Overnight Success

Chapter 284 Su Qingcheng On The Verge Of Collapse

However, due to the relative cheapness of the hotel, when Su Qingcheng came to the private room, she did not choose to knock on the door, but instead took out the recording pen she had prepared in advance.

After all, the sound insulation effect of this kind of hotel is not very good, so she has to use a voice recorder to leave iron evidence.

Here, in the private room, Lin Chen looked at Xiao Ying and said, "Let's start quickly, Officer Xiao."

"Good master." After Xiao Ying finished speaking coquettishly, her knees were slightly bent, she knelt down on the bed, and sang Conquer.

"I was conquered by you like this, and drank the poison you hid..."

Outside the door, when Su Qingcheng heard this, her mind went blank.

This guy played really well, and even called the master!


It's disgusting.

However, just when she couldn't help but wanted to break in, the singing stopped, and a soft voice came again:

"Master, this man dressed up for you, accept me..."

At this moment, Xiao Ying showed her fragrant shoulders, her hair was messy, and she was looking at Lin Chen affectionately.

Like a little girl who has had a crush on her for a long time.

"Lin Chen, I really want you, just satisfy me!"

Seeing that Lin Chen did not move for a long time, Xiao Ying's voice gradually became more eager.

There was also a blush on the whole face, and the winking eyes were like silk.

"Conquer is good." Lin Chen smiled playfully, "Since you want it, I will naturally conquer you today."

"Then come quickly, people are already waiting."

Xiao Ying was overjoyed, and took the initiative to stick it in front of Lin Chen, stroking every part of him with a pair of soft jade hands.

"Lin Chen, you have a great figure!"

Xiao Ying exhaled like blue, watched Lin Chen close her eyes and began to enjoy, a successful smile lifted from the corner of her mouth.

next moment.

A sharp dagger suddenly appeared from Xiao Ying's hand.

The murderous intent was revealed, and the cold was overwhelming.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ying stabbed Lin Chen's heart with a dagger.

"I thought how powerful you are, but in front of beauty, it seems that you are vulnerable."

Xiao Ying smiled sarcastically, the previous emotion had long since disappeared, only coldness remained on her face.

Seeing that the dagger was about to penetrate Lin Chen's heart, suddenly a big hand firmly grasped her wrist, and even with all her strength, she couldn't let the dagger take a step forward.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ying lost her smile and was shocked.

"You can't help it?" Lin Chen sighed, slightly disappointed

: "I was expecting you to make further moves!"

"Did you know it was a trap from the beginning?"

Xiao Ying said in a deep voice.

"I did have doubts at first, but the moment I saw you, I was sure that you were not Xiao Ying at all."

Lin Chen said lightly.

"It seems that I underestimated you. The person who can kill Rose is really extraordinary."

Xiao Ying's eyes flickered, and the imprint of plum blossoms on her eyebrows became more and more obvious, so that her whole body exuded a palpitating evil spirit.

She originally thought that Lin Chen was so indulging in her obsession that he could end his life effortlessly.

Unexpectedly, the other party had already suspected her.

"Ha ha."

Seeing Xiao Ying showing her true colors, Lin Chen smiled lightly.

At this time, he had vaguely guessed who was controlling Xiao Ying, and he was fortunate that Xiao Ying was still breathing, but she lost her sanity, which was undoubtedly much better than Aunt Hua.

"Did you see this bed, today your blood will stain this place red."

After Xiao Ying finished speaking, she broke free from Lin Chen's restraint, held the dagger in her back hand, and plunged into Lin Chen's heart again.

It's just that the insertion speed this time is faster than last time.

"Okay, I just don't know if you have the ability."

Lin Chen smiled lightly, grabbed the quilt beside him, and threw it directly at Xiao Ying.

In response, Xiao Ying turned her back.

There was a sting.

The quilt was directly divided into two, and the cotton was scattered all over the place.


On this double bed, a fierce battle broke out from the head of the bed to the end of the bed.

in process.

Holding the dagger, Xiao Ying's attack became more and more sharp.

However, Lin Chen's face remained calm. No matter how Xiao Ying strengthened her attack, he could handle it with ease.


The bed board could no longer support the fierce battle between the two, and it was creaking non-stop.

Outside the door, no one was more familiar with this voice than Su Qingcheng.

Because last time, she also felt it on the sofa in the living room.

This guy really had a great time playing.

My old lady will record everything for you, and I will see how you explain it later!

On the bed in the private room, Lin Chen seized a gap in Xiao Ying's attack, kicked her dagger to the ground, and pressed it on her body, firmly controlling it.

"If you have the ability, let me go, bullying a woman is nothing!"

Xiao Ying bites

Teeth, said unwillingly.

"Oh? So you're a woman?" Lin Chen smiled faintly.

In the next second, he stretched out two fingers and quickly clicked on the plum blossom imprint on Xiao Ying's eyebrows.


Xiao Ying let out a scream, and her delicate body couldn't help shaking, as if she was in great pain.

at the same time.

Outside the hotel, on a big poplar tree with a height of 100 meters, a woman in black with a tulle face was holding her chest and spurting a mouthful of blood.

"How did this guy see that this woman's consciousness is connected with me!"

The woman in black was cursing and her face was slightly pale.

"How about it, doesn't it feel good?"

Lin Chen looked at Xiao Ying and smiled.

He knew that Xiao Ying's consciousness had been manipulated by this person, and the connection point of manipulation was the plum blossom mark.

To put it simply, this impression is like a bridge. This person controls Xiao Ying's thoughts and actions through the imprint, but the disadvantage is that she can clearly feel everything Xiao Ying has suffered.

"You are shameless!"

Xiao Ying said angrily, squeezing all her strength, wanting to fight Lin Chen desperately.

However, Lin Chen would not give her a chance at all.

He stretched out his finger and tapped hard on the plum blossom mark again.

Xiao Ying screamed again: "Ah!"

"How about it, are you convinced?" Lin Chen jokingly smiled.

"Lin Chen, I am at odds with you!"

Xiao Ying stared at Lin Chen coldly. If eyes could kill, she would have killed Lin Chen a hundred times already.

"You still dare to stare at me? You're so tough!" Lin Chen pointed one finger after another, and Xiao Ying was so painful that she was sweating profusely, her body twitching non-stop.

"Ah! Don't! Don't..."

In this way, accompanied by Xiao Ying's frequent begging for mercy, Su Qingcheng outside the door felt like a volcano erupting inside, extremely angry.

What a pair of smelly and shameless dogs and men!

It's so loud, don't be ashamed!


Su Qingcheng couldn't help but turn off the recorder, knocked heavily on the door of the private room, and shouted:

"Lin Chen, I advise you to open the door, otherwise I will never end with you!"

"You stinky man, why do you treat me like this, I'm not good, I can't compare to that woman in your bed!"

"Speak! Open the door!"

"Woo woo woo..."

At the end, Su Qingcheng couldn't bear it anymore, tears flowed down his cheeks.

The whole person is almost about to collapse.

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