Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 842: Pluto Seed

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Li Luo's pupils shrank, and then he calmed down.

The man in front of him is no one else, but Danathus, the **** of death! However, judging from its breath, it did not exceed the previous demon god.

"Danadus." Li Luo's eyes flickered and continued: "You should be very afraid of this giant axe, right?"

Danadus smiled inconspicuously, and answered the question without asking: "I'm very curious, how did you see through this illusion?"

Li Luo walked in the direction of the door step by step, but the nemesis around him dared not come close. He seemed to be very afraid of this giant axe and let out a weird roar.

Standing at the door, Li Luo calmly said: "There are too many loopholes in the illusion. Not to mention the old man playing chess, the "one-stop service" that the kid said should not be what this era should have! "

Danadus' eyes flashed, and he laughed loudly.

After a while, he returned to his normal color: "Very well, transforming you into a ghost fighter will definitely please Master Hades!"

At this moment, the aura on Danadus's body was suddenly mentioned, breaking the current limit in an instant, and the surrounding void began to burst apart every inch.

"Stop! Danadus." At this moment, a very calm voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

Danadus, who was so powerful, stiffened, and a thin layer of cold sweat appeared on his face.

"Danadus, don't hurt my body in the future." The voice kept ringing in the void, saying so flatly, as if to say a very ordinary thing.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes and thought of a possibility.

"Damn it. Hades was staring at him!" Li Luo didn't even think about it, the giant axe slammed out, and at this moment, the space in front of him burst open instantly.

The fierce space storm blasted out, Li Luo did not retreat but instead plunged into the space wormhole that was healing quickly.

But at this moment, a black streamer shot out, instantly sank into the space wormhole, and disappeared.

Li Luo only felt the world spin, and when he regained consciousness again, he found himself in a jungle of birds and flowers.

In the jungle, there are rows of deformed monsters wandering faintly, which is obviously a godless evil.

"Alert! Alarm!"

"The subject is affected by unknown forces, and the soul is expected to be annihilated within a hundred years."

"Hehe. Boy, how does it feel to be stared at by Hades?" At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in Li Luo's ear.

Li Luo glanced at the giant axe in his hand and said indifferently: "Your Excellency was hidden in the giant axe after death, but my eyes are clumsy, but your Excellency told me this is not just mocking me, right?"

"Hahaha....... Good boy, being stared at by Hades, still so calm, really impressive." The voice paused, and continued to ring in Li Luo's ear: "However, it's not a hundred years old. In time, your physical body will become a container of Hades."

"However, there is no way." The tone of the voice turned, and said leisurely.

Li Luo's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked, "Let's talk. What price do I need to pay, can you help me?" The giant axe flashed a few times and the voice came out: "Athena, goddess of war and wisdom, Only she can help you!"

"Athena?" Li Luo showed an expression like this, nodded, and said: "However, before that, I still have something to do."

He slapped the Qiankun gourd on his waist, and the figures of the gourd baby shot out, rushing towards the gods around him.

The grazing began again. Time passed. In a blink of an eye, sixty years have passed. The sanctuary-level gourd baby can produce tens of thousands of gourd seeds at a time. By this time, the entire God's Evil Realm is full of gourd children in the mountains and plains. ,

Suspended high in the air, Li Luo held the pendant on his chest in his hand. This star soul pendant was strengthened by La Grolas, and the source of the star soul that can be absorbed now is dozens of times stronger than it was at the beginning. The star soul of Niejie began to be summoned by Li Luo.


A dark golden star soul shot out, and instantly came not far from Li Luo.

"You summon me? Human?" A deep voice came from the star soul, which sounded in Li Luo's ear.

Li Luo nodded and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Star Soul, how many years are you still swallowed by gods?"

"Boy, although I'm not as good as before, the supernatural power on my body is definitely not something you can contend!" The Star Soul's voice was obviously tense, but it immediately returned to normal.

"I don't intend to swallow you, but I want to take you to another place to avoid the erosion of the gods." Li Luo took out the pendant from his chest and shook it in front of the ball of light.

"Change the place? Hey, you were planted by Hades's Underworld God?" The star soul flashed under the light, and then it seemed to have found something, and he walked around Li Luo's side.

The star soul flickered, and said helplessly, "Hey. It would be nice if the **** of nature was here. He will surely get rid of your Pluto seed. It's a pity, after a while, your soul will become weak again. Some will gradually lose themselves and become Hades's puppets."

Li Luo's face sank, he took a deep breath, and said, "Your Excellency Star Soul, can this natural seed help me suppress this Underworld seed?"

Li Luo took out an emerald green round seed and looked at the ball of light.

"Huh? It's the seed of the world tree." The ball of light flashed, sighed, and said: "You quickly catalyze this seed and choose to sleep under the root system of the world tree. Maybe you can live a few hundred years longer. ."

"There are many enchantments set by the main **** in this **** evil world. Even if it is me, it is very difficult to open the plane channel. When the enchantment opens next time, I will wake you up." After that, the ball of light flew in. Disappeared under the ground. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Li Luo looked gloomy and planted the seeds of the World Tree. Soon, a towering ancient tree grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Luo touched the World Tree in front of him, his eyes flickered slightly, and took out a few dead bodies, dripping a drop of blood.

After a while, a avatar exuding a strong breath of death condensed out, and Li Luo parted a wisp of soul and sank into the body, his face became paler.

"Leave the next thing to me." The clone smiled and began to inscribe the magic circle around the tree of the world.

Li Luo's body was lying flat in the hole formed by the huge root system of the World Tree, and his eyes gradually closed.

After the ghost fighter clone array was set up, his eyes flickered slightly, he pondered for a moment, and flew away in one direction.

After a few months, he finally found Kamo's spaceship with the help of Star Soul.

After installing a series of experimental equipment on the spacecraft, and reprogramming the disused robots, soon one after another clones were gradually manufactured.

This is a clone of the Ziyuan Galaxy. Camo has many spaceships, and robots are built very quickly, and clones are beginning to grow almost in geometric multiples.

in this way. One hundred and fifty years later, this planet is already full of humans.

On this day, the ghost fighter clone began to build the altar belonging to Athena in accordance with the instructions of the star soul.

Soon, a baby girl was born in a wealthy family.

On the day the baby girl was born, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky, covering the entire villa where the baby girl was.

The baby girl’s parents were local wealthy businessmen, and her father gave the baby girl a name: Saori Athena.

Li Luo watched quietly for a while, watched that Athena had been born, turned and left here.

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