Overnight Success

Chapter 310 Conspiracy Theory

"Dad, this has nothing to do with you, you just need to give the baby to me."

Su Bingrui said lightly.

Hearing this, Old Man Su's face froze slightly, and then he sighed: "It's a pity, I have already given this to someone else, you are late."

Upon hearing this, Su Bingrui said anxiously: "What! Dad, who did you give such an important thing to?"

"Well, tell me who has the baby, and I'll go find him now."

"That thing is in my hands, but I won't give it to you." At this moment, Lin Chen stood out from the crowd and said flatly.

"Who are you?"

Su Bingrui looked puzzled, and searched in his mind for a while, it seems that there is no such person in the Su family?

Lin Chen said: "I am Qingcheng's husband, the uncle of the Su family. Before I got married with Qingcheng, the old man entrusted me to keep this item. Because of this item, Qingcheng was assassinated many times, and the old man was in a coma that year. , also has a great connection with this thing.”

"If I'm not mistaken, it's not true that you want someone in power in the Su family, but it's true that you want treasures."

"So what." Su Bingrui said indifferently: "I am the son of the old man, and now that the old man is old, I should take care of the baby. If you are sensible, hand it over quickly."

To Su Bingrui, he knew the young talents in Yunhuai City like the palm of his hand, but he had no impression of the young people in front of him, which undoubtedly showed that this kid was just a son-in-law.

"I'm sorry, there's no reason to hand it over once it's in my hands, and if you want it so much, you must have ulterior motives, so I can't hand it over to you."

Lin Chen shrugged.

"Nonsense!" Su Bingrui yelled angrily: "Su Qingcheng has taken the power of the Su family, and you are in charge of the Su family's treasures, and all the most valuable things of the Su family are in the hands of the two of you. Didn't they take over the Su family together long ago."

"Fourth Uncle, that's enough!"

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Lin Chen has made great contributions to the rise of the Su family. Without him, the Su family would not be what it is today. You probably don't know it. The reason why the anti-scar ointment can be successfully researched is because of Lin Chen."

"And every time the Su Corporation was on the cusp, it was Lin Chen who pulled Su Corporation back from the brink of death. It's ashamed to say, but I, the president of the Su Corporation, did not play any decisive role at all."

"It's good now, you want this and that when you come back, and you turn around and slander us maliciously."

, May I ask fourth uncle, where is your conscience? "

Su Qingcheng looked at Su Bingrui, with a cold voice.

"Slander?" Su Bingrui smiled instead of anger: "Su Qingcheng, you really know how to put gold on your face."

"I have a handle on you. If you don't want me to expose it, just obediently ask your husband to hand over the treasure."

The voice fell.

The whole audience fell into a discussion.

Su Qingcheng was even more confused.


What handle?

"Su Bingrui, what kind of dirty tricks are you trying to play? I tell you that my fourth uncle respects you, but don't make it worse!"

Su Qingcheng opened the mouth and said.

"In that case, let everyone see the real face of you bitch."

Su Bingrui said, took out the recorder, and played an audio.

Mysterious man: Qingcheng, when you get the power of the Su family, don't forget the 20% shares that you promised me in advance.

Su Qingcheng: Don't worry, you are indispensable.

Mysterious man: I hope you keep your word. If Su Bingrui dares to fight for the power of the Su family with you when he comes back, I will help you get rid of him.

Su Qingcheng: That's the best. That old Su Xiaoxiong won't last long. When the plan is successful, the Su family will be the world of the two of us in the future.

Audio ends.

The scene fell into a dead silence.

Through this audio, everyone could clearly hear that the woman's voice was exactly Su Qingcheng, and the man's voice, after special processing, could not be distinguished for a while.

No one could have imagined that Su Qingcheng would say such a thing.

Moreover, she actually called the old man an old man, which is disrespectful!

You know, Mr. Su usually loves her the most. This scene is really chilling!

Su Bingrui took offense directly, and said mockingly: "Su Qingcheng, this is your true face. On the surface, you appear to be conscientious and virtuous, but behind your back, you are cursing the old man to die. If you are a scheming bitch in front of you, I'm afraid you will bow down!"

"You, you spitting blood, I never said that, don't maliciously slander me!"

Su Qingcheng gripped the hem of her skirt, gritted her teeth and said.

"Oh?" Su Bingrui sneered: "Here is the recording, the evidence is solid, what else do you have to argue?"

"As the saying goes, if you don't do anything wrong, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. What are you trying to cover up in such a hurry to defend?"

Seeing Su Bingrui being aggressive, Su Qingcheng was extremely angry.

"All right!"

At this moment, old man Su yelled, his face was as gloomy as water.

"Qingcheng, tell me carefully, what is going on?


He always valued Su Qingcheng more than his sons, so he didn't believe that Su Qingcheng would say this, but the voice in the audio was indeed Su Qingcheng's, which made people suspicious.

"I am not sure."

Su Qingcheng shook her head: "Grandpa, I dare to swear to God, I never said these words. As for the audio, it is likely to be forged, and the purpose is to frame me."

Speaking of this, Su Qingcheng's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Su Bingrui closely, full of hatred.

"Su Qingcheng, don't you admit it?"

Su Bingrui smiled coldly: "Expert Li, please come and prove it to everyone, let them see whether this audio is true or not."

As Su Bingrui finished speaking, a middle-aged man in business attire walked out of the crowd.

The middle-aged man, with a gentle face, pushed his glasses and bowed to everyone:

"Everyone, I am an audio expert specially invited by Mr. Su Bingrui. Since you have doubts about this audio, I will compare Miss Su Qingcheng's speech band audio with the band audio in the recorder on the spot. You can see if it is true or not. Know."

"As we all know, people's intonation and tone can be imitated, but the frequency band is almost impossible to copy. Please give me a little time, and I will tell you the truth."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man tidied up the equipment, and while connecting the equipment, he continued: "Just now I specially recorded an audio of Miss Su Qingcheng's speaking frequency band. This is fair and just, and there is absolutely no falsification."


When the two bands of audio were displayed on the instrument, everyone was surprised to find that the trends of the two bands were almost exactly the same.

"Everyone, please see that the coincidence of the bands is enough to show that the voice in the recorder comes from Ms. Su, so everything Mr. Su Bingrui said is true."

Hearing Expert Li's words, Mr. Su's eyes were full of disbelief, and then his mind went blank, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell on his back.

For a moment, everyone was shocked and rushed to help the old man.

"Now that the old man is so angry, Su Qingcheng, what else do you have to say? Could it be that the Su family is dead, so you can be satisfied?"

"First the second brother was killed, then the second brother's daughter died inexplicably, and then you conspired with the mysterious man to harm me, and now the old man is so angry with you that he is unconscious. Today I will act for the heavens and say nothing. I will let you go!"

An evil light flashed in Su Bingrui's eyes, he picked up the red wine bottle beside the table, and directly attacked Su Qingcheng's head.

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