Overnight Success

Chapter 107 Murder? Save People?

"Mr. Lin Chen, don't you plan to prepare a speech?"

Seeing that Lin Chen was empty-handed, someone couldn't help asking.

On this occasion, the content of everyone's speeches is very hardcore and complicated, and generally speaking, no one chooses to leave the manuscript.

Therefore, Lin Chen has not prepared a speech, and there are only two possibilities.

One is that he has reached the pinnacle of academics and is very confident in himself.

The other is that his mind is blank, and he has no insight into medical skills at all. In this case, the result is the same whether you prepare a speech or not.

Everyone here is a famous medical expert. If there is a slight mistake, you will immediately find that you are biting it. It is obviously unrealistic to try to get away with it.

"It's good for everyone to watch the fun later. If this kid can really express his own opinions on related academic issues, I am willing to eat in public!"

Seeing Lin Chen's self-righteous look, Jiang Chenggong couldn't help but sneered.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen looked back and glanced at him sideways: "Remember what you said, don't play tricks later!"

"Lin Chen, pay attention to the way you talk to Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang is a role model in our medical field. How can you allow yourself to judge at will!"

At this time, Sun Zidong deliberately came to Jiang Chenggong's side and said to Lin Chen.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, of course he must lick ginger well to succeed. Soon, his postgraduate career will come to an end, and whether he can successfully enter Huaguo Medical College at that time will depend on this one action.

For this set, Jiang Chenggong was very helpful, and he affirmed to his grandson Dong: "Young people must have a humble heart, so that they can always be rigorous and simple on the road of medicine. You are very good, and I will leave you alone later." If you have employment problems in the future, you can call me."


Sun Zidong was so excited that he tried his best to belittle Lin Chen while flattering Jiang Chenggong.

"By the way, I just heard from Dean Huang that you want to promote Chinese medicine? Then you might as well use the question you asked my son just now. Once a heart attack occurs, how can you treat it with Chinese medicine?"

When Jiang Chenggong said this sentence, he did it on purpose to make things difficult for Lin Chen.

Who doesn't know that western medicine is currently the main treatment for heart disease, and Chinese medicine has not yet had a complete diagnosis and treatment system.

Of course, it's not just heart disease. When faced with many complicated and difficult diseases, doctors all over the world almost choose western medicine.

As for the Chinese medicine handed down from ancient times in Huaguo, it has been gradually abandoned in the trend of the times.

Regarding Jiang Chenggong's difficulty, Lin Chen smiled and said:

"The so-called heart disease is actually named after Western medicine. Chinese medicine pays attention to the dialectics of the body by looking, smelling, asking, and feeling. For the same type of heart disease diagnosed by Western medicine, Chinese medicine may treat it based on different syndromes." library

"Enough, you said so much, I didn't hear a single useful word, you just asked if you can use Chinese medicine for treatment."

Jiang Chenggong interrupted impatiently: "Otherwise, don't waste everyone's time here, we don't have time to spend with you."


So I said, there is a reason why what you said is rubbish. Your understanding of medicine is still limited to your own superficial knowledge. "

As Lin Chen said, his voice changed: "Forget it, since I promised Principal Huang, I will take action today to change your shallow cognition like a frog in a well."

Then, Lin Chen reached out and pointed to a girl in the student group.

The girl is in her prime, wearing a white dress, looking fresh and refined.

However, it is such an outstanding girl, but no one around her is willing to be next to her.

Because the girl's face was pale and her lips were dry, she was obviously suffering from a serious illness.

The girl's name is He Xiuxiu, and she is an excellent student at Yunhuai Medical University, but because she suffers from a serious heart disease, many people stay away from her.

In case she has any problems, she will be implicated.

As time passed, He Xiuxiu also felt very uncomfortable, and even felt a little inferior. Seeing Lin Chen pointing at her now, she couldn't help lowering her head.

The eye circles are slightly red.

Some at a loss.

"From Mr. Lin's point of view, is it possible to use Chinese medicine to cure classmate He Xiuxiu?"

Jiang Chenggong snorted dismissively.

This time he came to the lecture, in addition to gilding his son, another purpose is to find a few outstanding medical students who will be his assistants in the future.

Among them, He Xiuxiu's grades are among the best in this university, so he is naturally within his target range.

Therefore, he is very clear about He Xiuxiu's own situation.

