Overluck MC
Chapter 52 - 50: Their Intentions
"As I thought, you came."
A black silhouette came and took the initiative to speak to Sai.
"Well, yeah. I have to clean the mess 'we' made, right?" (Sai)
"Their proof of existence, huh." (Black Silhouette)
"Right. So, you're gonna do it like the white one?" (Sai)
"No. Unlike us, that white one is not one of us, since those are foreign souls mended to us. The two of us are the same being, there's no need for pointless conflict. You came here to absorb me, right, human me?" (Black Silhouette)
"I'm really glad that you are very understanding, inhuman me. If this took much long to resolve, we would really split into separate personalities." (Sai)
"Then, make haste, human me." (Black Silhouette)
"Okay." Sai approached the black silhouette and touched him. The black silhouette turned into black light and was absorbed by Sai.
This marks the return of the monster that once killed all that is living destroyed everything that exists, including the whole world. Sensing his return, myriad worlds let out screams that only selected people can hear. Scream out of fear.
"The Forbidden One has returned!" (Author's Note: This is not Sai speaking but the Worlds.)
Meanwhile in a certain chapel.
Elise Katharina von Hohenheim is currently kneeling while solemnly praying when she heard the Scream of the World. Her expression went from complete shock, dumbfounded, and finally to ecstatic smile. She holds herself and shivers not from fear but delight.
"The world is trembling out of fear of the Supreme One. I must hurry. I shall become a servant worthy of serving the Supreme One. For that purpose, I need to obtain more excellent individuals." (Elise)
While Elise is distracted from her thoughts, the door of the chapel opened and a maiden wearing armor that has silver waist-long hair and golden eyes entered.
"Elise, I have come according to your summons. What is this favor you have ask me for?" (Armored Maiden)
Upon noticing the armored maiden's arrival, Elise switched from her delighted self to her diligent and sacred self in an instant. She stands up and walks towards the armored maiden.
"For the Cathedral's Bringer of Victory, Louisa Chole von Hohenheim-sama, to come here and heed my request, I'm really honored." Elise elegantly bowed to the armored maiden.
"Enough with formalities, Elise. You're my cousin, and it's natural for me to help you in your times of need." (Louisa)
"At least, let me thank you, Louisa." (Elise)
"Fine. Now, what do you need me for?" (Louisa)
Elise only smiled and placed her hands at each side of Louisa's cheeks. She made her face close to Louisa, to the point that their noses touched each other.
"Elise?" Louisa felt it strange for Elise to act like this. Before she could even move, her eyes became hollow and she stiffened.
"Louisa Chole von Hohenheim. A prodigy among prodigies, whether it is swordsmanship, academics, art of war, or magic, you can master everything easily. You have a great charisma that allows you to command with ease. You also possess deep insight and the ability to remain calm in every situation. Although you are very capable at such age, you are still very far from you limit. You already became one of the pillars that support the Cathedral. You are a very excellent individual. It's waste for you to dedicate yourself to a mere Belief God. Seeing my beloved cousin with insignificant beings saddens me. That's why, I'll guide you to a more appropriate path." (Elise)
"Let Louisa-nee go!" (???)
Lightning fallen on Elise's arms which injured her, forcing her away from Louisa. After Elisa and Louisa separated, Elise was bounded by golden chains while Louisa floated to the spell caster's side and was gently laid down in the floor.
The spell caster looks similar to Louisa. The only difference the spell caster has shoulder-length hair and her clothes are a magician's robe paired with a knee-length skirt.
Despite her injuries that can make an a.d.u.l.t scream while rolling in the ground, Elise doesn't mind her burned hand that is flowing with blood. Instead, she is still smiling and speaks:
"Sophia Edith von Hohenheim. Louisa Chole von Hohenheim's twin sister. The twins that is blessed beyond comparison. Despite having the same talent as your elder twin sister, you have chosen the path of magic. And during the expedition in the Tower of Dawn, you miraculously inherited that Supreme One's gift. If Louisa is the Cathedral's Bringer of Victory, then you are the Cathedral's Gatherer of Knowledge. Your excellence is not inferior to your sister. I will also guide you." (Elise)
"Release Louisa-nee from your spell and I will ensure your safety." Sophia demanded with a cold voice.
"Such hostility. How can you do this thing and release such hostility to your cousin?" Elise raises her hands to show it to Sophia.
"The moment you did that to Louisa-nee, you ceased to be my cousin." (Sophia)
"Did that? I didn't do anything that harmed Louisa, I merely guided her. Right, Louisa?" (Elise)
"Indeed, Elise is right. Thanks to her, I am able to know my real reason for existence." (Louisa)
"Wha-?" (Sophia)
Sophia looked at the place where she placed her sister and realized that she wasn't there. She didn't notice that Louisa is already at her back. Louisa embraced Sophia but the force in that is enough to make Sophia immobile. Not only that, Louisa casted a Paralyzing Spell on Sophia.
"Louisa, commit suicide once you notice Sophia casting a spell." (Elise)
"You devil!" Sophia curse Elise for giving her sister that order.
"Understood, Elise." While Louisa agreed to the order happily.
