Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 829: Longkir's calculations

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"Kamo, right, what do you mean? Is it possible that you want to take the blood of my demon ancestor?" Longjier's face was chilly, and traces of black air welled up from his body, staring at Camo and asked word by word. Tao.

"Haha! The blood of the devil's ancestor is equally useful to the deity, and it is extremely useful, but Senior Longjier should be so nervous. I just collect a drop of blood, I am afraid I will not fight hard with me. After all, our metal life and robots are the slightest. It won't be affected by the restrictions inside." Camo chuckled lightly, and then a strange color flashed in his eyes, and said a little bit sullenly.

The meaning of cooperation by Camo's words was already obvious, which made Longkir's expression slower. But once I heard that the other party could easily break the ban, I felt a headache. After all, if the opponent swallows the blood of the Demon Ancestor himself, he will lose out!

"Humph." Longkiel snorted, his expression moved, and said: "Your Excellency said so much, I'm afraid it must be expensive to take this blood by yourself!"

"Yes. After you released the prohibition and escaped, I went to the Profound Sky chessboard again. The puppets inside were too powerful. In addition, the dark energy rays released by our robots were too energy-consuming, and only eight of the prohibited When the two broke, I had to retreat." Camo didn't deny it, and replied lightly.

"So, you didn't want to kill this kid in the first place, right?" Longkiel said with a sneer, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Camo nodded and smiled: "You and I have the same purpose, in this case..."

At this point, the two changed to Transmit.

After a while, the two of them ended the conversation as usual, and looked at Li Luo.

At this time, the only hope that both sides could lose, and their own escape, was also shattered and emptied. While Li Luo cursed the two old foxes in his heart, he couldn't help worrying about his life.

"Hey. Boy, I think you already know our purpose, how about it, you go, go, or go?!" Longkiel said with a sneer, and there was a burst of firecrackers in his hand, and the void was distorted.

Li Luo smiled bitterly when he heard this, do he still have the conditions to refuse? Now he can only take one step, which is one step. Who makes him inferior to others!

Although he knew the whole universe's habit of eating the weak and the strong, he knew it well. But this feeling of powerlessness, he hadn't felt it for a long time since the ninth rank.

"Go. Of course. But I have one condition. Give me a drop of Demon Ancestor's blood!" Li Luo's eyes flashed, pretending to be extremely eager.

Of course, he didn't want the blood of the Demon Ancestor for himself, but naturally to cultivate the gourd baby!

Seeing Li Luo's extremely eager appearance, Longjier was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. Said: "Why, do you want to defect to our demons?"

"Not really. It's just absorbing the blood of the Demon Ancestor." Li Luo's eyes flickered and continued: "I become a demon, and I won't go with you to kill innocent people!"

The corners of the mouths of several demon gods twitched, showing a sneer.

Longkir didn't talk nonsense with Li Luo much, and after discussing a few words with Camo on the side, he asked Li Luo to go back with him.

A group of people flew extremely fast, plus they were not far from the Profound Sky chessboard, a quarter of an hour later, several people returned to the ruins.

Longjier and Camo led the team and slowly landed in the ruins.

Li Luo glanced slightly, and he discovered that there were many more gods and creatures in the ruins, but his aura was many times stronger than what he had encountered at the beginning.

"Li Luo. Follow us." Longjier glanced at Li Luo lightly, and then turned towards the giant cat in front of the gods.

At the moment Longkir rushed out, Li Luo's eyes jumped wildly, and the demon **** had hidden some strength. The eruption at this moment was more than several times stronger out of thin air.

Soon, these gods and creatures were slaughtered by the few demons and countless robots in front of them.

Everyone advanced a certain distance, and finally returned to the ruins of the palace.

I saw a drop of pitch-black liquid floating above the ruins, exuding an extremely **** smell.

Li Luo immediately felt that there were illusions in front of him, and a hostile spirit appeared out of thin air in his heart, which was a sign of the rise of the demons.

Now, he was shocked. This demon ancestor's blood actually exists, and after an unknown number of years, the power is still so huge!

If it wasn't for the ten thousand snake mark on his forehead that still played a role, I believe he might have become the puppet of this demon ancestor, right?

Li Luo took a deep breath, swept into the ruins, and found hundreds of puppet soldiers wandering there continuously, and the energy aura on his body was even more terrifying.

At this moment, Longkir patted him on the shoulder and said coldly: "There are still six restrictions around, you take the previous Hun Yuan and break the ban shuttle to get rid of it."

Li Luo took the banned shuttle that had been left behind in the palace, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "As long as these robots help me destroy the puppets, I will be sure to break the ban again here."

"Very good." Longkiel turned to look at Kamo, who nodded and walked into the ruins with the robot.

With a bang.

As soon as numerous robots entered the ruins, there was a flash of brilliant light on the ground. Opposite each of the robots, a series of puppets emitting powerful energy fluctuations rushed over.

As soon as Li Luo's figure flashed, he rushed into the ruins, and a puppet on the other side quickly rushed over~www.readwn.com~ I saw him holding the breaking shuttle in his hand, rushing over the corner, and several robots chased after him Coming up, blocking the path of this puppet.

With a bang.

A ban was then broken.

But soon, the surrounding puppets seemed to be crazy, rushing towards Li Luo in a swarm.

Li Luo's expression remained unchanged, and the whole figure ran towards another restraint, and the surrounding robots immediately blocked the path of the puppet.

Boom! Long!

There was a blast, and Li Luo only felt a fiery pain behind his back, and he rolled out.

After a few tumblings, the breaking shuttle in his hand suddenly plunged in front of another ban.

This prohibition also broke down.

In this way, with the help of the dense robots, the bans were broken instantly, and the void began to buzz and vibrate.

But at this moment, the eyes of Longkir and other demon gods in the distance showed a cold light, and a few unknown spells were quickly moved in their mouths. The surrounding void instantly stabilized, and a dark green enchantment instantly enveloped the ruins. Up.

"Hahaha...Since you're here, don't even think about going out again!" Longkiel's face was grimace, and he laughed wildly.

Li Luo was shocked, and it was obviously too late to think about something.

I saw a chain of dark green fel chains instantly locked his whole body, and a faint black air began to appear on the whole person, and he was demonized!

"Li Luo. No more needless struggles. The demonization formation is complete, so please ask yourself! Hahahaha... Now even if you don't want to be our demons, you can't do it! "

Longkir laughed wildly, revealing a tricky look.

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