"This classmate, I have a solution for you to solve your heart problem, are you willing to believe me?" Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Hearing this, He Xiuxiu's delicate body trembled.

Her heart disease is congenital, so it is almost impossible to cure it.

However, even so, she still has illusions that one day, a miracle will happen and her problems will be solved.

Therefore, when she heard that Lin Chen had a cure for this disease, her heart was extremely excited.

"I would."

He Xiuxiu nodded immediately without any hesitation.

"You come to me."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took out a set of silver needles from his pocket.

Ever since he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, he has always carried the silver needle with him. When necessary, he can kill or save others.

At the same time, He Xiuxiu's face was full of weirdness, shouldn't she go to the hospital to save someone logically?

But why did this handsome looking big brother let her go to the podium?

Jiang Chenggong was also full of sneers, waiting quietly to see Lin Chen make a fool of himself.

But he knew that this He Xiuxiu's identity was not ordinary, once Lin Chen killed her, then the responsibility would be great.

At that time, maybe he doesn't need to make a move, and someone will naturally deal with this kid!

"Lie flat on the desk and relax."

He Xiuxiu took a deep breath and obeyed obediently.

next moment.

Lin Chen took out a silver needle and dropped it directly on He Xiuxiu's forehead.

this action.

In an instant, the lecture hall felt as if a pot had exploded.

What a joke.

To treat heart disease, how can anyone apply acupuncture to the forehead!


This Lin Chen knows nothing about heart disease!

"and many more!"

Suddenly, in the last row, a middle-aged man in a white coat stood up and shouted anxiously.

However, Lin Chen remained unmoved, holding a silver needle, and then stabbed towards He Xiuxiu's head.

Suddenly, He Xiuxiu's delicate body trembled suddenly, as if she was in great pain.

This scene frightened everyone.

If Lin Chen was allowed to stick like this, then He Xiuxiu's head would have to be tied like a hedgehog.

At that time, even if the gods come, it will be difficult to save them!

When everyone first came up with this idea, the middle-aged man in a white coat had already run from his seat to the podium.

The man is He Youshun, the president of Yunhuai Medical University.

Originally, he had been chatting with Lu Siyong and Chen Wenbin, who would have thought that he heard his own daughter's voice.

Looking back, looking at it, I didn't expect that the young man on the stage was stabbing his daughter with a silver needle!

It's worth it.

About He Xiuxiu being his daughter, out of suspicion, he didn't mention it to anyone, including the whole school teachers and students, but right now, he couldn't care less about it.

However, he sat too far back, so that when he rushed to the podium, Lin Chen had already administered the third injection to He Xiuxiu.

Suddenly, He Xiuxiu spat out a mouthful of blood, her face was completely pale.

"I am a big grass!"

"Killing, this is considered killing!"

"Did student He Xiuxiu offend him?"

The eyes of everyone at the scene widened, with disbelief on their faces.

But Lin Chen ignored it, activated the spiritual energy, penetrated into the three silver needles, and poured them into He Xiuxiu's body.

He Xiuxiu has congenital heart disease, which cannot be cured by ordinary acupuncture. He must use spiritual energy to repair the congenital defect inside the heart. After the defect is resolved, the heart will no longer have any problems.

The entire restoration process seemed to last only a few seconds, but large beads of sweat had already seeped from Lin Chen's forehead.

The body of an ordinary person simply cannot withstand the impact of a large amount of spiritual energy. If He Xiuxiu is not careful, He Xiuxiu's body will be exploded by the spiritual energy. Therefore, Lin Chen needs to spend a lot of energy to control this speed.

After doing all this, Lin Chen let out a long sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"You murderer, what did you do to my daughter!"

At this time, He Youshun grabbed Lin Chen by the collar and said fiercely, "If anything happens to my daughter, I promise you won't be able to bear it."

"Mr. Lin, your method of saving people really opened my eyes, but are you sure you are saving people, not killing people maliciously?"

Jiang Chenggong laughed jokingly, and began to add insult to injury.

"Is there anyone calling 110, this murderer must not be allowed to escape!"

"This kind of person must not be let go, and must be sentenced to death!"

"In broad daylight, if you shoot a girl, is your heart given by the devil?"

Just when everyone was attacking Lin Chen verbally one after another.

He Xiuxiu, who was sitting motionless on the lecture table, suddenly sat up: "It feels so comfortable, I feel warm in my body, and my illness seems to be cured..."

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