"Now, let me continue to say the things I discovered about you. You possess an affinity to all attributes and an abnormal level of affinity to add. Of course, when I say all, it is all, including the attributes that is available to Devils." (Elise)
Sophia became pale at Elise's revelation. Elise didn't mind it and continued to speak.
"If this was to be revealed, not only you but your sister will be labelled as heretics and will be executed on the spot. Rest assured, my aim is to guide the two of you not to kill." Elise stopped walking when she arrived in front of the twins. The golden light in her arms disappeared and her arms went back from the state before it was burned.
"Don't think that you can control me." (Sophia)
"I know. Do your best to resist, my dear cousin." (Elise)
Elise touched Sophia's stomach and casts a spell.
"A Healing Spell?" (Sophia)
"You possess an exceptional will and mind strength. I can just use brute force. However, you are my beloved cousin. And you are that Supreme One's inheritor. That's why I will go with this. Did you know, Sophia? If you casted a Healing Spell on a perfectly healthy person, it will cause them to feel p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. Although the degree depends on the mastery and potency of the spell." (Elise)
"If you are the one casting it, I see." (Sophia)
"Despite understanding what that means, you are still calm. You have a lot of confidence in your will. But there is a flaw with that will. Louisa kiss Sophia in the lips." (Elise)
"Don't tell me, that's your aim all along?!" (Sophia)
Upon receiving the order, Louisa kissed Sophia.
"Then, move in front of Sophia. Insert your tongue and entangle it with Sophia's, after that let her drink your saliva. Make it more intense. After that, encircle your hands to her waist. C.a.r.e.s.s her waist, back, legs, and rear alternately. You must c.a.r.e.s.s the place where she can feel the most in the right timing." Elise issued orders as she increase Sophia's p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e with the Healing Spell.
Louisa followed Elise's orders, causing Sophia to blush and let out sweet m.o.a.ns.
"That flaw in your will is your love for your sister. You love Louisa as a sister and as a woman. You began to love her as woman when you are abducted during childhood, right? You sneaked out of the Church and abducted by a slave trader. When you are being transferred to the auction venue, Louisa appeared riding a horse equipped with a single sword. She stopped the slave traders advance. And she fought all the fighters of the slave traders all by herself. Her whole body is wounded, but she didn't stop until she freed you from the chains." Elise narrates the event as the twins kiss each other.
"A knight in shining armor rescued the damsel in distress. You called the paladins, priests, your parents, and your god for help. However, none of them answered your call. When you gave up all hope and sink into despair, Louisa appeared and cut the chains binding you. You were smart even back then, so you realized the cause of Louisa's wounds. She carried you and said 'Let's go home'." (Elise)
Sophia remembers what happened while experiencing waves of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.es.
"And as time passed, your love develops, until it reached this intensity. Your world only consists of Louisa. Even if you say that you worship the God of Light, it's just because Louisa is worshiping him. Your obsession towards you sister is amazing. It even broke the influence of my Favored by All Beings." Elise removed her hand from Sophia's stomach but the spell is still in effect.
"When you discovered your affinities, you told this to Louisa with the resolve to commit suicide if she come to detest you. But the opposite happened. She told you that you never had that conversation and practice magic to help the people in need." (Elise)
"That is the moment, your love was set. Louisa will risk her life just to save you. Louisa bended her beliefs just to protect you. Louisa, who never lied once, lied for you. Louisa is the most wonderful sister and your trustworthy knight. That's why you decided. The only person you will love is your sister." Elise speaks as she moves to Sophia's back.
"But the god Louisa worsh.i.p.s, the Belief God of Light forbids romantic love between the same gender. That god not only threatened your safety, he also denied your pure love. His teachings misled Louisa." (Elise)
Elise puts her face near to Sophie's ear so that she can hear clearly her next words.
"His teachings drawn a line between you and your sister. However, look. When Louisa received my guidance, the servitude towards the Supreme One, she was able to cross the moral line and love you in return. You said that I casted a spell on her, but that's wrong. This is the Louisa that has been released from the shackles of Belief God of Light. What you see now, is Louisa's true self." Elise mixes the facts to tempt Sophia.
(Her true self? Because of the God of Light, Onee-chan cannot show her true feelings for me?) (Sophia)
And it seems to be taking effect.
(It looks like my assimilation with Louisa will be completed after a few moments. Once that happens, Louisa's ego will return and she can handle the rest.) (Elise)
"Think about it, Sophia. Louisa will never seek you if she continued to her mistaken belief. If you really want to confirm it, why don't you ask the person yourself?" (Elise)
Light returned to Louisa's eyes. She stopped kissing Sophia and held Sophia's shoulders.
"Sophia. I love you very much." (Louisa)
"Me too. I love Onee-chan, more than anyone in the world." Sophia smiles at Louisa.
Louisa also smiles at Sophia. Louisa holds Sophie's hand tightly.
