Overnight Success

Chapter 248 White-Eyed Wolf

Outside the restaurant, inside the Ferrari.

The atmosphere heats up and ambiguity surges.


Su Qingcheng murmured softly, the apple-like blush on her beautiful cheeks, tender and glamorous.

Lin Chen smiled wryly. Although his wife's appearance was extremely attractive, he still had some integrity, so he took a deep breath, and then poured the mobilized spiritual energy into Su Qingcheng's body to help him get rid of the medicinal properties.

Not long after.

Su Qingcheng gradually came to her senses. She subconsciously looked at her exposed body, and then said like a frightened bird: "Lin Chen, what's going on..."

She only remembered that she drank a glass of red wine, but she couldn't remember what happened afterwards.

Seeing this, Lin Chen hesitated for a while, and told the whole story.

After listening, Su Qingcheng's beautiful eyes widened, and she was afraid for a while.

She didn't expect Chen Kunlong to have his body in mind from the very beginning, and set up traps step by step to lead her into a trap.

Of course, the most uncomfortable thing was that her high school classmate Yu Ping would conspire with Chen Kunlong and attack her.

Before, through Yu Ping's conversation, she felt that something was wrong. She never thought that a girl who was so innocent at the beginning would become what she is now.

Fortunately, Lin Chen was here today, otherwise, she might really suffer.

In that case, the consequences are unpredictable.

Glancing at Lin Chen at the side, Su Qingcheng felt a sense of warmth in her heart. This is the first time Lin Chen has rescued her.

In the past, she always liked to be alone, and she always felt that everything could be solved by herself, but now, she suddenly found that she was completely dependent on Lin Chen.

She couldn't imagine what would happen to her when Lin Chen disappeared from her own world one day.


At this time, Lin Chen's phone rang, and as soon as he answered it, an anxious female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Lin Gao, I am Chen Qingqing. My grandfather is not in good condition. I implore you to come to Chen's house and help him." Will my grandpa see it?"

The last time he had a dinner at the Huarong Hotel, he promised Mr. Chen that he would see a doctor, but he didn't expect that in just two days, the old man had serious health problems


"Give me the address." Lin Chen said.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen looked at Su Qingcheng: "Honey, the grandfather of a friend of mine in the provincial capital is sick, I might have to go and see."

"It's important to save people." Su Qingcheng nodded without asking further questions: "I'll just go back by myself."

"Then you pay attention to safety, and call me anytime if you have any questions."

Lin Chen ordered, and then rushed towards Chen's house according to the address Chen Qingqing sent.

half an hour later.

An atrium-style building filled with retro courtyard doors.

Chen Qingqing was wearing a white dress, her black hair fell on her shoulders, and she was looking around.

Soon, a taxi stopped in front of him.

Lin Chen got out of the car.

Chen Qingqing immediately greeted Lin Chen and brought Lin Chen into the courtyard.

"The air is good."

Walking to the depths of the courtyard, Lin Chen praised.

"My grandfather specially sent someone to build this place. Although it's a bit far from the urban area, it has a beautiful environment and less dust in the air. To a large extent, it has a positive effect on his health."

Chen Qingqing said.

Lin Chen nodded, then looked around, and found that there were many servants watering the flowers and cleaning in the courtyard.

On the surface, it looks very ordinary, but with Lin Chen's eyesight, he can tell at a glance that these servants are all practitioners, and their strength is above the third-tier warriors.

As expected of a family of martial arts, the background is really extraordinary.

After passing the corridor, Lin Chen came to the old man's house.

At this time, in the house, Chen Fangnian was lying on the bed with a haggard face and coughed from time to time.

And in front of him, stood two men, one of them had an extraordinary appearance, wearing a suit and leather shoes, quite formal, and the other man, about thirty years old, was wearing a white coat, holding a medicine box in his hand, looking Looks like a doctor.

At this moment, the man in a suit and leather shoes said: "Mr. Chen, this is my good friend. He is the youngest medical professor in China. His published medical papers have even appeared in famous medical newspapers and periodicals in various countries. This time I specially Inviting him to come is to cure your illness."

After the introduction of the man in the suit, the middle-aged man in the white coat showed a look of arrogance: "

Mr. Chen, I already have a preliminary understanding of your condition, but given the condition of your internal organs, at present, there is no hospital in China that has professional medical equipment that can cure your disease. "

"So, if you want to cure this disease, you must go abroad with me. Only the advanced medical equipment from abroad, coupled with my unique medical skills, can help you solve this problem."

Hearing the middle-aged man's deep disdain for domestic medical skills, Chen Fangnian's expression became somewhat dissatisfied.

This person, with yellow skin and a face with Chinese characters, clearly has the blood of a Chinese person, but he worships foreigners, which makes Chen Fangnian, who has always been proud of being a Chinese, said in a cold tone: "I'm sorry, I won't talk to you." Those who go abroad, come and see them off!"

The face of the man in the suit changed slightly, and he said hastily: "Mr. Chen, my friend said that your disease is nothing if you are abroad. It is the domestic medical conditions that drag you down. If you want to go abroad, you only need to clean your lungs. Then cut off half of it, add special medicine, and actively treat it, and within half a year, you will be cured."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fangnian's face turned dark.


Not to mention that half of the lung was cut off, and half a year of treatment was needed. He seriously doubted how the other party could say such nonsense without blushing and heartbeat.

This lung was cut in half, it would be better to let him die than to keep him alive!

Thinking of this, Chen Fangnian coughed worse, and even coughed up traces of blood.

"Grandpa, you have to think clearly, don't miss this opportunity and don't come back again. This foreign equipment still needs to be reserved, and you can't use it anytime you want." The man in the white coat said: "For my sake, at most only You can make a reservation for a week, and if you want to go next week, it will be too late."

Hearing this, Chen Fangnian's face was ashen.

However, before he could reply, there was an abrupt sound outside the door.

"It's ridiculous. As a dignified Chinese, you say that Chinese people are not good at medicine. You are really a white-eyed wolf."

Lin Chen pushed open the door and strode forward: "There is also the old man's minor illness, you have to cut off half of your lungs, and if it is more serious, don't you want to cut off all the lungs?"

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