Overnight Success

Chapter 32 Young Master Lin

meeting room.

At this moment, a group of middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes sat here, whispering and talking to each other.


The door of the conference room was pushed open from the outside.

Following that, Su Qingcheng and Lin Chen walked in one after another.

Seeing the arrival of the two, the noisy conference room immediately fell silent.

"Qingcheng, sit down."

The first seat in the conference hall, Su Taishan pointed to a nearby seat.

Su Qingcheng didn't sit down, but instead frowned, looked at Su Taishan and said, "Why didn't I see where Lin Chen is?"

Apparently, there was only one empty seat on the left hand side of Mount Su Tai in the entire conference hall.

If she sits, Lin Chen can only stand.

"Qingcheng, this is the board of directors of our Su Group. Only shareholders can participate. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to bring this kid here?"

At this time, at the third position on the right side of the conference hall, a middle-aged man with a curly back spoke lightly.

"Third uncle, he is my fiance, why can't he come to the board of directors?"

Su Qingcheng frowned, saying neither humble nor overbearing.

"Since everyone is here, let's listen here!"

Su Taishan waved his hand and said flatly.

Although Lin Chen was not qualified to participate in the board of directors in terms of status or status, he didn't mind letting Lin Chen stay.

After all, the matter to be discussed later is indeed related to Lin Chen, and if he stays here, he will be able to recognize the gap between himself and Qingcheng better.

"Lin Chen, here it is."

Su Qingcheng glanced at everyone coldly, picked up a chair from the corner, and was about to hand it to Lin Chen.

A cold snort came.

"Boy, the Patriarch showed mercy by letting you sit in, but he didn't let you sit down!"

The middle-aged man continued to attack, with an undisguised sarcasm showing from the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, many people laughed and put their eyes on Lin Chen, waiting to see him embarrassed.

The middle-aged man's name is Su Dongqiao, he is Su Taishan's brother, the third eldest, and he mainly works as the general manager of the Su Group's branch company on weekdays.

According to rumors, when he heard that something happened to the parent company due to Lin Chen, he almost toppled the office of the branch office!

Obviously, Su Dongqiao will definitely not give Lin Chen any good looks on the board of directors this time.

"Did you eat garlic this morning? Such a heavy tone?"

Lin Chen frowned slightly, and said with a look of disgust.

"You..." Su Dongqiao blushed, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, I tell you, you are not from the Su family, and there is no place for you here. If you don't want to stand, get out!"

"Third Uncle, didn't you

Is it necessary to embarrass my fiancé so much? "Su Qingcheng couldn't stand it any longer, and said displeasedly.

"What fiancé, have we admitted it?"

Su Dongqiao looked at Su Qingcheng and said: "Qingcheng, you can just find a little boy to play with. You want him to be the son-in-law of the Su family. With all due respect, he is not worthy!"

Everyone was silent, obviously meaning the same as Su Dongqiao.


Seeing this group of people working together to embarrass Lin Chen, Su Qingcheng was immediately annoyed. She was about to refute, but unexpectedly Lin Chen stopped her.

I saw Lin Chen took a step forward and smiled at everyone: "Since you are the elders of Qingcheng, I didn't want to quarrel with you, but if some people are shameless, don't blame me for being rude." .”

After saying that, Lin Chen slapped the table with a slap.


The heavy tabletop trembled suddenly, and the cup of hot coffee placed in front of Su Dongqiao was torn apart.

next moment.

The cup burst open, and the boiling hot coffee directly hit Su Dongqiao's face.


Su Dongqiao screamed, then jumped up from his seat, and quickly opened the mineral water bottle beside him to rinse his face.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this kid is still a Lianjiazi. No wonder he is so arrogant. It is still unrealistic to want to marry the daughter of their Su family just by force!

"Presumptuous!" Seeing this, Su Taishan yelled: "Lin Chen, pay attention to your behavior, otherwise don't blame me for being ungrateful and expel you!"

Su Qingcheng couldn't help but tugged at Lin Chen's arm. It's not hard to see that the board of directors is here for the two of them today, and Lin Chen's doing so will only make them talk and make their situation even more difficult.

"Patriarch, this kid dares to attack the third child in public. I suggest that the security guards take him away. If he is allowed to stay here, it may pose a security threat to the shareholders."

Taking this opportunity, Su Guodong, who was on the right side of Mount Su Tai, said indifferently.

Originally, his daughter could be discharged from the hospital, but because of this kid, her daughter was put on the medicine again. As a father, he can only watch but cannot take revenge. To him, this is nothing short of shame and humiliation!

Therefore, he will naturally not let go of any opportunity to impeach Lin Chen if he can seize it now.

"I see which of you dare!"

Su Qingcheng glared angrily, and then said coldly: "Lin Chen wants back 300 million payment for the Su family. He is the benefactor of the entire Su family, but you don't want to thank him, but you still target him again and again!"

"Then may I ask, when the Su family was in crisis, would you

Apart from making sarcastic remarks, what else have you done for the Su family? "

As soon as these words came out, the conference room fell silent.

They naturally knew that the 300 million payment was related to Lin Chen, but so what?

The Xu family has already made a killer move. The 300 million payment for goods is like a drop in the bucket, and it can't solve the actual problems of the Su family. If this happens, the Su family will go bankrupt in less than a week!

At that time, they will also change from high society figures to paupers overnight.

Thinking of this, Su Dongqiao covered his face and took the lead to break the silence and said: "The reason why the Su family is in crisis is not because of him!"

"As for the 300 million payment, I heard Zhao Kai, Minister of the Legal Affairs Department, say that it is the result of the efforts of the entire Legal Affairs Department. How can he be credited with all the credit?"

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng's beautiful eyes widened. Obviously, she did not expect that Zhao Kai would be so brazen.

"In any case, Lin Chen can give me a lot of help in my career, and other things can be discussed, but it is absolutely impossible to separate us!"

These words, Su Qingcheng said firmly.

"It's a joke. My huge Su family cannot do without a repairman boy. Su Qingcheng, I see you are fascinated by ghosts. You must have been drunk by this boy!"

Seeing Su Qingcheng helping Lin Chen contradict him, Su Dongqiao was furious, and said in a deep voice: "Call me security, and expel this kid from the Su Group!"

Usually, for important meetings, there are special personnel at the door responsible for contacting the security room with a walkie-talkie to ensure the safety of the participants.

But, to his surprise——

After a long time, no security guard came in.

Everyone was a little puzzled.

At this moment.

A sound of steady footsteps came from the side of the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in a windbreaker and black leather shoes stepped in.

And behind him, followed by two black-clothed bodyguards, who were burly and professional.

Seeing the visitor, the faces of the people in the meeting room changed, and their buttocks couldn't sit still.

"Assistant Zhao, please come, but Master Long has something important to discuss?"

Su Dongqiao immediately stepped forward, nodded and bowed and asked.

The person who came was Zhao Yingxiong. As Master Long's personal assistant, his words and deeds naturally represented the meaning of Master Long!

Everyone stood up, their eyes full of respect.

However, it was such an extraordinary person who focused the eyes of the audience, instead, he came to Lin Chen, bowed, and said respectfully: "Young Master Lin, I'm late, please forgive me!"

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