Overnight Success

Chapter 15 Lin Chen, You Bastard

"You have the guts to say it again!"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Su Taishan's body trembled, furious.

It's unreasonable, if that day really came, and he, as Su Qingcheng's father, didn't even have a chair at the wedding scene, then how much he would feel.

"Don't say good things twice."

Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket, and said as usual.

He has already given the other party enough face, since the other party is aggressive, he will naturally not admit cowardice.

How about rich?

Is it great to be rich?

Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, whether you are a father-in-law or not, if you are unhappy, I will hate you!


Su Taishan's face flushed with anger, and his lips kept trembling.

"Okay, you two are so angry with him, what good is it for you!"

Guo Min sighed slightly, and said from the bottom of her heart that she was very satisfied with Lin Chen. After all, anyone who can be a repairman is practical and capable.

As an assistant to my daughter, although the business may be a bit unfamiliar for the time being, as long as I am willing to learn, I may be my daughter's right-hand man in the future.

"Mother-in-law, you also heard that my father-in-law wants to separate me and Qingcheng, do I have to agree with a smile?"

Lin Chen blinked and said innocently.

Guo Min was speechless for a while.

"Dad, I know why you look down on Lin Chen, isn't it because he has no money and power?"

Looking at the angry Su Taishan, Su Qingcheng continued: "But Lin Chen has already researched a way to fight the scar cream, so you still think he is useless?"


Su Taishan said disdainfully: "A repairman who hasn't read a book for two days, you tell me, he can research a way to fight the scar cream?"

"Su Qingcheng, I think you are really fascinated by this kid."

"Believe it or not, I've already said what I need to say anyway." Su Qingcheng looked resolute, and after speaking, she was about to pull Lin Chen away.

"If you dare to step out of this house today, the position of the president will be handed over to your sister from now on!"

Seeing this, Su Taishan roared loudly.

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng paused, turned her head to stare at Su Taishan and said word by word: "If you want to revoke my position as president, apart from holding a board meeting, you alone are not qualified

Decide. "

After saying that, Su Qingcheng and Lin Chen left directly.

"It's really reversed, reversed!"

Su Taishan slammed the table hard, his chest ached from anger.

And Guo Min watched quietly from the side, his face full of worry.


Yunhuai City, Mingwan villa area.

In the villa, Su Qingcheng sat on the sofa in a fit of anger, defending Lin Chen and said: "Father is really too much!"

"Why does he look down on you!"

Lin Chen smiled: "Since my wife thinks highly of me so much, then I have to research the anti-scar cream as soon as possible, so that you can feel proud in front of your father."

"Scar removal cream?"

Su Qingcheng was slightly taken aback.

Seeing this, Lin Chen nodded and smiled, "This is the name I decided for our company's new product."

"Hee hee, then I'll wait and see."

As Su Qingcheng was talking, his cell phone rang suddenly. After answering the call, he couldn't help but frown: "Okay, I see."

"Lin Chen, something urgent happened to the company. It must be caused by the Xu family. I'll go back and deal with it."

"At night, if Li Fei comes back from get off work, you must not fight her."

Su Qingcheng rubbed her forehead and said to Lin Chen.

"I know, if you have trouble over there, call me anytime."

Lin Chen said.

Watching Su Qingcheng leave quickly, Lin Chen returned to the room, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to activate "Immortal Jue".

Feeling the aura around him gradually blending into his limbs, Lin Chen only felt a slight heat in his abdomen, and then he was surprised to find that, compared to before, he can now look inside himself and see every part of his body clearly.

Moving his eyes down, he found a "sea of ​​qi" about the size of a fist faintly appearing in his dantian.

The appearance of "Qi Sea" also means that at this time, he has officially entered the realm of refining Qi.

According to the "Immortal Judgment", each big realm is divided into four stages, namely the early stage, the middle stage, the late stage, and the peak. When you reach the peak, you can accumulate for breaking through the next realm. To the middle of the next level of realm.

Of course, these are things for later,

For Lin Chen, he can clearly feel the benefits brought to him by stepping into the early stage of Qi refining.

Before, if he wanted to mobilize the spiritual energy, he could only borrow it and use it now. Without the "sea of ​​energy", there would be no storage capacity. This also led to his strength being greatly reduced if the spiritual energy was scarce somewhere.

But now, with the "sea of ​​qi", he can store the aura very well, and absorb the aura between heaven and earth is not the same.

After a little practice, he found that the "sea of ​​qi" was like a bottomless pit, no matter how much he absorbed the spiritual energy, he could never fill it up.

Seeing this, Lin Chen muttered to himself: "Forget it, I've fed you, and it's time for me to practice the exercises."

As time passed little by little, night fell.

At this moment, in the room, a layer of gray impurities appeared all over Lin Chen's body.

This gray impurity is the dirt of the human body, and every time Lin Chen activates "Immortal Art", it is a self-cleaning of the body.

After about a long time, Lin Chen slowly opened his eyes, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I finally fed you."

You know, his realm is still in the early stage of Qi refining, and if he reaches the next stage, the sea of ​​Qi will expand accordingly, and Lin Chen will feel a little dizzy at the thought of filling this bottomless pit.

"It seems that this "Immortal Judgment" I promoted is still too raw."

Lin Chen has an intuition that in time, if he can proficiently activate the "Immortal Art", then the speed at which he absorbs spiritual energy will reach unprecedented horror.

Putting away his thoughts, just when Lin Chen was about to take a shower and clean off the dirt all over his body.

A cheerful singing sounded from the bathroom.

"Under the bridge in front of the gate, a group of ducks passed by..."

Hearing this unfamiliar voice, Lin Chen reacted instinctively, a thief has entered the house!

Moreover, she is a woman!

Out of self-defense, Lin Chen suddenly opened the bathroom door without saying a word.

The four eyes are facing each other.

Compared to Lin Chen's astonishment, the woman's smile froze, her eyes widened, her mouth opened wide, and a scream instantly resounded throughout the villa.


Then, a roar from the woman shot straight into the sky.

"Lin Chen, you bastard!"

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