Overnight Success

Chapter 202 The Wildest Provocation

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in a white coat with a gloomy face stepped out from the crowd in black.

Every time he took a step, a fierce force gradually spread from his body.

"Miss, someone inside killed my member of the Tianlonghui, please get out of the way, or don't blame me for destroying flowers."

Seeing Jiang Meigui's good looks, the man in the white coat said indifferently.

"Sorry, today, you are not allowed to enter this small shop."

Jiang Meigui smiled faintly, and the smile was tinged with coldness.

Hearing this, the man in the white coat's face darkened: "Give it to me, whoever takes that kid's dog's head will be rewarded a lot!"

next second.

Dozens of men in black wielding long knives rushed towards the small shop in a swarm.

Jiang Meigui's eyes were cold, and she immediately rushed into the crowd with both fists.

"Bang bang bang..."

In less than a minute, these men in black flew upside down one by one, clutching their chests and spitting blood.

"Just relying on you shrimp soldiers and crab generals, you still want to disturb the adults? You really can't control yourself."

After finishing off the men in black, Jiang Meigui looked arrogant.

"Looking for death!" Seeing that his subordinates were beaten to pieces, the man in the white coat was also enraged, and immediately slapped Jiang Meigui with his palm.

But in the end, Jiang Meigui shot faster and more ruthlessly.

Immediately, he directly pinched the palm of the man in the white coat, causing him to let out a terrifying scream.

At this moment.

Lin Chen walked out of the small shop, followed by Sun Wu.

Judging from the appearance, Sun Wu's complexion is rosy at this moment, and his injury has obviously improved.

"grown ups!"

Jiang Meigui lowered his head and shouted, "I didn't bother you!"

Lin Chen shook his head, then came to the man in the white coat, looked down and said, "You are the Tianlonghui? You don't look very good, just a group of cats and dogs."

Hearing Lin Chen's words of contempt, the man in the white coat resisted the pain, and said coldly: "Tianlong will not be humiliated, boy, you dare to hurt us, believe it or not, you won't survive today."

"I don't know if I can survive today, but you definitely won't survive!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took a step forward and immediately stepped on the chest of the man in the white coat.

above the mouth.


This kick was so strong that it was visible to the naked eye, and it directly broke the man's sternum, causing his chest to collapse and a bloody hole appeared.


The man in the white coat couldn't even scream, and died on the spot after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that Lin Chen simply killed the man in the white coat, Sun Wu couldn't help reminding: "Little brother, this person is the vice president of the Tianlong Society. If you kill him, I'm afraid Tianlong will let you go."

"For the sake of safety, you and this lady should leave first, the farther you go, the better."

"I'm leaving, what do you do?" Lin Chen said with a smile: "What's more, old man, you have served the country for half your life, but now you are being bullied by these people. Now that I have encountered it, I will naturally not stand by and do nothing."

"Don't worry, I will solve everything today and give you a relatively peaceful old age."

In Lin Chen's view, Sun Tzu worked his life for the country and created a peaceful environment for the Chinese people by killing enemies on the front line, but when he grows old, he is treated so ruthlessly by the Chinese people, which is really chilling.

"My lord, I also know something about the Tianlonghui. They are local snakes in Huaiyu City, and the reason why they dare to act unscrupulously is all backed by the Gu family behind them."

Jiang Meigui whispered in Lin Chen's ear.

"The Gu family, one of the wealthy families in Huaiyu City?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yes." Jiang Meigui nodded: "The goal of our trip is Liu Xiaoyan. If there is a big commotion, it is likely to startle the snake. It will be even more difficult to find her."

"I am different from what you think about this." Lin Chen's eyes flickered: "I just want to let Liu Xiaoyan, including those who sent people behind the scenes to attack you, know that I have come to Huaiyu City."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen came to a man in black and said indifferently, "I'll give you three seconds to call your boss, or you'll die!"


At this moment, in Huaiyu City, in a luxury club surrounded by smoke.

The president of Tianlong Club, Li Tianlong is smoking a cigar, enjoying the service of many beauties, and his life is very comfortable.

However, it didn't take long before he received a


"Damn it!"

"Are you sure, kid? Someone dares to kill someone from my Dragon Society!"

Li Tianlong kicked over the table wine in front of him, picked up his clothes, and shouted angrily: "Stop playing with women, come with me!"

"Tianlong, why are you so impatient, what happened?"

Not far from Li Tianlong, a young man in a suit shook the whiskey in his hand and said calmly.

"Young Master Gu, you don't know something. Just now, my subordinates called and said that my second child was killed, and all the disciples of the Heavenly Dragon Society were also injured."

Li Tianlong bowed quickly and said.

Obviously, the young man who can make Li Tianlong treat him with such respect is none other than Gu Tianyi, the eldest son of the Gu family, one of the wealthy families in Huaiyu City.

"Dare to attack your people in Huaiyu City, this person is really brave!"

Gu Tianyi took a sip of whiskey, and said slowly: "I just have nothing to do, and these rouge vulgar fans have nothing to play with, so I will go with you to have some fun."

In Huaiyu City, who doesn't know that Tianlong will be surrounded by their Gu family, if they dare to attack Tianlong, it is undoubtedly provoking the Gu family.


A group of people headed for the target location vigorously and resolutely.

half an hour later.

Dozens of luxury cars filled the front of the old soldier's shop.

Seeing this, passers-by were shocked.

Such a big posture, what happened?

After coming and going, many passers-by stopped and waited quietly to watch the play.

At this moment, the door of the leading Bentley car opened, and the two men walked towards the door of the small shop with indifferent expressions on their faces.

It was Li Tianlong and Gu Tianyi.

However, behind the two, a group of professional bodyguards and members of the Tianlonghui followed closely.

"President, you are finally here!"

"You have to vent your anger for the brothers!"

Seeing Li Tianlong, the men in black who fell on the ground shouted one after another. Biqu library

"A bunch of trash!"

Li Tianlong cursed with a livid face, and then saw Lin Chen stepping on the body of the man in the white coat.

"After waiting for so long, you are finally here!"

Lin Chen laughed jokingly, then picked up the dead body of the man in the white coat, and kicked it towards Li Tianlong.

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