Overnight Success

Chapter 321 Is This Little Money Going To Beg For Food?

Lin Chen coughed dryly: "This kind of talk ends here."

"However, you said just now that the Dark Pavilion killed your parents. I can help you with this matter."

Upon hearing this, Fang Yuan's heart moved, and he was slightly stunned: "Are you willing to help me deal with the dark pavilion?"

Right now, her relationship with the big shot is very stiff. Once she goes back, there is a high probability that she will be locked up, and she may not be able to come out in a short time.

But if he didn't go back, now the big shot sent people to look for him, so she didn't dare to use any of the big shot's connections.

Originally, she was still a little worried about revenge, but Lin Chen was willing to help her unexpectedly.

"You know that the dark pavilion is the leader of the underground forces in Tianhai Province. As the saying goes, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. In the past, it was difficult for me to use the power of a big man to stay in Tianhai Province to compete with the dark pavilion head-on. How can you help me?"

After so many years, she knew the horror of the dark cabinet, so she didn't want Lin Chen to act recklessly without a plan. After all, she didn't want to see Lin Chen have an accident than revenge.

"You just need to know that I will help you get rid of the secret cabinet, not only for you, but also for myself."

Lin Chen said leisurely.

"Get rid of the Dark Pavilion?" Fang Yuan's eyes flickered with disappointment: "You are far from aware of the horror of the Dark Pavilion. They can stand in Tianhai Province, and their foundation is far beyond your imagination."

"If it's really like you said to solve it, then I will have my revenge all these years ago."

Apparently, Fang Yuan didn't think that Lin Chen could overthrow the hidden cabinet by himself.

"Miss Fang underestimates me too much. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it."

As Lin Chen said, he got up and picked up a jasmine petal placed by the window, and blew it gently.

During Setsuna, jasmine petals turned into countless flower blades, directly piercing through the gate of the villa, leaving traces of scars.

"One leaf turns into thousands, the power of inner strength, have you already broken through the realm?"

Fang Yuan exclaimed.

With her eyesight, she can naturally see that one petal can be turned into a weapon to kill thousands of enemies, which can only be used by those with strong inner strength.

No wonder, the two king-level figures under the big man were all obliterated by Lin Chen. It turned out that his strength had already reached the peak.

Lin Chen was noncommittal: "It's not without conditions that I help you get rid of the dark pavilion."

"in this way

Best of all, I don't like being in debt. "

Fang Yuan stared at Lin Chen and said.

Through Lin Chen's move just now, she now believes that this person may really have the ability to overthrow the secret cabinet.

"My request is very simple, tell me where the big man is hiding."

Lin Chen said directly.

At this moment, Fang Yuan was slightly silent.

She didn't expect that Lin Chen's request was to ask for the hiding place of the big man.

"To be honest, I can't judge the exact location of the big man's hiding place. There seems to be special magnetic interference there. How about this? I will do my best to help you investigate. Once the investigation is found, I will give you the address."

Fang Yuan said slowly.

"Okay, I believe you." Lin Chen responded very simply.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan said quite seriously: "Don't worry, I have done a lot for the big man these years, and the so-called nurturing affection has long been paid off, so I will definitely not play tricks on you."

"It's a deal."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left without stopping any longer.

Watching Lin Chen's disappearing back, Fang Yuan bit his lip: "The stinky man is really walking fast, he specially dressed you up like this, but you don't even look at it, how could I really eat you up?" ?”


Su Group, reception room.

At this moment, in the reception room, Su Qingcheng, Mr. Su, Su Taishan and other senior members of the Su family were sitting on one side.

And directly opposite them, sat a middle-aged man with a square face, a resolute face, and a suit.

Just sitting here, a detached aura emanated from the middle-aged man.

Next to the middle-aged man, sat two young men, a man and a woman. The man was dressed in black, like a shadow assassin, and the woman was dressed in leather, exuding a coldness.

It is enough to see that both of them are extraordinary figures, and they are definitely not existences to be trifled with.

The reason why everyone in the Su family attended today is mainly because, two days ago, after the Su family announced a direct war with the big shot, Liu Wentao told them that there is a super consortium in Tianhai Province, named Tianxiong Financial Group, which has close contacts with the big shot.

If Liu Wentao's Longxiao Consortium is the top consortium in Yunhuai City, then the Tianxiong Consortium is among the top consortiums in Tianhai Province.

So they want to know the specific address of the big man, maybe they can start with the Tianxiong consortium.


In the past few days, Su Qingcheng tried to get in touch with Zheng Tianxiong, the chairman of Tianxiong Group, but Zheng Tianxiong was extremely cunning, and during the conversation, he did not reveal any information about the important person.

He only said that as much sincerity as they showed, he would reveal as much news about the big shots.

"Mr. Zheng, welcome to the Su family. Please forgive me if the hospitality is not good enough."

As Su Qingcheng finished speaking, secretary Chen Wen filled up the top-quality Longjing and handed it to everyone.

Zheng Tianxiong nodded slightly, his brows were full of arrogance.

It seems that he came to the Su family to give the Su family great face.

"Let's get right to the point, President Su, you know my time is precious, but I don't have time to waste it with you."

Zheng Tianxiong said.

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng's expression was slightly stiff, and then he said: "That's it, we want the specific address of the big shot, so that we don't have to go to the door to seek cooperation."

"Cooperate at home?"

Zheng Tianxiong sneered, "I don't think you have any intention of cooperating?"

"There is no mention of the cooperation plan, but you have been looking for the specific address of the big man. I think you have ulterior motives."

Hearing this, everyone in the Su family trembled.

The people in front of them are really not extraordinary people who can set up the Tianxiong Financial Group and make it so big, and they can see what they think at a glance.


Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Zheng Tianxiong broke the silence and said: "As for me, I only have a cooperative relationship with the big shot, and I don't have a deep friendship, so I don't care about what you want to do with him, and I don't bother to care about it."

"Businessmen, everything is about profit. As long as the money is in place, I promise to know everything without saying anything."

Hearing this, everyone in the Su family looked at each other and immediately understood.

This person can give them information about the big shot, but they need to exchange for equivalent benefits.

"Mr. Zheng, we naturally won't let you say it for nothing. In this way, we are willing to give up 30% of Su's three-year bonus. What do you think, this profit is not small."

Su Qingcheng said to Zheng Tianxiong: "What do you think?"

Just when everyone in the Su family looked expectantly at Zheng Tianxiong, Zheng Tianxiong couldn't help frowning.

The next moment, his words changed the expressions of everyone in the Su family.

"President Su, with this little money, is your Su family begging for food?"

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