Overnight Success

Chapter 220 Black Coffin For Birthday

provincial capital.

In the lobby of the Long Group, a man and a woman were sitting on the sofa at the front desk.

The man has a handsome face and a tall and straight figure, while the woman has a stunning appearance and is dressed in professional attire, which fully reflects her figure.

Obviously, the two were Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng who came to discuss cooperation.

Not long after.

A well-dressed female secretary with an extraordinary temperament pushed black-rimmed glasses and said, "You two have been waiting for a long time. Mr. Long has something to do today, so you two should go back first!"

"Is there something wrong with the dragon?"

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng frowned: "But didn't Mr. Long make an appointment with us to discuss cooperation today?"

Before arriving in the provincial capital, she had already discussed with Long Tianao, the boss of the Long Group, a time to meet, but after waiting here for three hours, the other party didn't see him because he had something to do. Wasn't this obviously trying to mess with her?

Su Qingcheng's face is not very good-looking. Now that this kind of thing happened, wouldn't all the work she had prepared before be in vain?

However, Su's Group wanted to open up the beauty and skin care market in the provincial capital, and Long's Group was undoubtedly one of the best choices, so no matter how dissatisfied she was, she couldn't say anything more.

But at this moment.

At the door, another middle-aged beautiful woman came. This beautiful woman was wearing a custom-made brand name and a jade bracelet on her wrist. It seemed that she was from a wealthy family.

Seeing this, the female secretary showed a smile, and immediately went up to greet her: "Mrs. Yang, you are here. Mr. Long has been waiting for a long time, please this way."

Seeing the completely different attitudes of the female secretary before and after, Su Qingcheng couldn't help frowning.

However, she was still very self-cultivated and did not get angry, but waited for the female secretary to send the woman back to Mr. Long's office before she questioned: "Miss Secretary, since Mr. Long already has an appointment, why waste our time? "

Obviously, here, Su Qingcheng could feel that the other party did not maintain the most basic respect for her at all.

"Miss Su, don't you know the reason why Boss Long didn't see you?"

"Boss Long is giving you a step down, I hope you don't know how to praise."

The female secretary said with a look of contempt.

"What do you mean?" A look of displeasure appeared on Su Qingcheng's pretty face.

"What do you mean, Mr. Su knows best!" The female secretary said lightly: "To tell you the truth, with Miss Su's character, we Long always absolutely

Will not cooperate with you! "


Hearing this, Su Qingcheng was even more puzzled.

It was clear that the two parties had discussed it in advance, so why did they suddenly change their minds in just half a day.

Seeing Su Qingcheng's confused face, the female secretary's disdain was even worse.

Putting on an innocent face on the surface, this woman is really a white lotus as said on the Internet.

"Miss Su can find out by looking online."

After saying this, the female secretary twisted her hips, turned and left without even saying hello.

Su Qingcheng was at a loss.

what is happening?

Then, with confusion, she turned on the phone, and the moment the screen lit up, a piece of news about the Su Group popped up.

She clicked subconsciously, and after reading it, her pretty face turned pale.

"Shocked! The president of the Su Group, Su Qingcheng, is actually a white lotus. On the surface, she has a pretty face, but in fact, she has long been the lover of various business giants..."

Judging by the number of clicks and retweets below, it is clear that these reports have already become household names. Biqu library

Now the comments on her on the Internet can be said to be full of maliciousness. In an instant, she became the goddess of Yunhuai and became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

Lin Chen was on the side. When he noticed that his wife's expression was not right, he also poked his head over and glanced at the news.

next moment.

A strong murderous intent flickered from his eyes.

Even because of this killing intent, the temperature in the entire reception hall suddenly dropped.

He didn't look at his phone for a while, he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen!

Damn it!

Who on earth maliciously fabricated these articles!

Without further ado, Lin Chen immediately called Liu Wentao: "Mr. Liu, what is going on with the online articles, can you find out who did it?"

"Lin Gaoren, you only know about this!" Liu Wentao said in astonishment.

"Why, why didn't you tell me if you knew earlier?" Lin Chen asked.

"I called you, but your phone was turned off."

Liu Wentao wanted to cry but said without tears.


"Lin Gaoren, the mastermind behind this matter is Su Xiaoqian, you should be familiar with it."

Upon hearing Liu Wentao's words, Lin Chen asked suspiciously, "Su Xiaoqian? Are you sure she did it?"

Naturally, he was deeply impressed by Su Xiaoqian. Speaking of which, he was confused at first.

It was Su Xiaoqian who planned to take away his wife's first blood.

But later, wasn't this Su Xiaoqian kicked out of the Su family?

Where did she have so much energy to fabricate this kind of article for traffic exposure?

"Now that Su Xiaoqian is the eldest mistress of the Wu family, Mr. Tang has already brought people to carry out the crusade, but the result seems not to be optimistic. It is said that Mr. Tang was severely injured by the Wu family for saving a woman, and was imprisoned in the Wu family prison."

Liu Wentao hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully.


Hearing this, Lin Chen's eyes shot out a cold light, and a murderous aura swept out.

Tang Long treated him well, and even let Zhao Yingxiong stay by his side to protect him at the beginning. Although it is no longer necessary with his strength now, he still remembers these kindnesses in his heart.

Come to think of it, with Mr. Tang's character, he went to Wu's house to ask for an explanation. On the one hand, he was irritated by the article, and on the other hand, he might have something to do with him.

"Mr. Liu, if I need you to do something for me, treat it as if I owe you a favor."

Lin Chen said in a low voice.

"Speak, Mr. Lin Gao."

Liu Wentao responded solemnly.

"Help me customize a black coffin. If I remember correctly, it will be Mr. Wu's birthday in two days. Since his Wu family dares to attack people around me, I naturally have to arrange a birthday gift for him in advance!"

"Lin Gaoren, you wouldn't..."

When Liu Wentao heard that Lin Chen asked him to customize a black coffin, a bold idea popped up in his mind instantly.

"You just need to do it, I know your relationship with the Wu family, and you don't need to come forward for this matter!"

Lin Chen said.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Wentao gritted his teeth: "Since everyone in Lin Gao has spoken, then of course I will do it to your satisfaction!"

"Speaking of which, the old man of the Wu family and I are also at odds. In the past, this guy exploited me a lot by relying on his close relationship with big shots!"

"Lin Gaoren, besides the black coffin, do you need suona, wreaths, coins, I can arrange it for you!"

Lin Chen smiled faintly: "Of course, the more the better."

hang up the phone.

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth curled up, showing a bit of coldness and cruelty.

Since the Wu family took the initiative and gave him a "big gift", don't blame him for helping the Wu family on the birthday of the old man of the Wu family!

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