"I know, and I'm happy about it. But I'm very scared all this time. What if your affinity has been revealed? What if we became honest to our feelings and it was revealed to the public? You cannot hide a secret forever. It is definite that it will be revealed. However, more than that, I wanted to freely express my feelings, my love for you, Sophie! As long as I belong to the Cathedral, I will be unable to do that. That's why when I learned about the Supreme One from Elise, I thought we might be able to do it. A being that is the personification of wisdom itself, I'm sure that he will understand us and acknowledge us. When that happens, I'm sure our wish will be granted." (Louisa)
"Sophia, become one of us. Once you do that, you will be able to understand the joy of serving the Supreme One. I want you to serve with me, not only to make our wish come true, but to also experience the delight and fulfillment I'm feeling right now." (Louisa)
Sophia is crying tears of joy when she heard what Louisa said. Louisa loves her and wants to share her joy with her.
"I want to be with Onee-chan. I want to experience the same happiness as Onee-chan. Elise, I don't what spell is that, please make me the same as Onee-chan." Sophia do not have hostility for Elise. She asks Elise to do the same thing she did to Louisa, with full awareness of its true nature.
"Since you asked me to do it, then I will make it quick. Excuse me." Elise placed her hand in Sophia's ears and used her Forbidden Skill to Sophia.
In that moment, Sophia felt something covering her. From her foot, it climbs up. But she cannot see anything. She can feel that it changes her very core, her soul, and her mind. She feels like she was being rewritten.
"Onee-chan, I'm scared!" Sophia appeals to Louisa.
"Don't worry, it will not harm you. It will be over in a moment." Louisa soothes Sophia.
"Kiss me, Onee-chan. I want to feel you, so I can feel safe." (Sophia)
Louisa didn't say anything and complied to Sophia's request. Louisa embraced Sophia and kissed her. Sophia encircled her arms in Louisa's neck and took the initiative to entangle her tongue. This is not a one-sided kiss like earlier. The current Sophia has no hesitation to show her feeling to her sister.
Elise felt amaze at these sisters. Well, she feels herself more amazing since she is the one who directed this scenario.
"Love is really amazing. It can make people do the impossible. Soon, I would be able to express my love for the Supreme One." (Elise)
The twins stopped the kiss. Sophia collapsed but Louisa is able to catch her.
"Let's continue this in my room. The two of you must be tired from your passionate act." Elise teases Louise, which caused the latter to blush from embarrassment.
Louisa carried Sophia in a princess carry and followed Elise.
When they arrived to Elise's room, Louisa gently laid down Sophia in Elise's bed.
Several minutes passed and Sophia opened her eyes.
"Is everything okay, Sophia?" (Louisa)
"I'm all right, Onee-chan." Sophia answered Louisa with a smile.
"Sorry to interrupt your sweet only-two-person atmosphere, but I would like to discuss everything here." (Elise)
Louisa faked a cough while Sophia gave Elise an ice-cold glare.
"If it's about me, then you have nothing to worry about. I completely become one of you. To think that you possess a Forbidden Skill that allows you to make other people one with you." (Sophia)
"To be exact my skill has the ability to absorb people, then store them in a special space, make a duplicate of them, and take them out for my usage. In the past, I need to restrain their ego, so they can only perform mechanically. After I used the one-time ability to Elise, I became her thoroughly and her World's Affection Skill caused my skill to evolve. Right now, I can return the ego of the people I absorb and they will not oppose me." (Elise)
"Indeed, you absorb me suddenly earlier so I should be fighting you right now. But the intent to fight you is gone. And I'm compelled to obey you. Ah, rest assured Sophia, everything I said to you earlier was my true feelings!" (Louisa)
"Fufu, I know, Onee-chan." (Sophia)
"Oh right, Elise. How do you plan to deal with Thea? If it's her, she will realize what's going on. We need to make her one of us as soon as possible." (Louisa)
"Thea Ellsa Von Hohenheim. She is known as The Exalted One. In terms of pure talent, even you twins cannot match her. Her fighting capability limit is unknown. And she rarely appears, just like me. But her achievements itself speaks for her ability." (Elise)
"In that case, we should think carefully our plan to deal with her." (Louisa)
"There's no need for that, Onee-chan." (Sophia)
"Huh?" (Louisa)
"Sophia is right." (????)
A foreign voice joined the conversation. Louisa looked at the source of the voice. The source is in the opened door of the room. She has blonde hair and golden eyes. She is wearing the same nun clothes as Elise. She immediately went to Elise, who is sitting in a chair. She didn't sit on the chair, instead she kneeled on the ground and rested her head on Elise's l.a.p. When Elise c.a.r.e.s.ses her head, she shows a blissful expression.
"THEA?!" Louisa is shocked by these new developments.
The one they are talking about, Thea, appeared out of nowhere and is now acting like a kitten in front of Elise.
"If anything, Thea would be the easiest target for Elise. Onee-chan, do you remember the incident in the Monastery seven years ago?" (Sophia)
"Yeah, the one where a certain noble who practices Heretic Arts, who attempted to violate someone in the Monastery. It happened when all people are attending the mass. He knocked out one of the nuns and take her in the Monastery where there is no one there. But before he could do the deed, Elise subdued him and saved the nun. The higher-ups are really furious and focused all manpower to investigate how did the noble managed to sneak in the Monastery. Not only someone managed to use heretic arts in the territory of the Cathedral, he almost violated a nun and in the Monastery of all places. The higher-ups even used this to pressure the Kingdom and spread the news to the whole continent. The identity of the nun is concealed to protect her honor, so no one knows who is the nun. Eh? Don't tell me…?!" Louisa narrates what she knew and became shock at the conclusion she reached.
