Overnight Success

Chapter 254 Young People Are Really Big Hearted

"Okay, then see if Mr. Liu is willing to go with you, I will never stop him!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly at this.

"Mr. Liu, the killer's primary target is Su Qingcheng. If you stay here, it will be very bad for you."

The burly man looked at Liu Wentao and said seriously.

Hearing this, Liu Wentao looked hesitant, then he gritted his teeth and said, "I believe in Mr. Lin, I will stay here today."

"Mr. Liu, you are so confused!"

As he said that, the burly man gave Lin Chen a vicious look: "If Mr. Liu makes any mistakes because of your words tonight, have you thought about the consequences!"

"Hehe!" Lin Chen said lightly, "It was the wisest decision for him to stay here. If he followed you, he would die even faster!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone in Feihu Martial Arts had a look of anger on their faces.

Obviously, Lin Chen's remarks clearly looked down on their strength.

"You are the first person who dares to question the strength of our Flying Tiger Martial Arts Gym." The burly man said coldly: "It's still too late for you to apologize, otherwise when our gym owner comes, I promise you will pay the price!"


At this time, Liu Wentao stood up and said, "Changping, I told you to pay attention to the tone of your speech with Mr. Lin Gao."

"How can you fathom Lin Gaoren's strength?"

Displeased to see Liu Wentao, this burly man named Changping didn't say anything more, but he remembered Lin Chen firmly in his heart.

"Lin Gaoren, I'm sorry." Liu Wentao turned to Lin Chen and said, "They are ignorant, so I apologize to you on their behalf."

"It doesn't matter!" Lin Chen waved his hand: "How can I know as much as them."

Hearing this, Changping's face darkened even more.

If it wasn't for Liu Wentao's face, now he promises to compete with this person.

I really don't know what ecstasy soup this kid poured into Mr. Liu, but Mr. Liu yelled at each other.

"Since you have decided to stay here, let the idlers leave!"

Lin Chen looked around and said lightly.

"What do you mean by that?" Changping finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "We were hired by Mr. Liu at a high price, and now we haven't even seen the killer, so you let us leave?"

Feihu Martial Arts has always done business first and then paid, so it has left a good reputation in the industry.

But today, if they go back like this, whether the debt will be settled or not, according to the prior agreement, the debt will be expensive.

If the owner of the museum knows that their trip was in vain, then they should be scolded to death


At this time, Liu Wentao also felt that something was wrong, and said weakly to Lin Chen: "Men Lin Gao, why not let them stay here, one more person is more strength."

"Then you know, sometimes one more person is not strength, but a burden."

Lin Chen responded lightly: "I want you to stay here so that I can better protect you and my wife, but if I let them stay here, then who should I protect?"

"Oh, fuck me!" Changping said with an angry face, "Boy, are you too ignorant, how dare you treat us as a burden?"

"Didn't you want us to leave? Then I won't leave. I want to see who is the burden today!"


Lin Chen shook his head: "As the saying goes, if you listen to people's persuasion to eat enough, I let you go out of course for your own safety."

"But if you are still obsessed with obsession, then stay outside the gate of the villa. I will not stop you from doing what you want to do."

Changping glared at Lin Chen viciously: "Brothers, follow me, let's stay outside the villa today, so that Mr. Liu can see who is working hard and who is playing tricks in the end!" Pen Fun Library

Realizing that before the killer arrives, his own side will fight among themselves, Liu Wentao looked helpless, and wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

He didn't know why Lin Gaoren wanted these people to leave, but Lin Gaoren must have his intentions in doing so.

Lin Chen sneered inwardly as he watched the people who watched Feihu Martial Arts leave one by one.

Anyway, he has all the good things to say, and it's up to these people whether to listen or not.

At that time, don't blame him for not reminding these people when they are fucked to the ground.

After a while, Liu Wentao asked: "Mr. Lin Gao, where should I sleep tonight?"

Lin Chen pointed to his bedroom: "You sleep in my bedroom and change the quilt yourself."

"Oh." Liu Wentao nodded, subconsciously asked: "But I sleep in your bedroom, where do you sleep..."

Speaking of this, Liu Wentao patted his mouth.

Look at his memory, Mr. Lin has already married Miss Su, if he doesn't sleep with Miss Su, where else can he sleep.

At this moment, Su Qingcheng's pretty face was also dyed a blush.

Speaking of which, since she and Lin Chen got married, both of them are too busy, and they haven't slept in the same room for a long time, let alone a honeymoon, so to a certain extent, she feels sorry for Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen is free, she is busy, and when she is not busy, Lin Chen has to deal with various things.

In short, the two of them can't be as relaxed, happy, and comfortable as the newly married young couple in other people's family.


After the Su family opened up the provincial capital market, she must make up for Lin Chen if she finds an opportunity.

Sensing Su Qingcheng's small expression, Lin Chen was puzzled and said: "My wife, what are you thinking about again, don't worry, with me here, I will never let anything happen to you!"

There was a trace of sweetness on the corner of Su Qingcheng's mouth, and he said embarrassingly: "Who is thinking wildly."

After finishing speaking, she trotted upstairs.


Because the steps were too big, she didn't step on a step firmly, and she was about to fall. Fortunately, Lin Chen appeared in time, supported her, and said, "My wife, what's wrong with you, are you so absent-minded?"

As he said that, seeing that Su Qingcheng was in pain, Lin Chen picked up the princess without saying a word, and walked towards the bedroom.

"Lin Chen, what are you doing, Mr. Liu is still here!"

Su Qingcheng buried her head in Lin Chen's arms and said shyly.

"So what's the matter, is it against the law for me to hug my wife?" Lin Chen said, "And you're sprained, why don't you go upstairs if I don't hug you."

"That's not all your fault!" Su Qingcheng pouted.

Lin Chen had a question mark on his head.

What does a sprained foot have to do with him?

Can this pot also be pinned on his head?

Don't guess what a woman thinks, Lin Chen put Su Qingcheng on the bed in the bedroom and saw that her ankle was swollen and purple.

Fortunately, he was just in time to support him, otherwise the consequences would have been even more serious.

"Hey!" Lin Chen sighed lightly, and secretly mobilized his spiritual energy to help Su Qingcheng massage, and said: "Honey, hold on, it might hurt a little later."

at the same time.

Liu Wentao, who had just finished eating a mouthful of dog food, also happened to pass by Su Qingcheng's bedroom, planning to go to Lin Chen's bedroom.

But, at this moment.

A voice that only men could understand slowly came from Su Qingcheng's bedroom.

"Hiss... Lin Chen is in pain, can you be gentle..."

"Ah... Lin Chen, will you die if you slow down?"

Liu Wentao was dumbfounded on the spot.

And that's not the end yet, just heard Lin Chen say: "My wife, lie down and face me, so that it will be easier for me to exert force, and you won't be in so much pain."

"it is good."

Immediately, another heart-rending sound came out.

"How about it, is it more comfortable now?"

Lin Chen chuckled.

"It's okay, I didn't see that you are so good at this."

Hearing this, Liu Wentao was completely sluggish, frozen in place like petrified.


This is a matter of life and death!

You two are still in the mood to do such a thing!

Are young people so big-hearted now?

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