Overluck MC
Chapter -3 - Sai's Stats
[Name: Sai Kaiku
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Titles: Forbidden One, King of Night, 9th Head of the Kaiku Clan, Beta Tester
Top-class Examinee's Manna (Permanent)
Lady Luck's Favor (Permanent)
Authority of the Beta Tester (Permanent)
Brynhild's Beloved (Permanent)
Bradamante's Beloved (Permanent)
Head: True – Congealed Wisdom
Upper Body: Royal Brand - Upper
Lower Body: Royal Brand - Lower
Feet: Royal Brand Set - Shoes
Accessories: Royal Brand Set – Gloves, Solomon's Rings
Weapon: Jenseits der Spitze
Storage: Kaufmeister des Geschäftsmannes
General Skills
Housekeeping (SSS)
Clean Spell (EX)
Dry Spell (EX)
Sanitize Spell (EX)
Rare Skills
Displacement (EX)
Healing Magecraft (EX)
Memory Partition (EX)`
Thought Acceleration (EX)
•Material Transmutation
Breath of Lightning (EX)
Breath of Water (EX)
Breath of Wind (EX)
Dance of the Fire God (EX)
Magecraft (EX)
•Item Creation
Martial Eternity: Myriad Paths (EX)
•Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts Arsenal [Contains all hand-to-hand techniques that the skill holder mastered.]
•Weaponized Martial Arts Arsenal [Contains all weapon techniques that the skill holder mastered.]
•Timeless Mastery [The skill holder's mastery of his techniques will not deteriorate under all circumstances.]
Necromancy (EX)
•Rise from the Grave
•Undead Subordination
Rune Spell (EX)
Self-Field Defense (EX)
Wisdom of Life and Death (EX)
•Anatomy Analyzation
•Anatomy Understanding
•Medicinal Knowledge
Anomalous Skills
Animal Communication (A+)
Combination (-)
Collector (EX)
Crystallized Wisdom (A)
Dead Count Shapeshifter (EX)
•Edmond Dantès
Familiar Creation (EX)
Galvanism (EX)
Golden Rule (EX)
Imperial Privilege (EX)
Inexhaustible Bale (A+)
Joestar Family's Last Strategy: Running Away (EX)
Knight of Owner (EX)
Last Resort (EX)
Nirvana Flame (SSS)
Philosopher's Stone (EX)
Primeval Rune (Warrior) (B)
Protection from Projectiles (EX)
Technique Elucidation (EX)
Anatomical Skills
Dragon Modification (EX)
Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (EX)
•Eye of Insight
•Eye of Hypnotism
Unique Skills
Analysis & Synthesis (EX) [Allows the synthesis and dismantling of skills.]
Attendre, Espérer: Wait, and Hope (EX)
Beyond the Horizon (EX)
•Quickness & Agility [Innate high speed and agility that the skill holder possesses. This can be enhanced by training or other means.]
•Sage Arts: Step Movements [Techniques that allow high-speed movement. It also allows the user to perform high-speed movement that surpasses dimensional leap. The longer the battle goes on the faster the skill holder will be.]
•Theme Song [Once activated, the skill holder to gain a speed that surpasses light.]
Brahmastra Kundala (EX)
Certificate of Ownership (EX) [Prevents anything or anyone to steal the skill holder's skill, techniques, abilities, and others without the skill holder's permission.]
Copyright (EX) [Prevents anything or anyone to copy the skill holder's skill, techniques, abilities, and others without the skill holder's permission.]
Distorted Love (EX) [???]
Ein Ergebnis (EX)
•Sure Hit [Any projectile that the skill holder fires will hit the target.]
•Quick Fire [Drastically increases the speed of shooting projectiles.]
Enfer Château d'If: Tyger, Burning Bright (EX)
Eyes of Heaven (EX)
•Omniscience [Allows the skill holder to see everything in the past, present, and future.]
•Observation [A combat-oriented utilization of Eyes of Heaven. Allows the skill holder to foresee and avoid danger. It can also utilize the data the skill holder possesses to predict the enemy's actions and change the current situation. This can be improved with experience.]
Gift: All Men Are Created Equal (EX)
Gift: Beast Beneath the Moonlight (EX)
Gift: Flawless (EX) [Allows the skill holder to make the best course of action in a situation. Allows the skill holder to see up to ten minutes of the future.]
Gift: For the Tainted Sorrow (EX)
Gift: Futon (EX)
Gift: Great Fitzgerald (EX)
Gift: Lemon Bomb (EX)
Gift: No Longer Human (EX) [Renders all abilities null with a touch. All abilities targeted to the skill holder will be nullified without exception. It is a constant active ability.]