"I had a hunch that Thea is the nun back then. Although they covered up her absence in the mass, when I saw the change her attitude towards Elise, it gave me the hunch. The Exalted One being 'respectful' to the Divine Maiden is nothing strange to the public. However, since I'm very similar to Thea, I can easily determine the truth of the matter." (Sophia)
"As expected of Sophia-chan. Elise-sama didn't forced me to become one with her, I voluntarily agreed with her. Being able to be together with Elise-sama for eternity is my greatest wish." (Thea)
"I didn't expect that Thea feel that way for me. Of course, I'm glad that she didn't resist me or else I don't know if I can make her submit without resorting to combat and schemes. After that, Thea helped me out in every way possible. Such a good girl." (Elise)
"Hehehe. I got praised by Elise-sama~." (Thea)
"No way. The most prideful and aloof Crusader in Cathedral easily fell in Elise's hands?" (Louisa)
"Don't think too much about it, Onee-chan. Love makes people change drastically." (Sophia)
"I guess you were right." (Louisa)
"Now that we are all here, we should talk about what to do next. We will make the Crusaders, Paladins, and Priests, under your commands become one of us. Thankfully, the people under your command are maidens with excellent appearance and competent." (Elise)
"I'm being curious here, Elise. Is the Supreme One a male?" (Louisa)
"Yes, but he isn't someone who is superficial to be taken by appearance alone. That's why I thought if I gathered females with the greatest appearances and abilities, it will increase my chances of success." (Elise)
"So, you just started all of this with that uncertain plan." (Sophia)
"You even said that he is not affected by appearances." (Louisa)
"I can't help it. I even studied the preferences of males and came with the conclusion that they are happy being together with marvelous women." (Elise)
"A honey trap plan with an uncertain chance of success due to lack of information of the target's preferences." (Sophia)
"At the very least, the individuals Elise-sama assimilated possess unique abilities and talents that will not lose ours. There are even one that made their mark in history." (Thea)
"Thea, you are not being bothered by the fact that this is not the original Elise?" (Louisa)
"Elise-sama is Elise-sama. She didn't change or anything, she merely gained new abilities and a goal to pursue. That's all there is to it." (Thea)
"Thea is right. Really, you are mean Louisa. Indeed, the nameless slime took over me. But after she saw my life, it decided to leave to fate who gets absorb. The slime and me became one. I gained its abilities, memories and d.e.s.i.r.es but I'm the one who decided to continue its d.e.s.i.r.e. Such a strange thing, its d.e.s.i.r.e to serve an being it met only a few times is abnormal." (Elise)
"In the end, you assimilated with the slime. Even if it didn't manage to take you over, you were tainted by its obsession. It fulfilled its objective either way, since here you are doing its mission with more obsession than it." (Sophia)
"Let's cut the talk about me. Getting back to the talk with obtaining your subordinates." (Elise)
"You will do that one-by-one?" (Louisa)
"We could just assemble them and do it all at once. My skill can assimilate with multiple targets." (Elise)
"Next thing we need is to cook up the opportunity to do that. The higher-ups might notice something if we do it carelessly." (Sophia)
"How about we create a diversion to put the focus of the higher-ups somewhere else, so that we can move freely? After that, we only need a reason to gather our troops." (Thea)
"If diversion and reason, then I guess I have something that can take the role of both." (Elise)
"As expected of Elise-sama!" (Thea)
"Why don't you say that earlier?" (Sophia)
"I'm sorry. Let us hear her report, first." (Elise)
An elf with platinum hair and emerald eyes wearing gray clothes appeared. She is kneeling at one knee beside Elise.
"Wha-?!" (Louisa & Sophia)
"!" (Thea)
The three are shocked not by the sudden appearance of the elf, but because of the identity of the elf. They recognized who this elf is.
"Don't worry, she's an ally. Introduce yourself." (Elise)
The elf stands up and introduced herself.
"As you wish, my Lady. I'm Chloris Bluma Wessen, a humble servant of Elise-sama. It is an honor to meet all of you." (Chloris)
"Chloris Bluma Wessen. A legendary elven demigod, who ruled the elves as their queen, during the reign of the King of Night. Although she is not as formidable as the King of Night, she held considerable strength and was able to slay two Generals of the Demon Lord all by herself. She didn't participate in the insurrection to the King of Night, since she is busy rebuilding the Elven Kingdom. After stabilizing the Elven Kingdom, she trained a successor to inherit the throne. When the heir inherited the throne, she disappeared and no one knows where is she and why did she leave until this day. She is known for her skill as a hunter, forest and wind attribute mage, and her capability as a queen." (Sophia)
"In the rankings of elves who contributed and influenced the elven history, Chloris-san is said to be in the third place. I guess there's no use in being surprised seeing her here." (Louisa)
"Well, there's more surprise waiting for you, so look forward to it. Chloris, what did you discover this time?" (Elise)
"There are Cultists that preparing to conduct a wide-scale ritual in 'that' Dungeon." (Chloris)
In the Mysterious Space
Yukina and a girl faced each other. One could feel the tension in the air, because a decision is about to be made.
