Overnight Success

Chapter 263 I'm Going To Decide On This 100 Million

"You mean Mr. Lin?"

Yan Kuan subconsciously patted his thigh and said.

How could he almost forget this expert!

"Yes." Huang Zhengxiang nodded and said, "I think with Lin Gaoren's ability, he must have a way."

"But will he be willing to make a move?"

Yan Kuan murmured a little.

"I think Lin Gaoren will definitely. Based on my understanding of Lin Gaoren, he has always wanted to revive Chinese medicine. Now that Chinese medicine is being provoked by others, he will definitely not sit idly by."

After the last medical lecture at Yunhuai Medical University, Huang Zhengxiang had a new understanding of Lin Chen.

Therefore, he can almost conclude that Lin Chen will never allow others to belittle the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine left by his ancestors.

next moment.

Gu Yannian continued to attack: "Chairman Yan was poked into a pain point by me, so he can't speak?"

"Although what I said is a bit harsh, it is the truth. What kind of Chinese medicine, this old-fashioned medical skill has long been obliterated by the trend of the times."

Afterwards, he looked at Sun Youping on the stage and said, "Director Sun, you have also seen that there is no comparison between Chinese and Western medicine at all. You can directly eliminate Chinese medicine so as not to waste everyone's time."

When he uttered this sentence, he was triumphant.

Yan Kuan, who had been silent all this time, spoke: "Expert Gu, with all due respect, your western doctors are not qualified to overwhelm traditional Chinese medicine. Isn't it just to save a vegetative person? As long as our masters of Chinese medicine take action, the disease will be cured in minutes."

The voice fell.

The scene was silent at first, and then burst into laughter.

Those young scholars who were already advocating Western medicine couldn't help but show a deep sense of contempt when they heard Yan Kuan's words.

Gu Yannian directly mocked: "President Yan, as doctors, what we pay attention to is science and facts. Now you are opening your mouth to say that your master of traditional Chinese medicine can save the vegetative people. Then where is this master?"

"I even wonder how a lip-smacking person like you can become the president of a medical organization. It's just ridiculous."

"You...!" Yan Kuan was so angry that he couldn't sit still!

Seeing this, Lin Chen, who was at the back, sighed slightly: "It seems that it's his turn to play."

"What appearance?" Fang Yuan on the side asked suspiciously.

Lin Chen shook his head and didn't say much.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Kuan pointed his fingers over, and said, "Our master of Chinese medicine is sitting there. As long as he is willing to take action, let alone save vegetative people, even the most serious and intractable diseases can be easily solved."

At this moment, everyone in the audience followed the direction of Yan Kuan's finger and looked towards Lin Chen one after another.


Doctor? where? "

"Why are these young people? Chairman Yan must be talking nonsense!"


Everyone looked around and began to discuss in low voices.

Obviously, after observing for a long time, they couldn't find anyone who was related to the master of traditional Chinese medicine, the kind of respected seniors.

At the same time, seeing everyone's gazes constantly scanning back and forth, Fang Yuan was also very puzzled and asked, "What master of Chinese medicine?"

"Mr. Lin, have you noticed that there are older people here?"

Lin Chen smiled: "Whoever said that a master must be old, have you heard of extraordinary talent?"


Fangyuan covered her mouth and smiled slightly, rolled her eyes: "Hearing what you mean, it's as if you are the master."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Yan Kuan in front of her and walked over quickly, and bowed to Lin Chen, pleading:

"Lin Gaoren, please help us with the name of the Chinese medicine certificate, we will never lose to Western medicine."

Fangyuan: "..."

Gu Yannian: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Looking at Lin Chen's young and handsome face, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into sarcasm again.

"It's so nonsense... There is no one in Chinese medicine! How can you find a young boy to be a master?"

"Hahaha... I can't stop laughing!"

"Just claiming to be a medical organization, I think it can be disbanded as soon as possible. If that kid is a master, am I not the master of masters!"

Everyone said something to each other, making naked ridicule.

In the front, Gu Yannian couldn't help but mocked: "I said President Yan, you must be out of your mind. Could this brat be a so-called master of Chinese medicine? I think he looks more like a charlatan."

However, Yan Kuan ignored it. He bowed to Lin Chen again, and said sincerely, "I beg Master Lin to help!"

Huang Zhengxiang also came up in a hurry, doing the same movements as Yan Kuan, and echoed: "I beg Lin Gaoren to take action!"

Everyone who watched this scene couldn't help being stunned, thinking that Yan and Huang had made a lot of achievements in the medical field, but they went out today thinking that they were caught in the door, and put their hope of restoring the reputation of Chinese medicine on a young man.

It's ridiculous!

Seeing the sincerity of the two people, Lin Chen sighed: "Forget it, since I came here and encountered this kind of thing again, it shows that I have a deep relationship with Chinese medicine." Pen Fun Library

As he said that, he looked at the crowd and said calmly: "I'm sorry everyone, this billion is doomed to miss you!"

"It, I want it!"

Hearing the confidence in Lin Chen's words, Sun Youping's expression changed slightly on stage.

"President Yan, I

I understand your feelings, the temptation of 100 million is indeed very big, but this matter has a lot to do with it, so you must not be arrogant. "

Obviously, he agrees with most people, and he doesn't think that Lin Chen really has the superb ability of a master of Chinese medicine.

Hearing this, Yan Kuan just wanted to explain, but Gu Yannian took the first step and sneered: "Director Sun, as medical practitioners, we should all be responsible for our own words. Since President Yan thinks this kid is a master, why don't you let him go to the hospital all the time?" try."

"This will also completely cut off their wishful thinking!"

At the end, Gu Yannian's tone was extremely cold, and he didn't take Lin Chen seriously at all.

"Trust me, you will regret everything you said and did today."

Lin Chen looked at Gu Yannian and said indifferently.

Gu Yannian snorted coldly: "Boy, you are too arrogant, you can't touch the 100 million!"

"Also, I would like to advise you, don't listen to Yan Kuan's promise of benefits to you, they just want to take the blame from you!"

Upon hearing this, Yan Kuan and the others quit immediately.

"Gu Yannian, don't spout blood, when are we going to find someone to take the blame for!"

"Let me tell you, Lin Gaoren's strength is beyond your comprehension. We only have respect and admiration for him!"

Regarding this, Gu Yannian didn't take it seriously: "Okay, don't pretend, don't think that I don't know, you just want to save the only remaining face of Chinese medicine, so you choose to throw the blame on this kid."

"If this kid loses, you can also give an explanation to those who are passionate about Chinese medicine in society."

"Honestly, you guys are really pathetic!"

Hearing this, everyone was greatly enlightened.

Just now, they were puzzled why Yan Kuan and Huang Zhengxiang called a young man one after another.

It turns out that this young man is just an unlucky guy, he is the one who took the blame!

Sensing the contempt revealed in everyone's eyes, Yan Kuan and the others clenched their fists, quite helplessly.

"Lin Gaoren, I'm sorry, we didn't expect such a thing to happen..."

Immediately, the two sincerely apologized to Lin Chen.

"No need to apologize." Lin Chen waved his hand: "Since I made a move, I will naturally get the respect it deserves for Chinese medicine."

"Believe me, how happy they are now, how ugly their faces will be later."

Seeing Lin Chen's swearing face, Gu Yannian's tone was full of sarcasm: "It's just you, you want to get back the respect that belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, you really are beyond your capabilities!"

"Let me tell you, the times have changed, and the Western medicine concept invented by Western countries is the general trend. As for the Chinese medicine you are proud of, in my eyes, it is just stinky shit!"

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