Gift: Rashoumon (EX)
Gift: Thou Shalt Not Die (EX)
Handicap (EX) [Allows the skill holder to seal his skills or stats to the degree he selected.]
Indomitability (EX) [Allows the skill holder to fight with grave injuries without decreasing his combat capability. The higher the will the skill holder has, the higher the increase in combat capabilities the skill holder will possess.]
Inner Tranquility, Serenity of the Soul (EX)
•Self-Control [Allows the user to impose perfect control to his self.]
•Peacefulness & Dedication [The skill holder will not be disturbed mentally, no matter what the situation is. It also allows him to work without stopping and feeling any fatigue.]
Kenjutsu Muso – Kenzen Ichinyo (EX)
Monte Cristo Mythologie: The King of the Cavern (EX)
Physique of Everlasting Resplendence (EX)
•Irresistible Allure [Allows the skill holder to make sentient enthrall physiologically and psychologically. As long as the target is sentient, they will not be able to resist the allure.]
•Self-Restoration [Restores the damages to the body rapidly with energy. It can also make the regeneration of energy faster.]
•Everlasting Resplendence [The skill holder's body is the manifestation of splendor that will continue to shine brighter as time pass that will last for eternity. The body line will not change regardless of the consumption of carbohydrates and others. Negative status effects for the physical body will be nulled without exception. Grants the skill holder with an infinite lifespan.]
Rolling (EX)
•Accumulation of Suffering [The skill holder will gain a boost on his abilities in proportion of the suffering that he has experienced.]
•Pain, the Proof that You're Alive [Can only be activated when the skill holder has taken damage. For every damage he receives, he will receive boost based on the fatality of the damage. The boost will disappear if the skill holder is in perfect condition.]
Sagaciousness (EX)
•Flexible Groundwork [The proof that the skill holder possesses exceptional planning abilities. If used in combat, it allows the user to make his attacks unreadable, make his enemy commit mistakes, or conceal his combat prowess.]
•Thorough Assessment [Allows the skill holder ȧssess everything that happens rationally and make the most optimal move with ease.]
•Prediction that Surpasses Precognition [The skill holder processes all data he has to predict what will happen.]
Sharing is Caring (EX) [Allows the skill holder to give a skill that he possesses to the target without degrading the quality of the skill.]
Solomon's Rings (EX)
Transparency (EX) [The ability to see through the target's true essence.]
Tsubame Gaeshi (EX)
Twisted Heart (EX) [???]
Vector Manipulation (EX)
Forbidden Skills
Anonymity (EX)
•Nonexistence [Erases everything of the skill holder to move unnoticed. Scent, sound, temperature, visage, and others will be erased temporarily.]
•Perfect Crime [Erases any form of traces that is connected to the skill holder.]
•Mister Unknown [People who interacted with the skill holder will forget everything about the skill holder, except for the events that happened and the skill holder's name.]
Collective Consciousness of Salt (EX) [???]
Creation (EX) [Allows to create what the skill holder dėsɨrės. The creation will exist permanently. It is possible to develop the creation. The creation will have five steps. User can use the information in the Home of Sublime Wisdom to bypass the process and create instantly.]
Forbidden One (EX) [???]
Harem Protagonist (EX)
•Cupid's Arrow [A chance that a love interest will be shot by the Cupid's Arrow and bring their affection levels to the maximum limit. The activation depends on the skill holder's luck.]
•Event [When the skill holder and a love interest is together for an activity for example date, the affection that the love interest will gain will be multiplied by ten.]
•Fateful Encounter [An encounter with a possible love interest is drastically increased and the impact of the encounter will exceptionally increase the first impression of the skill holder no matter how the encounter ended.]
•Flag [When a flag raises from the love interest, choices will be provided to the skill holder. Time will stop when the choices appeared. Time will only resume once the skill holder picked a choice from the ones that are provided.]
•Gentle Touch [Actions through touch can raise the affection of the love interest.]
•Harmony [Those who have reached the certain level of affection towards the skill holder will not have hostility for each other and will easily get along. The higher their affection towards the skill holder the more they will get along.]
•Interaction [Increases the affection of the love interest through interactions. Allows the skill holder to interact with the love interest with ease, even if the love interest has under a condition like Androphobia or distrust at others.]
•The Spark Which Started the Fire [Greatly boosts the chances of the love interest and the skill holder to engage in an ɨntėrċȯursė. Increases the chances of the love interest taking the initiative to ask for it.]
Harmony in the Midst of Contradictions (EX) [???]
Lord of the Forsaken Land (EX)
•Forsaken Land [A Primordial Land where souls tainted with Evil seeks solace. Even though it is called a Land, it is able to contain a galaxy and make it its own. The Land can also store objects and organisms inside it.]