"So, what is your choice?" (Girl)
"I accept." (Yukina)
"Very well." (Girl)
A black silhouette came and took the initiative to speak to Sai.
"Well, yeah. I have to clean the mess 'we' made, right?" (Sai)
"Their proof of existence, huh." (Black Silhouette)
"Right. So, you're gonna do it like the white one?" (Sai)
"No. Unlike us, that white one is not one of us, since those are foreign souls mended to us. The two of us are the same being, there's no need for pointless conflict. You came here to absorb me, right, human me?" (Black Silhouette)
"I'm really glad that you are very understanding, inhuman me. If this took much long to resolve, we would really split into separate personalities." (Sai)
"Then, make haste, human me." (Black Silhouette)
"Okay." Sai approached the black silhouette and touched him. The black silhouette turned into black light and was absorbed by Sai.
This marks the return of the monster that once killed all that is living destroyed everything that exists, including the whole world. Sensing his return, myriad worlds let out screams that only selected people can hear. Scream out of fear.
"The Forbidden One has returned!" (Author's Note: This is not Sai speaking but the Worlds.)
Meanwhile in a certain chapel.
Elise Katharina von Hohenheim is currently kneeling while solemnly praying when she heard the Scream of the World. Her expression went from complete shock, dumbfounded, and finally to ecstatic smile. She holds herself and shivers not from fear but delight.
"The world is trembling out of fear of the Supreme One. I must hurry. I shall become a servant worthy of serving the Supreme One. For that purpose, I need to obtain more excellent individuals." (Elise)
While Elise is distracted from her thoughts, the door of the chapel opened and a maiden wearing armor that has silver waist-long hair and golden eyes entered.
"Elise, I have come according to your summons. What is this favor you have ask me for?" (Armored Maiden)
Upon noticing the armored maiden's arrival, Elise switched from her delighted self to her diligent and sacred self in an instant. She stands up and walks towards the armored maiden.
"For the Cathedral's Bringer of Victory, Louisa Chole von Hohenheim-sama, to come here and heed my request, I'm really honored." Elise elegantly bowed to the armored maiden.
"Enough with formalities, Elise. You're my cousin, and it's natural for me to help you in your times of need." (Louisa)
"At least, let me thank you, Louisa." (Elise)
"Fine. Now, what do you need me for?" (Louisa)
Elise only smiled and placed her hands at each side of Louisa's cheeks. She made her face close to Louisa, to the point that their noses touched each other.
"Elise?" Louisa felt it strange for Elise to act like this. Before she could even move, her eyes became hollow and she stiffened.
"Louisa Chole von Hohenheim. A prodigy among prodigies, whether it is swordsmanship, academics, art of war, or magic, you can master everything easily. You have a great charisma that allows you to command with ease. You also possess deep insight and the ability to remain calm in every situation. Although you are very capable at such age, you are still very far from you limit. You already became one of the pillars that support the Cathedral. You are a very excellent individual. It's waste for you to dedicate yourself to a mere Belief God. Seeing my beloved cousin with insignificant beings saddens me. That's why, I'll guide you to a more appropriate path." (Elise)
"Let Louisa-nee go!" (???)
Lightning fallen on Elise's arms which injured her, forcing her away from Louisa. After Elisa and Louisa separated, Elise was bounded by golden chains while Louisa floated to the spell caster's side and was gently laid down in the floor.
The spell caster looks similar to Louisa. The only difference the spell caster has shoulder-length hair and her clothes are a magician's robe paired with a knee-length skirt.
Despite her injuries that can make an a.d.u.l.t scream while rolling in the ground, Elise doesn't mind her burned hand that is flowing with blood. Instead, she is still smiling and speaks:
"Sophia Edith von Hohenheim. Louisa Chole von Hohenheim's twin sister. The twins that is blessed beyond comparison. Despite having the same talent as your elder twin sister, you have chosen the path of magic. And during the expedition in the Tower of Dawn, you miraculously inherited that Supreme One's gift. If Louisa is the Cathedral's Bringer of Victory, then you are the Cathedral's Gatherer of Knowledge. Your excellence is not inferior to your sister. I will also guide you." (Elise)
"Release Louisa-nee from your spell and I will ensure your safety." Sophia demanded with a cold voice.
"Such hostility. How can you do this thing and release such hostility to your cousin?" Elise raises her hands to show it to Sophia.
"The moment you did that to Louisa-nee, you ceased to be my cousin." (Sophia)
"Did that? I didn't do anything that harmed Louisa, I merely guided her. Right, Louisa?" (Elise)
"Indeed, Elise is right. Thanks to her, I am able to know my real reason for existence." (Louisa)
"Wha-?" (Sophia)
Sophia looked at the place where she placed her sister and realized that she wasn't there. She didn't notice that Louisa is already at her back. Louisa embraced Sophia but the force in that is enough to make Sophia immobile. Not only that, Louisa casted a Paralyzing Spell on Sophia.
"Louisa, commit suicide once you notice Sophia casting a spell." (Elise)
"You devil!" Sophia curse Elise for giving her sister that order.
"Understood, Elise." While Louisa agreed to the order happily.
