Overnight Success

Chapter 250 Nonsense

The voice fell.

Xue Qi and Lu Yao's expressions were extremely ugly.

The young man in front of him actually uttered wild words that he wanted to teach them lessons?

However, compared to the anger of the two of them, Chen Fangnian and his grandson were at a loss, unable to figure out what Lin Chen wanted to do!

"Some people always think that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in China, but they forget to cultivate their roots in China. If you don't teach this kind of people well, they will never know how ridiculous and stupid their own cognition is!"

Lin Chen said, looked at Chen Fangnian and said with a smile: "Old man, with my help, today your lungs don't need to be removed at all, and other parts don't need specific medicines. As for the recovery period, let alone half a year."

Hearing this, Xue Qi's expression turned sour that water could drip out.

However, when Chen Fangnian came back to his senses, he couldn't help admiring Lin Chen again and again.

In recent years, Huaguo has also sent many talents abroad, but some talents stayed abroad forever. Chen Fangnian, who has always been proud of his country, was very saddened by such common occurrences.

The country cultivated them, but in the end, some small favors and bribes from others made them lose themselves.

Xue Qi is obviously this kind of person.

On the other hand, Lin Chen, who is young and young, but defends the interests of the nation and the dignity of the country in this way, shows the patriotism in his heart.

Chen Fangnian said in a more respectful tone: "Then please trouble Lin Gaoren."

"It's a small matter." Lin Chen waved his hand, and said immediately: "It's not too late, you can start, old man, please put your mind into practice, so I can see where the problem is."

Chen Fangnian was also very straightforward, with his eyes slightly closed, he began to adjust his breath and exercise his mind.

The mental method is an important support for the combat power of the strong inner strength.

Once the enemy masters the laws of mind, then this is undoubtedly an extremely fatal thing.

However, regarding Lin Chen, Chen Fangnian did not have this concern at all.


With the operation of Chen Fangnian's mind, strands of smoke surrounded his body, and each strand exuded astonishing power.

This scene undoubtedly shocked Lu Yao a lot.

With his current strength as a fifth-tier martial artist, he is still at the middle level of an outer-strength warrior, but when he meets an inner-strength warrior, he might be able to crush him with a single finger!

But the strange thing is, isn't this Lin Chen looking to heal a disease?


What do you mean by letting Mr. Chen run his mind?

Could it be that this kid is trying to use the excuse of curing a disease so that he can learn the old man's mentality secretly.

at the same time.

Xue Qi, who was already angry in his heart, found out this scene, and his eyes became even more contemptuous.

Not to mention, he doesn't know the significance of Lin Chen's letting Mr. Chen run his mind. Anyone who understands medicine knows that Mr. Chen's internal organs have been damaged to varying degrees, among which the lungs are most obviously damaged. Half of the lungs and preservation of life can be regarded as medical miracles.

But this is good for Lin Chen, who actually said that the lungs don't need to be removed, other parts don't need specific medicines, and the recovery time doesn't take more than half a year. This shit is so arrogant.

Then he just waited quietly, the moment this kid fails, then don't blame him for making trouble.

That's it, three minutes later.

Lin Chen stared at the regularity of Chen Fangnian's breathing, and nodded: "It's alright, old man."


Chen Fangnian was stunned, and said, "Mr. Lin, is my disease cured?"

"Old Chen, this is not a disease at all. I said that all the injuries you suffered back then have healed. This internal injury is completely a side effect of your incomplete cultivation."

"Bring a pen and paper."

Lin Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Chen Qingqing took a deep look at Lin Chen, and immediately fetched a pen and paper.

Without hesitation.

Lin Chen wrote down two lines of text lightly.

"Grandpa, let's see."

After receiving the paper from Lin Chen, Chen Fangnian was shocked, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Seeing Chen Fangnian's emotional ups and downs.

Chen Qingqing asked curiously: "Grandpa, what is written on it?"

Chen Fangnian did not speak, but bowed to Lin Chen wholeheartedly.

After a while, he said slowly: "Mr. Lin Gao, my Chen family will keep in mind today's kindness. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to the Chen family at any time."

As soon as this statement came out, the scene fell into shock.

Mr. Chen's eyes are higher than the top, when did he respect a person so much?

What's more, they have never heard of anyone worthy of Mr. Chen's respect!

"Qingqing, hurry up and bow to Lin Gaoren."

Hearing Grandpa's words, Chen Qingqing was even more at a loss.

What the hell did this Lin Chen do!

"Master, that's not necessary."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "For me, it's just a matter of lifting a finger, and it doesn't take much effort."

"Mr. Lin Gao, this statement is wrong. You are on top of my mind, and the two changes you have made are exactly what I have always felt very wrong."

"Besides, my Chen family's mentality, almost all direct bloodlines can practice it. You have not only helped me, but also everyone in our Chen family."

Chen Fangnian sighed and said: "If it is put outside, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the two sentences you changed are invaluable. Such a great kindness, my Chen family will never forget it."

Ever since he practiced this mental method passed down from generation to generation by the Chen family, he had a faint feeling that something was wrong. It wasn't until Lin Chen pointed out the problem with the mental method a few days ago that he was convinced that there was a problem with this mental method.

But today, Lin Chen successfully solved this fatal problem in a very short time. He didn't know how Lin Chen did it, but it didn't affect him. He could see that Lin Chen's martial arts cultivation was absolutely unbelievable. the point.

"It seems that you still have two brushes!"

Chen Qingqing pouted and said.

Although she couldn't understand what was wrong with Lin Chen's modification, since grandpa was so excited, it meant that Lin Chen should modify it just right.

Therefore, Chen Qingqing's attitude towards Lin Chen also changed a lot.

"It's a trivial matter." Lin Chen said with a faint smile: "The only flaw in your mentality before is that if you practice for too long, it will hurt your internal organs, and this is where I changed it."

"Now, this set of mental methods will not only not harm the body, but also nourish the body. If there are no accidents in the future, your practice will get twice the result with half the effort."

Lin Chen is really not boasting. The inspiration for this set of mind changes mainly comes from "Immortal Jue". "Immortal Jue" has its own set of body protection effects, so I use it as a reference to make changes based on the Chen family's mental method. , couldn't be easier.


After listening for a long time, Xue Qi finally couldn't help but said: "What kind of psychological problem, do you have the minimum medical knowledge?"

"And you, Lin Chen, may I ask if you have been struggling for a long time, has the old man's illness improved a bit?"

"You can bring the old man back to life just by writing these two sentences? What a nonsense!"

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