At this time, it was summer, and because of the relationship between the flowers, it was normal for green snakes to appear.


What makes Lin Chen speechless is...

This little green snake really knows where to bite...

Blood flowed out along the upper side of Fangyuan's leg, and according to Lin Chen's judgment, the wound should be above the calf.

"Sit down and pull up the skirt, I'll take a look for you." Lin Chen said seriously.

Feeling a burst of weakness in her body, Fang Yuan didn't care about the difference between men and women, so she could only lift up the skirt, exposing her straight and round legs to Lin Chen's vision without reservation.

"It will hurt a little later, Miss Fang, bear with it first, of course you can't help it, so just call out."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took the silver needle and pierced the corresponding acupuncture point to stop the spread of the venom.

next moment.

Lin Chen took a deep breath and sucked in Fangyuan's wound.

A tingling feeling spread through Fangyuan's whole body in an instant, followed by a warm feeling spreading from the wound to all limbs.


Finally, Fang Yuan couldn't help but let out a pleasant cry.

She could clearly feel that her body gradually gained some strength with every suction by Lin Chen.

This guy……

Looking at the blood on the corner of Lin Chen's mouth, Fang Yuan was deeply touched.

"This poisonous snake is poisonous, so you are not afraid of the venom infecting you!"

Fangyuan said anxiously.

"Don't talk yet." Lin Chen said, continuing to clean up the venom in Fangyuan's body with spiritual energy.

There was another burst of warmth.

Fangyuan's face was blushing, and she couldn't help but scream again.

Of course, at this moment.

It happened that some medical staff passing by here on their way home noticed this scene.

"Damn it, no wonder Dr. Fang was absent-minded at the dinner just now. He was waiting for Mr. Lin Gao to come to the flowers to do this kind of thing."

"Besides, you see that Dr. Fang seems to enjoy it very much. It seems that Lin Gaoren has extraordinary skills!"

While the few people were talking in low voices, they suddenly felt a cold gaze cast over.


Several people's expressions froze, they touched their noses and left angrily.

Obviously, the source of this line of sight is Lin Chen.

"What's wrong?"

"Has anyone noticed us?"

Fang Yuan asked in confusion.

"It's all right." Lin Chen answered irrelevantly: "I've already drained the poison for you, you can just go back and buy some anti-inflammatory drugs."

"Then thank you Mr. Lin."

Fang Yuan pursed her lips and smiled, her heart was filled with infinite emotion.

The last time she was raped in the villa, it was actually arranged on purpose by her to attract Lin Chen's attention.

But this time, Lin Chen really saved her life.

Not even her godfather cared about her so much since she could remember.

The men around her only know how to covet her body. It can be said that she has never felt warmth from a man.

However, Lin Chen gave her this feeling.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan's pair of eyes looked at Lin Chen affectionately, and the brows were full of tenderness.


The phone's text message rang.

It was from my godfather.

The content is nothing more than asking her how the plan is going and whether Lin Chen has been conquered by her.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan deleted the text message without any disturbance.

This was the first time she deleted her godfather's text messages, and the reason was because of a man. It's not hard to imagine how furious her godfather would be when he found out, but she didn't care.

At the same time, this small move was naturally noticed by Lin Chen.

However, Fang Yuan didn't say anything, and he didn't take the initiative to ask.

next moment.

Fang Yuan said seriously to Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, what do you think of me?"

"Ah?" Lin Chen was slightly taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Fang Yuan to say that.

He subconsciously replied: "Pretty."

"Except for being beautiful!" Fang Yuan was not satisfied with this answer, she continued to ask: "I heard that you are already married, you and your wife..."

"Our husband and wife relationship is very good." Lin Chen said flatly.

Then, without giving Fang Yuan a chance to continue, Lin Chen said directly: "Miss Fang, it's so late, I'll take you back home!"

"Alright..." Fang Yuan thought for a while, then nodded.

In this way, with Lin Chen's support all the way, Fang Yuan felt Lin Chen's thick and powerful arms, and his eyebrows and eyes had already turned into a puddle of spring water.

Hearing the non-stop text messages from the phone, Fang Yuan immediately shut down.

She found that she really fell in love with this man...

Therefore, she just wanted to enjoy the time alone with this man, and she didn't want to be disturbed by anyone or anything.


After sending Fangyuan home, Lin Chen hummed a little song and walked home.

The lights in the hall were still on, apparently Su Qingcheng was still waiting for him


Seeing this, a faint smile appeared on Lin Chen's face.

A few months ago, he was still nesting in the rented house that was only a few tens of square meters, and no one cared about him except his adoptive parents who sometimes cared about his work.

But it was different now, he already had his own family and made more friends, especially he knew that no matter how late he came back, there was always a woman at home waiting for him.

Pushing open the door, Lin Chen just called out: "Honey, I'm back."

But found that there was a strange man standing in the living room.

The strange man, wearing a suit and a Rolex Green Water Ghost, looked polite and extraordinary.

At this moment, he was standing directly opposite Su Qingcheng, chatting for some reason.

But it was obvious that Su Qingcheng's expression was not good-looking.

It wasn't until she saw Lin Chen came back that her eyebrows relaxed slightly, and her expression softened a lot.

"Wife, who is he?" Lin Chen asked.

"Xu Xiangqian, the current president of Xu's Real Estate, is the leader of the real estate industry in Tianhai Province."

Su Qingcheng said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Lin Chen greeted with a smile.

However, Xu Xiangqian didn't even look at Lin Chen, and said to Su Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, you won't tell me that this stupid guy is the husband you are looking for?"

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng frowned, and said in a cold tone: "Xu Xiangqian, don't think that you can be unscrupulous just because I make small talk. To my husband, I advise you to be more polite."

Seeing that Su Qingcheng took Lin Chen very seriously, Xu Xiangqian quickly changed the subject: "Qingcheng, I misspoken just now, I apologize to you."

"But I'm here this time because I have something important to do with you. You must have heard about the Tianlong Auction, right?"

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng's face turned completely cold.

The specifications of the Tianlong Auction are high enough to be among the top five, how could she not know.

It is said that this auction will auction an extremely rare crystal, and bigwigs from all over the world will come to participate.

Originally thinking of taking this opportunity, she wanted to communicate with bigwigs from all over the world and try to form a cooperation.

However, what I never expected was—

Tianlong Auction didn't even give her an invitation letter at all. In other words, the other party felt that she was not worthy to attend.

This defiant attitude obviously made her extremely depressed.

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