"Now, let me continue to say the things I discovered about you. You possess an affinity to all attributes and an abnormal level of affinity to add. Of course, when I say all, it is all, including the attributes that is available to Devils." (Elise)
Sophia became pale at Elise's revelation. Elise didn't mind it and continued to speak.
"If this was to be revealed, not only you but your sister will be labelled as heretics and will be executed on the spot. Rest assured, my aim is to guide the two of you not to kill." Elise stopped walking when she arrived in front of the twins. The golden light in her arms disappeared and her arms went back from the state before it was burned.
"Don't think that you can control me." (Sophia)
"I know. Do your best to resist, my dear cousin." (Elise)
Elise touched Sophia's stomach and casts a spell.
"A Healing Spell?" (Sophia)
"You possess an exceptional will and mind strength. I can just use brute force. However, you are my beloved cousin. And you are that Supreme One's inheritor. That's why I will go with this. Did you know, Sophia? If you casted a Healing Spell on a perfectly healthy person, it will cause them to feel p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. Although the degree depends on the mastery and potency of the spell." (Elise)
"If you are the one casting it, I see." (Sophia)
"Despite understanding what that means, you are still calm. You have a lot of confidence in your will. But there is a flaw with that will. Louisa kiss Sophia in the lips." (Elise)
"Don't tell me, that's your aim all along?!" (Sophia)
Upon receiving the order, Louisa kissed Sophia.
"Then, move in front of Sophia. Insert your tongue and entangle it with Sophia's, after that let her drink your saliva. Make it more intense. After that, encircle your hands to her waist. C.a.r.e.s.s her waist, back, legs, and rear alternately. You must c.a.r.e.s.s the place where she can feel the most in the right timing." Elise issued orders as she increase Sophia's p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e with the Healing Spell.
Louisa followed Elise's orders, causing Sophia to blush and let out sweet m.o.a.ns.
"That flaw in your will is your love for your sister. You love Louisa as a sister and as a woman. You began to love her as woman when you are abducted during childhood, right? You sneaked out of the Church and abducted by a slave trader. When you are being transferred to the auction venue, Louisa appeared riding a horse equipped with a single sword. She stopped the slave traders advance. And she fought all the fighters of the slave traders all by herself. Her whole body is wounded, but she didn't stop until she freed you from the chains." Elise narrates the event as the twins kiss each other.
"A knight in shining armor rescued the damsel in distress. You called the paladins, priests, your parents, and your god for help. However, none of them answered your call. When you gave up all hope and sink into despair, Louisa appeared and cut the chains binding you. You were smart even back then, so you realized the cause of Louisa's wounds. She carried you and said 'Let's go home'." (Elise)
Sophia remembers what happened while experiencing waves of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.es.
"And as time passed, your love develops, until it reached this intensity. Your world only consists of Louisa. Even if you say that you worship the God of Light, it's just because Louisa is worshiping him. Your obsession towards you sister is amazing. It even broke the influence of my Favored by All Beings." Elise removed her hand from Sophia's stomach but the spell is still in effect.
"When you discovered your affinities, you told this to Louisa with the resolve to commit suicide if she come to detest you. But the opposite happened. She told you that you never had that conversation and practice magic to help the people in need." (Elise)
"That is the moment, your love was set. Louisa will risk her life just to save you. Louisa bended her beliefs just to protect you. Louisa, who never lied once, lied for you. Louisa is the most wonderful sister and your trustworthy knight. That's why you decided. The only person you will love is your sister." Elise speaks as she moves to Sophia's back.
"But the god Louisa worsh.i.p.s, the Belief God of Light forbids romantic love between the same gender. That god not only threatened your safety, he also denied your pure love. His teachings misled Louisa." (Elise)
Elise puts her face near to Sophie's ear so that she can hear clearly her next words.
"His teachings drawn a line between you and your sister. However, look. When Louisa received my guidance, the servitude towards the Supreme One, she was able to cross the moral line and love you in return. You said that I casted a spell on her, but that's wrong. This is the Louisa that has been released from the shackles of Belief God of Light. What you see now, is Louisa's true self." Elise mixes the facts to tempt Sophia.
(Her true self? Because of the God of Light, Onee-chan cannot show her true feelings for me?) (Sophia)
And it seems to be taking effect.
(It looks like my assimilation with Louisa will be completed after a few moments. Once that happens, Louisa's ego will return and she can handle the rest.) (Elise)
"Think about it, Sophia. Louisa will never seek you if she continued to her mistaken belief. If you really want to confirm it, why don't you ask the person yourself?" (Elise)
Light returned to Louisa's eyes. She stopped kissing Sophia and held Sophia's shoulders.
"Sophia. I love you very much." (Louisa)
"Me too. I love Onee-chan, more than anyone in the world." Sophia smiles at Louisa.
Louisa also smiles at Sophia. Louisa holds Sophie's hand tightly.
"I know, and I'm happy about it. But I'm very scared all this time. What if your affinity has been revealed? What if we became honest to our feelings and it was revealed to the public? You cannot hide a secret forever. It is definite that it will be revealed. However, more than that, I wanted to freely express my feelings, my love for you, Sophie! As long as I belong to the Cathedral, I will be unable to do that. That's why when I learned about the Supreme One from Elise, I thought we might be able to do it. A being that is the personification of wisdom itself, I'm sure that he will understand us and acknowledge us. When that happens, I'm sure our wish will be granted." (Louisa)
"Sophia, become one of us. Once you do that, you will be able to understand the joy of serving the Supreme One. I want you to serve with me, not only to make our wish come true, but to also experience the delight and fulfillment I'm feeling right now." (Louisa)
Sophia is crying tears of joy when she heard what Louisa said. Louisa loves her and wants to share her joy with her.
