Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 839: Demon General

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This demon general rushed out a lot, and behind him was a group of chaotic gods, but through the scanning of the mechanical heart, the expression on the face of the demon **** was not flustered at all.

It seems that he should have a way to get rid of these gods!

This thought flashed through Li Luo's mind, but the pace accelerated a little.

"What to do?" Emmento ran to Li Luo's side and asked in a low voice while running.

Li Luo frowned and said, "Chasing. Let him run, we won't be able to survive next time!"

After hearing Li Luo's opinion, Emmento seemed to have made a certain decision. His whole body suddenly swelled, more than doubled in an instant, and the **** evil spirit on his body rose to the sky, turning into a afterimage towards the distance. The demon general rushed over.


Emmento's figure fell from the sky, kicked fiercely on the shoulder of the demon god, and stomped him to the ground. At the same time, with the help of a flip, he jumped onto a low stone needle in the distance.

Suddenly, the demons were overwhelmed by the evil figures of gods.


At this moment, the raging black flames ignited, like a hurricane, sweeping in all directions.

Li Luo and the others hid behind the stone needles, one after another propped up an energy shield, blocking in front of them.


These stone needles did not know what kind of material they were made of, and they completely blocked the Demon Flame of Extinguisher. Li Luo fixed his eyes. There was indeed a difference between these stone needles and the broken stone needles in the distance.

I saw a purple pattern flashing on it, and when the surrounding black magic flame extinguished, the stone needles were even slightly blackened.

Gently rubbing the blackened stone needle, the black stains quickly faded away, and the purple spiritual pattern on it still flickered constantly, which seemed to be more dazzling.

"Suck the magic!"

Li Luo's eyes flashed, and when he walked out, he saw that the back of the demon commander disappeared among the stone needles and ran to a deeper place.

A few kobolds also walked out, Li Luo didn't say much, and ran towards the place where the demon would disappear.

Emondo hesitated, gritted his teeth and followed. ,

A few other kobolds, however, gave birth to a retreat.

"What to do with Horn, we..." Gru hesitated and asked.

"Let's go. The danger inside is not so casually explored." Horn struggling, turned and ran away in the direction where he came.

Gelu followed closely and glanced at Jage, and found that he was looking at the direction of Li Luo's disappearance brightly, his face full of longing.

Gag's complexion changed, gritted his teeth, and said hoarsely: "He must have a very powerful spell model. No, I can't lose this opportunity!"

Immediately, Jage also rushed towards Li Luo's direction.

Li Luo's speed is very fast, and he has even activated the Mystery Totem Transformation. Under the spread of his spiritual power, he quickly discovered the figure of the demon general.

The two of them chased and fled, and behind the demon commander's figure, he gradually followed a large area of ​​chaos and evil spirits, but every certain distance, he would kill a group and continue to flee towards the depths.

The more Li Luo chased, the more he was frightened, and found that this demon general seemed to have no limits, and he could not help but retreat.

But at this moment, Gag in the distance didn't know what spell he used, and his speed could barely keep up with Emondo, facing Li Luo and Emondo, the staff in his hand lit up.

Li Luo just felt the blood boil all over his body instantly. There seemed to be inexhaustible strength under his feet, and the speed was suddenly mentioned.


Seeing that the ground under his feet burst instantly, Li Luo turned into a phantom, straddling a distance of thousands of meters, and instantly appeared beside the one-horned demon.

The unicorn demon was shocked, his face revealed a ruthless look, and a demon shadow instantly appeared behind him, and a huge magical magical form enveloped him and protected him.

Li Luo's complexion remained unchanged, purple and gold lines flashed on his body, and billowing energy surged out, transforming into a purple and gold energy giant, and collided with the demon phantom.

The dazzling thunder fire exploded at this moment, and a violent energy storm blew up in the void, and the dark flame of God Slayer was directly cracked by this thunder light and quickly dissipated.

But the consumption of thunder and fire was even greater, and it went out after only ten seconds.

Immediately, the facial features on Li Luo's body gradually dissipated.

But a weird scene appeared, and the dark demon flame on the body of the demon **** Xuanying was full, as if he had received nourishment.

Seeing this, Li Luo's heart sank suddenly. He didn't expect that the God Slayer Demon Flame had the ability to swallow other energy. Now he really looked a little ugly.

"Hehehe. Boy, now I find out, is it too late!"

I saw the arm of the Demon God's Faxiang suddenly peeked down, and grabbed it towards Li Luo.

But at this moment, Li Luo smiled strangely, and a pitch black water drop in his hand turned into a pitch black water ball covering his fist.

Li Loma stepped forward, and the mystery totem of his whole body shone to the extreme, instantly turning into the size of ten meters, and he slammed it out with a violent punch.


With a loud noise like the shaking of the mountain, the Demon God's Faxiang kept the gesture of descending, and stopped there.

Immediately afterwards, the arms of the Demon God's Faxiang began to crack from inch to inch, spreading to the whole body, turning into a few spots of light and disappearing.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the enchanted general.

The latter seemed to have not recovered ~www.readwn.com~ but at this moment, Li Luo held the divine weapon Thunder Dragon Sword with a terrifying aura and slammed it down.


As if hit by a car, a loud noise came out.

The demon general's body was smashed into the air, flew in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The flakes on his body began to crack every inch, and the blood on his body gushed out like a fountain, staining the ground dark green.

Then, a palm suddenly grabbed the Demon God's neck and lifted it up.

boom! !

In an instant, the power exploded in an instant, and the terrifying force tilted down and slammed straight on the body of the demon king. His action was simply layers of purple phantoms, continuously bombarding the demon god's chest.

The Demon God kept vomiting blood and then let out a low growl.

But the attack that fell on Li Luo was directly ignored by Li Luo. Li Luo was like a **** of war and a lunatic, with a crazy aura that made his heart palpitating.

Gradually, the demon god's voice gradually lowered, and Li Luo began to bloom with purple brilliance. This unihorn will gradually melt and become a pale black ball of light suspended in mid-air.

Li Luo looked at the ball of light in front of him, his complexion changed slightly, and he was about to continue to move, but the ground suddenly vibrated violently.

Immediately afterwards, the lavender spirit patterns gradually lit up and spread in all directions.

The essence of the air mass in his hand also turned into a ray of light and escaped into the ground under a strong suction.

Suddenly, Li Luo felt the energy in his body began to drain rapidly, and a dizziness surged into his heart.

Looking at Chen Heng, his eyes were shining, and he flicked down with one punch, and every punch was to entertain him. The momentum was almost suffocating, and no one dared to approach him.

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