Overnight Success

Chapter 103 Learning From The Second Generation Of Gold Plating

"That's right, General Lu, despite his young age, his courage and ability are far beyond ordinary people. Everyone in the Yoshida family has suffered a lot from him."

Talking about Lin Chen, Chen Wenbin seemed to have endless words, and told General Lu everything about Lin Chen in detail.

In fact, the so-called General Lu is not actually a name, but a title.

Lu is the surname, and the general is the position.

General Lu, whose real name is Lu Siyong, was a general who was famous in the Hua Kingdom. The Xuanwu Legion under his command was even more brave and good at fighting, and made great contributions to the Hua Kingdom.

The country of Hua has a vast territory. Because of its vast land and abundant resources, it is often invaded by many countries.

Therefore, the high level of the country sent four most powerful legions named Qinglong, Baihu, Vermilion Bird, and Xuanhuan to sit in the four directions of southeast, northwest and north.

As the governor of a city, Chen Wenbin has the jurisdiction of a city, but he has no right to mobilize the actual military power. If a major event needs to be suppressed by force, he can only rely on law enforcement organizations and the police.

So when the leader of the law enforcers was in the hands of Yoshida Ikyu, he was obviously stretched in the face of the threat of the martial arts.

However, Lu Siyong was different. As a general of the Hua Kingdom, his status was prominent. In addition to commanding the Xuanwu Army, he could mobilize the troops in the northern region at will, which can be described as the pinnacle of power.

No matter who you are in the political circles or business tycoons, when you face the generals, you have to behave respectfully.

It can be said that in the entire Hua Kingdom, except for the supreme controller, there are only five-star marshals who are one level higher than generals, but the average age of the marshals is already high, and unless there is a major event that affects the country, they will not show up at all.

Therefore, the general is the highest-ranking boss in China that people can see.

This time, the reason why Lu Siyong came to Yunhuai Medical University was because the Northern Military Region had an important cooperation with this university, and he had to come to discuss it in person. In addition, he also wanted to take this opportunity to select several medically skilled people to join the Northern Military Region .

Where there is war, there will be casualties. Therefore, the status of medical experts in the army is self-evident, even if they are leaders, they need to be polite to them.

When Lu Siyong finished hearing about Lin Chen

Everything, suddenly he became very interested in this young man.

"It seems that this Lin Chen is not simple, he is proficient in all aspects of medicine, martial arts, feng shui..."

Speaking of this, Lu Siyong was thoughtful.

"According to my speculation, that Yoshida Keino's strength must be at the level of a seventh-level warrior. To be able to defeat him means that Lin Chen's strength is either at the peak of the seventh level or at the eighth level."

As soon as Chen Wenbin said this, Lu Siyong's eyes lit up instantly: "So, can Dudu Chen have a way to let Lin Chen join me?"

Hearing that Lu Siyong wanted to snatch someone, Chen Wenbin was a little embarrassed: "To tell you the truth, General Lu, I actually intended to let Lin Chen compete for the position of leader of the law enforcers..."

"Old Chen, you and I have known each other for many years, why don't you give this person to me, and I owe you a favor."

While the two were talking, a man with thinning hair, about fifty years old, and wearing a white coat came here and said, "You two are really easy for me to find, why did you come from behind?"

"The front is too attractive, far less comfortable than the back." Lu Siyong said with a faint smile: "Principal He, what do you think about the cooperation plan I submitted?"

"Once the drug is successfully developed, I am willing to share the results with your school."

Apparently, the man in front of him was He Youshun, the principal of the school, and the two of them had to discuss the matter of cooperation.

"Since General Lu is sincere, I will definitely report this matter to the school director truthfully, and I believe I will not disappoint you." Pen Fun Library

The three chatted for a while, and the lecture officially began.

After the opening host's introduction, Lin Chen also understood that today's lecture is nothing more than a medical professor talking about his own research results, saying that he is sharing his successful experience, but he doesn't know how much of it is showing off.

Next, Lin Chen leaned on Su Qingcheng's shoulder and dozed off as one medical tycoon after another came out to present their academic research.

There are tens of thousands of ways to save people by prescribing the right medicine, but these people in power all regard Western medicine as the supreme treatment method.

Of course, it’s not that Western medicine is not good, but from Lin Chen’s perspective, this group of people is too narrow, and they completely limit their medical direction to Western medicine.

Not conspiring with each other, Lin Chen simply closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Since Lin Chen was sitting in the first row, his behavior quickly aroused dissatisfaction among many people, who immediately started whispering.

As for everyone's discussion, Lin Chen naturally heard clearly, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it.


The lecture is almost coming to an end.

Suddenly, the host introduced solemnly: "Please, the youngest speaker in this lecture, Jiang Tianxia, ​​Jiang is the youngest double-degree master in the history of Yunhuai Medical University. Have excellent insights.

And his parents are also the top medical scientists and biologists in my country. Not long ago, Jiang Tianxia published a paper in the most authoritative newspaper in our country that attracted countless people.

Next, I would like to invite Jiang Tianxia to introduce the academic achievements of this paper, and everyone applauds. "

next second.

When this classmate Jiang Tianxia came on stage, the audience exclaimed.

To everyone's surprise, this boy named Jiang Tianxia was only about fifteen years old. Many people hadn't finished junior high school at this time, but he had already obtained a double master's degree in medicine and biology.

"Why is the kid so smart now? Do you think he will surpass you in the future?"

Hearing his wife's slightly joking tone, Lin Chen opened his eyes and looked at the little boy on the stage in surprise.

above the podium.

Jiang Tianxia raised his head and chest, looked at the audience, and said proudly: "Today, I will bring you the research result of my years of hard work "The Effect of New Genes on Cancer Cells"." Pen Fun Library

The voice fell.

The audience was in an uproar.

As a difficult disease in the world, cancer is well-known to every household. It can be said that cancer is the biggest difficulty facing the world's top medical practitioners.

Just when their group of medical scientists felt exhausted, the kid in front of him was already studying the influence of gene fragments on cancer.

Either this is a once-in-a-century child prodigy, or there must be capable people behind him to help.

Immediately, Lin Chen leaned on Su Qingcheng's fragrant shoulder again, and said disappointedly: "After a long time, it turns out that I learned from the second generation to plate gold!"

"My wife will wake me up when the meeting is over!"

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