Overnight Success

Chapter 244 An Unusual Woman

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Lei quickly shouted: "Master, just tell me, I will agree to whatever you say, let alone two, a hundred will do!"

Obviously, what the ghost did to him just now made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Lin Chen said: "First, you have to return this house to Ms. Wu, and annul all the agreements and contracts you signed before, and don't threaten her with this matter in the future."

"Don't worry, when I go back, I will immediately contact and re-transfer the house to Ms. Wu." Zhao Lei said: "And I will hand over all the agreements and contracts to Ms. Wu and let her handle it."

Hearing this, Wu Qiuyi had tears in her eyes, she didn't expect that Lin Chen would really help her get the house back.

In this way, she will no longer have to look at Zhao Lei's face in the future.

For a moment, the joy was beyond words.

"Mr. Lin, thank you."

Wu Qiuyi said softly, she couldn't remember how many times she had said such words, anyway, Lin Chen helped her too much.

This made her don't know what to pay back at all.

She didn't expect that after her mother left, there would be someone in this world who would be so selfless to her.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, then looked at Zhao Lei and continued: "Second, these days, according to what Ms. Wu said, I want you to compensate for the sexual harassment you caused to her. Are you willing?"

"Of course I would, sir, tell me the number."

Zhao Lei said impatiently.

Because at this moment, the ghost on his body moved up and down dishonestly towards him again with a pair of big hands.

"Miss Wu, how much compensation do you want?" Lin Chen asked.

Wu Qiuyi was a little stunned by this. She never expected that Lin Chen would want to ask for a sum of compensation for her, but for her, getting the house back was already very satisfying.

So, she shook her head slightly: "Mr. Lin, there is no need for compensation, as long as the house can be transferred smoothly."

"Did you hear, Miss Wu wants five million, I think you should be able to get it out!"

Lin Chen looked down at Zhao Lei and said calmly.

? ? ?

Zhao Lei was full of question marks.

Come on big brother, where did they say it would cost five million?

Although, he has collected a lot of ill-gotten gains over the years, but the sum is only about 5 million. If all of this is given away, wouldn't he return to the pre-liberation overnight?

"Looking at your expression, you think five million is too little, so why don't you give ten million?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Master, that's not what I mean, I mean, isn't five million too much..."

Zhao Lei had a mournful face.

After all, given the five million, he has nothing left!

"You don't have to give it, then this ghost..."

Just as Lin Chen was halfway through speaking, Zhao Lei stepped forward

, endured the pain in his heart and said: "Master, I'll give it, can't I give it!"

"I just beg you, get this ghost away, I can't take it anymore."

Seeing Zhao Lei's bitter face, Lin Chen said slowly, "No hurry, I just remembered that there is a third request that I forgot to mention."

Hearing this, Zhao Lei wanted to cry, but no tears: "Master, this five million is really my entire family property, I really can't get any more."

"Who said you want money?"

Lin Chen twitched his lips, and said: "These three requirements are that from now on, you will move away from here, and you will never appear in Miss Wu's field of vision, and you can't get her ideas anymore, otherwise, I will always be a ghost." There is a way to make it come back to you."

"Oh my goodness!"

Zhao Lei's body couldn't help trembling, and he said sadly: "Master, with your words, it's to lend me a hundred courage, and I don't dare to think wrongly about Miss Wu again, don't worry, from now on I will definitely Stay away from Miss Wu, and don't disturb her life anymore."

"So best."

Lin Chen snorted coldly, then drew a spell, and stuck it on Zhao Lei's ghostly forehead.

During Setsuna, the golden light of the spell shone.

Lin Chen sighed slightly: "I have satisfied your desire, it's time for you to go on the road."

Seeing that the ghost seemed to understand Lin Chen's words, it bowed deeply to him, and then it turned into wisps of green smoke and disappeared into the sky.

Feeling the weight disappearing from his back, Zhao Lei also let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally freed.

Afterwards, seeing that the matter was resolved, Lin Chen greeted Wu Qiuyi and returned to the villa.

At this moment, it is already midnight.

Turning on the phone, Lin Chen saw a series of messages from his wife.

The content is probably decided after discussion, Su Xiaoqian's funeral should be kept simple, no matter what, even if Su Xiaoqian did something wrong, the blood of the Su family is always flowing in her body.

This can be regarded as giving her a relatively perfect home.

Since Su Qingcheng would not be back until tomorrow morning, Lin Chen couldn't sleep alone, so he came to the villa area for a walk alone.

When passing through a small forest, suddenly a woman screamed.

"Stay away from me, what are you going to do to me..."

"Is there anyone, someone wants to rape me..."

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned. It stands to reason that the security of this villa area is perfect, coupled with the fact that the price is not low, such vulgar vicious incidents should not happen!

However, saving people is the most important thing, Lin Chen didn't think much, and immediately rushed to the depths of the woods.

In the field of vision, a strong man reeking of alcohol was holding down a beautiful woman, tearing her clothes with a big hand.

The woman kept struggling, but she was obviously not strong.

Han's opponent can only be bullied by him at will.

Seeing the woman's shirt being torn apart, Lin Chen rushed out and said coldly, "You're quite a big man, don't you feel ashamed to do such a thing?"

The strong man noticed that Lin Chen had arrived, and after glancing at the woman, he quickly ran away.

Seeing this, Lin Chen was about to chase after him, but unexpectedly, the woman grabbed him and said with tears in her eyes, "Please don't leave me, please, I'm really scared!"

Noticing that the strong man had disappeared, Lin Chen had no choice but to give up, and turned to look at the woman and said, "You're not injured, are you?"

When he uttered this sentence, Lin Chen also saw the woman's pretty face clearly under the bright moonlight.

It was a delicate and flawless Yu Jie's face, coupled with her wearing a white shirt, a small leather skirt, and a pair of smooth white legs covered with seductive black silk.

The whole person is full of charm.

Especially the pair of pupils glowing with purple awns are even more captivating, and I can't help but be addicted to them.

Lin Chen thought to himself: Damn, it's so late at night, with such a goblin and revealing clothes, which man can stand it?

"Little big brother, you stare at me like this, do I look good?"

The woman spoke shyly with red lips and light teeth.


Looking away, Lin Chen asked, "Are you a resident here?"

"It wasn't long before I moved here, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

As the woman said, she threw herself into Lin Chen's arms, pitifully: "Fortunately, the little big brother showed up in time, otherwise I'm afraid I will really be ruined by that gangster tonight."

Smelling the faint fragrance from the woman's body, Lin Chen helped her up and kept a safe distance: "Miss, I'm married, we'd better keep a sense of distance."


The woman was reluctant, and then said aggrievedly: "My name is Fang Yuan, and I am a doctor by profession. I wanted to go home just after get off work, but I didn't want to be followed all the way by this gangster. Later, when he saw that I was letting down my vigilance, he suddenly shot me and dragged me away." Come here……"


Lin Chen's eyes flickered, and he said, "Then why are you leaving get off work so late?"

"In a few days, there will be an important medical exchange competition, and I have signed up for it, so these days I often read materials in the hospital until the early hours of the morning, never expecting to be targeted by a rapist."

As Fang Yuan spoke, she cried like a pear blossom with rain.

It seemed that she was really frightened by the scene just now.

"Don't cry, you're safe now."

Lin Chen patted her fragrant shoulder and comforted, "Where is your home?"

"Go two hundred meters ahead and you will be there."

Speaking of this, Fangyuan paused for a moment, exhaled and said: "Little big brother, please leave me a contact information!"

"Another day, I will definitely repay you well."

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