Overnight Success

Chapter 272 Wife, I Will Not Allow You To Be Wronged

After one night.

The second day, early morning.

Su Qingcheng got up early, and when she saw Lin Chen who was sleeping, she couldn't help pursing her lips.

Last night, she wanted to throw the invitation letter into the trash can, but Lin Chen stopped her and said: "This auction is a good opportunity to make contacts, and she should participate."

She believed that Lin Chen must be able to see that Xu Xiangqian only gave her an invitation letter, which was obviously uneasy and kind.

But Lin Chen is still willing to let her participate.

Thinking of this, Su Qingcheng was a little moved. After all, this auction was indeed a rare opportunity for her. If she gave up, the next time she had such an opportunity, she would not know that it would be a year of the monkey.

Kissing Lin Chen's lips lightly, Su Qingcheng immediately dressed and left.


The provincial capital, Tianlong International Hotel.

Today the hotel is very lively, all kinds of wealthy businessmen are waiting in line with their female companions.

Apparently, this is where the auction will be held.

After registration, everyone entered the hotel and went straight to the top floor.

At this time, on the top floor, the appearance of a woman attracted everyone's admiration, and they couldn't look away.

The woman is Su Qingcheng.

After arriving in the provincial capital, Su Qingcheng specially bought a set of well-fitting dresses. The dresses were mainly in the style of landscape painting, presenting a classical beauty, coupled with her perfect golden ratio, it amazed everyone when she appeared on stage.

At this time.

A loud voice sounded: "Qingcheng, you came so soon."

Xu Qianqian, dressed in a white suit, smiled and walked towards Su Qingcheng.

Seeing Xu Xiangqian and Su Qingcheng together, for a moment, everyone couldn't help admiring: "I didn't expect that Xu Shao's girlfriend is so beautiful, she is very talented and beautiful, a perfect match."

Xu's Real Estate is a dark horse enterprise in Tianhai Province in recent years.

It can be said that since Xu's real estate entered the provincial capital, in just a few years, Xu's real estate has become a giant in the real estate industry.

Among them, Xu Xiangqian, as the current president of Xu's real estate, has attracted the hearts of many wealthy daughters.

Beautiful, talented, and rich, how can I ask which woman doesn't love her?

Therefore, when these wealthy daughters saw Xu Xiangqian walking very close to Su Qingcheng, their expressions showed a trace of jealousy.

"I've never heard of Xu Shao having a girlfriend. Who is that woman?"

"It looks a little familiar, it seems to be the president of the Su Group."

"Su's Group? You said, could it be that she was the one who caused a lot of trouble on the Internet some time ago?

Shout out to that bitch! "

"It's really coquettish. She wants to attack Young Master Xu. The sisters must not let her succeed."


The wealthy daughters were talking in low voices, ready to make Su Qingcheng look ugly.


A woman in a cheongsam swept away the red wine, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Guys, why don't you listen to my plan?"

next moment.

After a brief discussion, the five women, each holding a glass of red wine, came to Su Qingcheng as if nothing had happened, and poured the red wine on his dress.


Five cups of red wine, like dye, instantly splashed Su Qingcheng's dress into disfigurement, with red wine stains all over his body.

Seeing this scene, Su Qingcheng trembled with anger.

Obviously, she didn't expect these people to be so bold as to embarrass her in public.

"Oh, my sister, I'm really sorry."

"You shouldn't be angry, we didn't mean it."

The five blinked and put on an innocent look.

Su Qingcheng gritted her teeth, but in front of everyone, she was not easy to get angry.

It is not difficult to see that these five people are deliberately finding fault, but she has never offended these five women...

Su Qingcheng only felt wronged in her heart.

"Oh, isn't this Young Master Xu? We met once at the reception last time. I don't know if you have any impression of me!"

The cheongsam woman didn't even look at Su Qingcheng, and smiled coquettishly at Xu Xiangqian.

Seeing this, Xu Xiangqian smiled slightly: "Of course I have an impression."

These five women are all daughters of well-known enterprises in Tianhai Province, and these enterprises usually have a lot of business dealings with Xu's real estate, so Xu Xiangqian hesitated again and again, and did not speak for Su Qingcheng.

"Sister, we still have something to discuss with Young Master Xu, why don't you go to the bathroom to clean up first?"

The cheongsam woman turned to laugh.

Regarding this, Su Qingcheng's pretty face was slightly cold. Just now, this woman poured the most wine glass and poured it the most vigorously. Now it's good. Not only did they not even make a formal apology, but they lightly asked themselves to go to the bathroom to clean up alone. So that she can get close to Xu Qianteng.

It's too much!

"You owe me a reasonable explanation, don't say you are careless, one person is careless, don't the five of you happen to be careless at the same time?"

Su Qingcheng's voice was cold.

"Sister is so fierce, but we really

The ones are innocent! "

"Then what do you want? If you want money, you say the amount, and we will pay you back."

"Look, Young Master Xu, she is too unreasonable."

The few women slandered Su Qingcheng as an unreasonable and overbearing woman in an instant.

Su Qingcheng knew that one person couldn't talk to them, not to mention that more and more people gathered here, and it would not do her any good to make trouble.

Just when she was about to swallow her anger and go to the bathroom.

On the top floor, at the door, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"After splashing people, you still beat them upside down. You are really white lotuses than white lotuses!"

Hearing this, everyone followed the sound.


At the door, Lin Chen was dressed in formal attire, with one hand in his pocket, and walked over with a cold expression on his face.


Su Qingcheng couldn't help being taken aback.

Xu Xiangqian couldn't help being surprised and said: "You, you, how could you come in?"

The auction house's censorship is very strict, and it is impossible to enter without an invitation letter.

Unless, this guy forged an invitation letter?

Just as Xu Xiangqian was wondering, Lin Chen had already come to Su Qingcheng, and asked softly: "My wife, don't worry, I will get back all your grievances for you today."

As he spoke, Lin Chen glanced at the five women coldly.

Then, he said to the waiter who followed him, "Bring the red wine."

Hearing this, the waiter nodded repeatedly, not daring to be negligent in the slightest.

After all, Lin Chen came in as a VIP. When dealing with customers of this level, they naturally have to meet all the requirements of the other party.


The waiter came over with several glasses full of red wine and a bottle of red wine just opened.

"Give you a chance to sincerely apologize." Lin Chen looked at the five people and said calmly.

However, the five of them looked contemptuous, especially the woman in the cheongsam and said with a disdainful smile: "Let us apologize to her, just because she is worthy of being a well-known bitch..."

The voice did not fall.

Lin Chen picked up four glasses full of red wine and threw them at the women.


After eating the red wine, the four women who were splashed with the red wine had frightened and angry faces, almost going crazy with anger.

And that's not all.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen picked up the newly opened bottle of red wine and said to the cheongsam woman, "Who gave you the tone of insulting my wife?"

After all, in the frightened eyes of the woman in cheongsam

Lin Chen poured red wine directly on the face of the cheongsam woman.

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