Overnight Success

Chapter 12 The Xu Family Proposes Marriage

Ferrari sports car, driving slowly on the road.

In the cab, Lin Chen asked with a smile: "Honey, why didn't you tell the manager of the restaurant that you know him earlier?"

Su Qingcheng snorted arrogantly: "Say it earlier, how can you sanction that guy."

Obviously, Ma Fei's obscene gaze made her feel very uncomfortable from the beginning to the end.

"By the way, tell me about your sister, how could she be with that kind of person?"

Su Qingcheng frowned.

When she handed Lin Chen two million dollars back then, Lin Chen refused without even blinking an eye.

On the other hand, this Tang Ya has been leaning on Ma Fei, she is also a girl, this appearance of not loving herself makes her feel a little disgusted.

The same brother and sister, the difference between the two is too big.

Lin Chen sighed, and didn't want to talk more about this matter.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Suddenly, a rush of phone calls rang from Su Qingcheng's bag.

After answering the phone, Su Qingcheng's pretty face gradually turned ugly.

not for a while.

Seeing that Su Qingcheng hung up the phone, Lin Chen asked, "What happened?"

Su Qingcheng frowned slightly, and said: "Xu Tianlong went to my house to propose marriage."

"Propose marriage?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chen said with a fierce look on his face: "Dare to hit my wife, this guy is really impatient."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng rolled his eyes and said: "He is the son of the Xu family, can you still be as tough as before?"

It's not that Su Qingcheng doesn't believe in Lin Chen's strength, but that as the future heir of the Xu family, Xu Tianlong has professional bodyguards to escort him every time he travels.

If she gets hurt because of this, she will feel distressed.

"Whoever he is, if he dares to attack my wife, if I don't give him two slaps, I will write my name upside down."

Lin Chen looked fearless.

"Okay, I won't promise him again, why are you so excited."

Su Qingcheng was extremely moved in her heart, but her expression was still full of worry.

Aware of this change, Lin Chen tentatively asked: "As far as I know, your Su family can be regarded as a second-rate family. Even if the Xu family is powerful, it won't be much better than you, right?"

Su Qingcheng let out a long sigh: "This is indeed the case. The main business of our Su Group is beauty and skin care products, and the Xu family has always been our biggest partner."

As a channel provider, the cooperation between the two of us has at least accounted for most of the market in Yunhuai City. "

"But last week, Xu's family invited some expert to develop a scar-removing ointment. As the name suggests, as long as you apply it, not only will all the scars be well improved, but it will also increase the elasticity of the skin."

"As soon as it appeared, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the market, which also caused an unprecedented impact on our own products, and the company's sales have been declining. Before that, Xu Shao had ulterior motives for me, and now he even claims that if I don't accept him If you want to propose a marriage, you must sever the cooperative relationship."

"In this way, the group's situation will only get worse." Speaking of this, Su Qingcheng rubbed her forehead, feeling powerless in her heart.

"Scar removal?"

Lin Chen talked to himself, and quickly ran through the secret exercises that the old man gave him in his mind.

Soon, a book of medical skills called "Scar Elimination Technique" attracted his attention.

This technique was invented by the old man in his spare time. It has to be said that he didn't invent ten thousand copies of this kind of "fancy" exercises in his life, but there are thousands of them.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help sighing, if this person were placed in the current society, there would be absolutely no Ekistein.

It's a pity that when the old man belched, he didn't tell himself what his name was.

Otherwise, he must erect a monument to this old man in human society.

"Lin Chen, what are you thinking, run away!!"

At this time, Su Qingcheng who was on the side suddenly raised his voice, and quickly slapped Lin Chen.

Lin Chen came back to his senses, and saw a large truck rushing towards them at a speed of seventy miles, swaying left and right.


Is this old man driving or playing wild on the road?

Seeing that the distance between the two sides is less than ten meters, it must be too late to hide.

An unprecedented calm appeared on Lin Chen's face. He held the steering wheel with both hands, and then a slight aura appeared in his palms.



The Ferrari headed toward the truck.

"Lin Chen, you are crazy!"

Witnessing this scene, Su Qingcheng let out a scream, and immediately fainted from fright.

But, just the second she fainted.

Ferrari soared into the sky at a 90-degree angle at an extremely terrifying speed.

The passing vehicles were stunned.


Also confused.

The police monitoring vehicle violations were also stunned.

Is this Nima a sports car or a rocket?

When everyone wakes up, there will be no trace of Ferrari.


"Wife, wake up, if you don't wake up, I will need artificial respiration."

On the side of the road, Lin Chen parked the Ferrari here, and took the initiative to kiss Su Qingcheng's lips.

next moment.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, and quickly kissed him.

As warm as jade, moist and flawless.

A hint of sweetness immediately made Lin Chen feel endless aftertaste.


Su Qingcheng's nose moaned softly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Su Qingcheng hastily pushed Lin Chen away, apparently just stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, and she is still in shock.

"Say, are you trying to scare me out so that you can take advantage of me?"

Su Qingcheng pouted and asked.

"I'm wronged, my wife, I'm really wronged!"

Lin Chen put his hands up, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Didn't I want to give you artificial respiration, you scared me to death after being fainted for so long."

"Besides, you are my wife. If I want to take advantage, I will take advantage of it openly."

Su Qingcheng snorted: "Slick tongue."

"Don't be distracted when you drive next time. I almost saw the Naihe Bridge just now."

In this regard, Lin Chen chuckled: "Don't worry my wife, I promise there will be no next time."

"However, I may be able to do the anti-scar ointment you just mentioned, and the effect is even better than it."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng suddenly looked at Lin Chen, half-believing: "Are you serious?"

"It is absolutely true, but it may take some time before it is released on a large scale to the market."

Lin Chen thought for a while and continued.

Regarding the "Scar Elimination Technique", only he can use acupuncture through spiritual energy to treat individuals to achieve a perfect and traceless effect.

Fortunately, the old man also recorded the formula of the ointment made from "Scar Elimination Technique", but the effect of applying it is far less immediate than his acupuncture.

"it is good."

Su Qingcheng nodded. She thought she knew Lin Chen well enough. Since Lin Chen dared to speak out, he would definitely not target him for no reason.

Holding Lin Chen's hand, Su Qingcheng seemed to summon up great courage, and said, "Go, let's go home now."

Lin Chen was stunned, "Go home?"

"Idiot, of course I'm going back to Su's house!"

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