•Black Out [Once a target is touched by the Forsaken Land, it will convert them to subjects of its Lord. The target will be modified from outside to the inside, and no method will be able to return them to their former state. If the Forsaken Land vanishes, the subjects will vanish along it.]
•Infinite Capacity [The Land provides its Lord with an infinite energy capacity, that can contain any kind of energy regardless of how potent it is.]
•Perpetual Energy [The Land provides its Lord with unlimited energy that can be converted to types of energy that the Land encounters.]
•Time Conversion [The Lord can decide the time conversion between the Forsaken Land and reality.]
Minus: All Fiction (EX)
Minus: Book Maker (EX)
Minus: Encounter (EX)
Minus: Frankenstein (EX)
•I have no friend. [Modifies the target's soul to one that will prioritize the skill holder above all.]
•Whence did life proceed? [Overwrites the target's memories to one that will produce the maximum attachment towards the skill holder.]
•Misery made a friend. [Converts the target's negative and positive emotions into positive emotions directed to the skill holder.]
•I am alone and miserable. [Transforms every aspect of the target. The changes after the transformation is unique to each target.]
Minus: Ice Fire (EX)
Minus: Raff-Rafflesia (EX)
Minus: Real Eater (EX)
Minus: Scar Dead (EX)
Proteus (EX) [Allows the skill holder to flawlessly transform into someone or something else. Conditions: the skill holder must have an access to the Gate of Truth.]
The Seven Deadly Sins (EX)
•Pride [Hubris. Fall from Grace. Father of All Sins.]
•Greed [Pillage.]
•Lust [Transcendent Pleasure. Endless Desire.]
•Envy [Deprive.]
•Gluttony [Devour: Leave Nothing Behind. Digestion.]
•Wrath [Anger. Rage. Hatred.]
•Sloth [Laziness. Stagnation. Omit. 1000x multiplier on EXP, Currency, and Proficiency gained.]
Trickster (EX)
•Whispers of the Trickster [The words of the skill holder will be believed without hesitation. It can also affect the target's mind.]
•Masquerade [The skill holder can easily change his persona and anyone who will witness this persona will believe this as genuine.]
•Charisma of Trickery [Grants a Specialized Charisma Skill that corresponds to the Masks of Trickery's present persona. The rank of skill will be at A+.]
•Puppeteer's Manipulation [Extremely increase the potency of skill holder's manipulation and influence to the target.]
•World of Enticement [A world of dreams that can affect the individuals except for the user who is in that world.]
•Temptations from the Trickster [Allows the skill holder to manipulate the target's emotions that are connected to their dėsɨrės.]
•Falsehoods to Truth, Truth to Falsehood [Change the target's falsehoods into truth and the truth into falsehoods. Once used on the target, the changes will be recognized not only the target but also the world as the truth and falsehoods.]
World's Nemesis (EX)
•One Against the World [For every count of enemy that the skill holder will face, the abilities and attributes of the skill holder will be increased by 10x.]
•Destruction of Everything in Creation [Allows the skill holder to inflict destruction or death in anything that exists. Doubles the damage the skill holder inflicts. Reduces all damage inflicted to the skill holder by 1/8.]
•The Presence of the End [The skill holder's presence is enough to freeze the surroundings. It can also inflict various mental interference status like Fear. The presence can also kill targets with low mental strength.]
Ephemeral Skills
Gate of Truth: Requiem (EX)
•Book of Existence [Pulls out the target's Book of Existence. Everything that the user overwritten in the target's Book of Existence will take effect in reality. Only the Gate of Truth can change or restore the target.]
•Truth [The Gate of Truth uses a Book of Existence to change itself. In this state, other people will see and can interact with the Gate of Truth.]
Impossibility to Possibility, Possibility to Impossibility (EX) [Once activated, the skill holder's luck that can make the impossible happen to turn everything in his favor. It will also remove all possibilities that are unfavorable to the skill holder.]
Path of Relentless Progress (EX)
•Limitless Potential [Allows the skill holder to do learn instantly and perform what he learned easily.]
•Resolution to Move Forward [The skill holder's determination to move forward in order to progress. A constant state of the skill holder. Drastically enhances the skill holder's mental and physical performance. It can also work as a mental influencing skill on others depending on what their thoughts are.]
•Laboratory [A special space that the skill holder controls. The time conversion in the Laboratory can set by the skill holder. The limit of the time conversion is 1,000,000 years spent in the laboratory is 1 second in reality.]
•Home of Sublime Wisdom [All knowledge and experience of the skill holder is stored here. Everything that is stored will never deteriorate. It is also possible to use spells stored without energy consumption or chanting.]]
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