"I want to be with Onee-chan. I want to experience the same happiness as Onee-chan. Elise, I don't what spell is that, please make me the same as Onee-chan." Sophia do not have hostility for Elise. She asks Elise to do the same thing she did to Louisa, with full awareness of its true nature.
"Since you asked me to do it, then I will make it quick. Excuse me." Elise placed her hand in Sophia's ears and used her Forbidden Skill to Sophia.
In that moment, Sophia felt something covering her. From her foot, it climbs up. But she cannot see anything. She can feel that it changes her very core, her soul, and her mind. She feels like she was being rewritten.
"Onee-chan, I'm scared!" Sophia appeals to Louisa.
"Don't worry, it will not harm you. It will be over in a moment." Louisa soothes Sophia.
"Kiss me, Onee-chan. I want to feel you, so I can feel safe." (Sophia)
Louisa didn't say anything and complied to Sophia's request. Louisa embraced Sophia and kissed her. Sophia encircled her arms in Louisa's neck and took the initiative to entangle her tongue. This is not a one-sided kiss like earlier. The current Sophia has no hesitation to show her feeling to her sister.
Elise felt amaze at these sisters. Well, she feels herself more amazing since she is the one who directed this scenario.
"Love is really amazing. It can make people do the impossible. Soon, I would be able to express my love for the Supreme One." (Elise)
The twins stopped the kiss. Sophia collapsed but Louisa is able to catch her.
"Let's continue this in my room. The two of you must be tired from your passionate act." Elise teases Louise, which caused the latter to blush from embarrassment.
Louisa carried Sophia in a princess carry and followed Elise.
When they arrived to Elise's room, Louisa gently laid down Sophia in Elise's bed.
Several minutes passed and Sophia opened her eyes.
"Is everything okay, Sophia?" (Louisa)
"I'm all right, Onee-chan." Sophia answered Louisa with a smile.
"Sorry to interrupt your sweet only-two-person atmosphere, but I would like to discuss everything here." (Elise)
Louisa faked a cough while Sophia gave Elise an ice-cold glare.
"If it's about me, then you have nothing to worry about. I completely become one of you. To think that you possess a Forbidden Skill that allows you to make other people one with you." (Sophia)
"To be exact my skill has the ability to absorb people, then store them in a special space, make a duplicate of them, and take them out for my usage. In the past, I need to restrain their ego, so they can only perform mechanically. After I used the one-time ability to Elise, I became her thoroughly and her World's Affection Skill caused my skill to evolve. Right now, I can return the ego of the people I absorb and they will not oppose me." (Elise)
"Indeed, you absorb me suddenly earlier so I should be fighting you right now. But the intent to fight you is gone. And I'm compelled to obey you. Ah, rest assured Sophia, everything I said to you earlier was my true feelings!" (Louisa)
"Fufu, I know, Onee-chan." (Sophia)
"Oh right, Elise. How do you plan to deal with Thea? If it's her, she will realize what's going on. We need to make her one of us as soon as possible." (Louisa)
"Thea Ellsa Von Hohenheim. She is known as The Exalted One. In terms of pure talent, even you twins cannot match her. Her fighting capability limit is unknown. And she rarely appears, just like me. But her achievements itself speaks for her ability." (Elise)
"In that case, we should think carefully our plan to deal with her." (Louisa)
"There's no need for that, Onee-chan." (Sophia)
"Huh?" (Louisa)
"Sophia is right." (????)
A foreign voice joined the conversation. Louisa looked at the source of the voice. The source is in the opened door of the room. She has blonde hair and golden eyes. She is wearing the same nun clothes as Elise. She immediately went to Elise, who is sitting in a chair. She didn't sit on the chair, instead she kneeled on the ground and rested her head on Elise's l.a.p. When Elise c.a.r.e.s.ses her head, she shows a blissful expression.
"THEA?!" Louisa is shocked by these new developments.
The one they are talking about, Thea, appeared out of nowhere and is now acting like a kitten in front of Elise.
"If anything, Thea would be the easiest target for Elise. Onee-chan, do you remember the incident in the Monastery seven years ago?" (Sophia)
"Yeah, the one where a certain noble who practices Heretic Arts, who attempted to violate someone in the Monastery. It happened when all people are attending the mass. He knocked out one of the nuns and take her in the Monastery where there is no one there. But before he could do the deed, Elise subdued him and saved the nun. The higher-ups are really furious and focused all manpower to investigate how did the noble managed to sneak in the Monastery. Not only someone managed to use heretic arts in the territory of the Cathedral, he almost violated a nun and in the Monastery of all places. The higher-ups even used this to pressure the Kingdom and spread the news to the whole continent. The identity of the nun is concealed to protect her honor, so no one knows who is the nun. Eh? Don't tell me…?!" Louisa narrates what she knew and became shock at the conclusion she reached.
