Overnight Success

Chapter 17 Internal And External Troubles

"It's a good account, why can't you get it back, you must know the reason better than anyone else?"

Lin Chen said with a cold face: "And the company also has legal affairs, shouldn't they be responsible for this kind of work?"

"Do you think I didn't send legal affairs? If it's useful, you think I'll send Qingcheng to ask for it in person. Even if you can afford to lose this person, I still can't afford to lose him!"

Su Taishan said indifferently, and then changed his voice, "Boy, do your job well, don't waste the opportunity Qingcheng gave you."

After saying this, Su Taishan glanced at Lin Chen and left.

Seeing that Su Taishan is about to leave the company's gate.

Suddenly, Lin Chen yelled: "I'll collect the company's bills, you let Qingcheng come back."

Hearing this, Su Taishan turned around and took a deep look at Lin Chen, "It's up to you?"

"I'll get you back the money from the three companies within three days, but the premise is that you don't let Qingcheng get involved in this matter."

Following Lin Chen's remark, shareholders discussed it one after another.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen with disbelief.

It took more than half a month for all the elites in the legal department to settle the payment, how could this kid be confident that he could settle it in three days?

"Why should I trust you, if you can't?"

Su Taishan said coldly.

"If I can't do it, then you don't need to say, I will leave Qingcheng on my own, and sever all contact with her from then on."

Lin Chen responded word by word.

"Come here, transfer him to the legal department, and give him the details of the three companies that are in arrears."

After uttering this sentence, Su Taishan turned and left without looking back.


As soon as Lin Chen arrived at the legal department, he heard people from the legal department whispering.

"Did you see, this kid was transferred to our legal affairs by the chairman himself, and I heard that he will collect the payment from those three companies."

"I know him, isn't he just a little boy who eats soft rice?"

"The chairman wanted to fire him from the company this morning, and it was the president who gave him a job as a maintenance worker."

"If you don't eat a good soft meal, you must come to stir up this muddy water, it's really beyond your control."

After physical strengthening, Lin Chen's hearing is also different from that of ordinary people, and he naturally listened to their mutterings.


Afterwards, he glanced at a few people, and said leisurely: "It's really sad that there are always trash who think of others as trash like themselves!"

After saying that, Lin Chen laughed and came to his work station.

Immediately, several people's faces turned blue and purple, which was extremely ugly.

It's really unreasonable for a little boy who eats soft food to dare to yin and yang them!

Although they were upset, they didn't have the guts to fight back. If this little boy secretly reports when the president comes back, their jobs will be lost.

The loss outweighs the gain.

At the workstation, Lin Chen glanced at the information of the three companies and clearly printed them in his mind.

At this time, a delicate girl walked over hesitantly, she glanced at Lin Chen, and timidly said: "The minister asked me to take you to the office."

"it is good."

Lin Chen nodded, and didn't say much else. He could tell that this girl was very shy, and based on her age, she had just graduated from university and entered society.

In the office.

Minister of Legal Affairs Zhao Kai sat on a luxurious bench, stared at Lin Chen and said indifferently: "Your business, the chairman sent someone to greet me, if you can successfully get back the money from the three companies, The position of Deputy Minister of Justice is yours."

"Wang Beibei, you assist Lin Chen to do a good job in this matter. After the matter is completed, I will give you a raise."

"Ah!" A flash of panic flashed across Wang Beibei's face, she shook her head like a rattle and said, "Minister, may I not go?"

"Why do you disobey the orders of your superiors?"

Zhao Kai's voice turned cold.

"That was not what I meant……"

"Then what do you mean? This matter is settled, you two go out!"

Don't give Wang Beibei a chance to refuse, Zhao Kai said forcefully.

Seeing the two people close the door, Zhao Kai made a call: "Xu Shao, I have an update. Not only Su Qingcheng went to ask for the bill, but even that little boy Lin Chen is going to ask for the bill."

"I matched him with a female college student who just graduated and didn't understand anything, and let's see how he will get this account."

"And there is no opposite sex around this female college student. It must be the first time. Boss Xue will definitely like it."

There was a burst of laughter from the other side of the phone: "Zhao Kai

You have done a good job. When I win Su Qingcheng, the position of general manager of the legal department will be yours. "

"Thank you, Young Master Xu."

Zhao Kai smiled and hung up the phone.

Outside the door, Lin Chen, who hadn't walked far, looked at the office meaningfully.

A slight chill crossed his face: "Sure enough, all the legal staff can't get a payment for the goods. There is really something tricky inside."

At the same time, Wang Beibei on the side said to Lin Chen in an apologetic tone: "I'm sorry, Brother Lin, it's not that I don't want to partner with you, but you just came here. I'm afraid you don't know the boss Xue of Yuhuang Company. A shameless rascal."

"When I first came here, there were quite a few sisters in the legal department, but since they were sent to the Jade Emperor Company to collect accounts, they came back with disheveled hair and messy clothes, and they never came to work the next day."

Speaking of this, Wang Beibei didn't continue talking.

As a woman, she could guess what happened to her sisters there.

"Since the three companies owe 300 million in payment, why don't they choose to sue?"

At this point, Lin Chen was a little puzzled.

"Originally the general manager of the legal department decided to sue, but that day, he was suddenly involved in a car accident when he came home from get off work. Fortunately, he was rescued in time and saved his life. Now he is recuperating at home!"

Wang Beibei pouted and said: "After he is not in the company, Zhao Kai has the most say in the legal department. Whenever someone files a lawsuit, he always uses various reasons to refuse."

"Well, let's go, let's go to Yuhuang Company first."

Upon hearing Lin Chen's words, Wang Beibei immediately became anxious, and stumbled: "Go, go to Yuhuang, the company?"

"Listen to what you said just now, this Jade Emperor Company should be the most difficult bone to crack, let's go, let's get rid of them first."

Lin Chen smiled and patted Wang Beibei's shoulders to cheer her up.

He found that this little girl has a good character, although she is a little immature now, she can be taken care of, maybe she is a good talent.

Now, since he started from the bottom of the company, he would take this opportunity to cultivate some confidantes for his wife.

If you stand high, you can see far, but if your foundation is not stable, no matter how high you stand, you will fall down one day.

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