Only then did the man show a look of horror, knowing that he had encountered an opponent that was not easy to provoke, he turned around with a sharp pain in his chest, and was about to run away.

But how could Li Luo let him succeed? Just when the man's body was not standing still, his figure violent again, turning into a gust of wind and coming to his side.

The man wanted to escape with horror in his heart, but it was too late. He suddenly felt cold, and a sword gas lashed out.

One gritted his teeth and swung the bone knife in his hand to the right, trying to slash the sword energy away.

But Jian Qi was just a flicker, Li Luo directly stretched out his right palm, grabbed the man's neck, and squeezed his throat fiercely.

"Forgiveness, forgiveness." The man dared not make any more moves, begging for mercy.

Li Luo's arm was blurred, and he slapped the man against the hard side of the mountain.

The man only felt a sweet spout of blood from his mouth, and then fainted without humming.

Li Luo held the man's arm, put the bone knife in his hand into the space bag, dragged the man's body for a few flashes, and disappeared into the nearby passage.

"Who is that person? As soon as he entered the mine, he wiped out the mine Wang Han!"

"It doesn't matter who he is, this time the upswing money is saved, hehe."

"That said, hahahaha."

Several miners stunned in a low voice.

After entering the passage where the man came, Li Luo galloped forward, deliberately condensing his breath, and at the same time, he was always alert to the surrounding movement.

A little later, he led the man to find a remote and hidden place deep in the passage.

After confirming the safety of the neighborhood, Li Luo randomly threw the man in his hand to the ground and began searching for his soul.

It turns out that this place is a huge vein of **** stone under the jurisdiction of the dark elves. It is not that there are no gods in the veins, but those alien monsters are a kind of gods.

At the moment, the place where Li Luo is located ~www.readwn.com~ is a huge mine that has been mined by countless mine slaves all the year round.

The mine has now reached a radius of thousands of miles, and it has become a world of its own.

Moreover, these alien forms are from the God Realm, and are the gods born by the Frozen Clan's god-level powerhouses.

These banished gods rushed here with the source energy of the gods, assimilating the surrounding ores to form new gods.

Every time the alien comes out, it will devour miners. They are slightly larger than ordinary people, and their strengths are between the 9th and 10th peaks. They are unconscious, like zombies.

Therefore, every time the alien appears, everyone will join hands to kill it, and the gods and evil materials obtained can be regarded as an exceptional income in the mine.

Because of the divine origin qi constantly gushing out here, people who come to work here have been tempered by divine origin qi for a long time, and their strength has been steadily improved.

In this way, even if the wages are relatively small, there is an endless stream of miners who are willing to come here. Almost all the strong people in the underground world will come here to work harder.

In addition to the 9th-order powerhouse like this man, there are not surprisingly many 10th-order powerhouses in this mine, and one person is the eldest brother of this person. "

"This is a bit troublesome." After Li Luo's soul search was over, he was a little surprised.

After thinking for a moment, his appearance changed for a while, and he walked in the other direction of the mine.

There are not only many sacred stones, but also more than a hundred times the gravity of the planet.

Li Luo Zhengchou couldn't find the cornerstone of the gravity circle, and now there is a natural gravity field ready to be used for cultivation.

He believes that, with the help of Xiaojin, with the help of a large number of sacred stones, he will definitely be able to temper his body to the level of the Immaculate Eucharist!

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