"I had a hunch that Thea is the nun back then. Although they covered up her absence in the mass, when I saw the change her attitude towards Elise, it gave me the hunch. The Exalted One being 'respectful' to the Divine Maiden is nothing strange to the public. However, since I'm very similar to Thea, I can easily determine the truth of the matter." (Sophia)
"As expected of Sophia-chan. Elise-sama didn't forced me to become one with her, I voluntarily agreed with her. Being able to be together with Elise-sama for eternity is my greatest wish." (Thea)
"I didn't expect that Thea feel that way for me. Of course, I'm glad that she didn't resist me or else I don't know if I can make her submit without resorting to combat and schemes. After that, Thea helped me out in every way possible. Such a good girl." (Elise)
"Hehehe. I got praised by Elise-sama~." (Thea)
"No way. The most prideful and aloof Crusader in Cathedral easily fell in Elise's hands?" (Louisa)
"Don't think too much about it, Onee-chan. Love makes people change drastically." (Sophia)
"I guess you were right." (Louisa)
"Now that we are all here, we should talk about what to do next. We will make the Crusaders, Paladins, and Priests, under your commands become one of us. Thankfully, the people under your command are maidens with excellent appearance and competent." (Elise)
"I'm being curious here, Elise. Is the Supreme One a male?" (Louisa)
"Yes, but he isn't someone who is superficial to be taken by appearance alone. That's why I thought if I gathered females with the greatest appearances and abilities, it will increase my chances of success." (Elise)
"So, you just started all of this with that uncertain plan." (Sophia)
"You even said that he is not affected by appearances." (Louisa)
"I can't help it. I even studied the preferences of males and came with the conclusion that they are happy being together with marvelous women." (Elise)
"A honey trap plan with an uncertain chance of success due to lack of information of the target's preferences." (Sophia)
"At the very least, the individuals Elise-sama assimilated possess unique abilities and talents that will not lose ours. There are even one that made their mark in history." (Thea)
"Thea, you are not being bothered by the fact that this is not the original Elise?" (Louisa)
"Elise-sama is Elise-sama. She didn't change or anything, she merely gained new abilities and a goal to pursue. That's all there is to it." (Thea)
"Thea is right. Really, you are mean Louisa. Indeed, the nameless slime took over me. But after she saw my life, it decided to leave to fate who gets absorb. The slime and me became one. I gained its abilities, memories and d.e.s.i.r.es but I'm the one who decided to continue its d.e.s.i.r.e. Such a strange thing, its d.e.s.i.r.e to serve an being it met only a few times is abnormal." (Elise)
"In the end, you assimilated with the slime. Even if it didn't manage to take you over, you were tainted by its obsession. It fulfilled its objective either way, since here you are doing its mission with more obsession than it." (Sophia)
"Let's cut the talk about me. Getting back to the talk with obtaining your subordinates." (Elise)
"You will do that one-by-one?" (Louisa)
"We could just assemble them and do it all at once. My skill can assimilate with multiple targets." (Elise)
"Next thing we need is to cook up the opportunity to do that. The higher-ups might notice something if we do it carelessly." (Sophia)
"How about we create a diversion to put the focus of the higher-ups somewhere else, so that we can move freely? After that, we only need a reason to gather our troops." (Thea)
"If diversion and reason, then I guess I have something that can take the role of both." (Elise)
"As expected of Elise-sama!" (Thea)
"Why don't you say that earlier?" (Sophia)
"I'm sorry. Let us hear her report, first." (Elise)
An elf with platinum hair and emerald eyes wearing gray clothes appeared. She is kneeling at one knee beside Elise.
"Wha-?!" (Louisa & Sophia)
"!" (Thea)
The three are shocked not by the sudden appearance of the elf, but because of the identity of the elf. They recognized who this elf is.
"Don't worry, she's an ally. Introduce yourself." (Elise)
The elf stands up and introduced herself.
"As you wish, my Lady. I'm Chloris Bluma Wessen, a humble servant of Elise-sama. It is an honor to meet all of you." (Chloris)
"Chloris Bluma Wessen. A legendary elven demigod, who ruled the elves as their queen, during the reign of the King of Night. Although she is not as formidable as the King of Night, she held considerable strength and was able to slay two Generals of the Demon Lord all by herself. She didn't participate in the insurrection to the King of Night, since she is busy rebuilding the Elven Kingdom. After stabilizing the Elven Kingdom, she trained a successor to inherit the throne. When the heir inherited the throne, she disappeared and no one knows where is she and why did she leave until this day. She is known for her skill as a hunter, forest and wind attribute mage, and her capability as a queen." (Sophia)
"In the rankings of elves who contributed and influenced the elven history, Chloris-san is said to be in the third place. I guess there's no use in being surprised seeing her here." (Louisa)
"Well, there's more surprise waiting for you, so look forward to it. Chloris, what did you discover this time?" (Elise)
"There are Cultists that preparing to conduct a wide-scale ritual in 'that' Dungeon." (Chloris)
In the Mysterious Space
Yukina and a girl faced each other. One could feel the tension in the air, because a decision is about to be made.
"So, what is your choice?" (Girl)
"I accept." (Yukina)
"Very well." (Girl)
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