Overnight Success

Chapter 329 Unexpected Joy

"Thank you for coming from afar to attend the annual Kings Summit."

On the stage, Gong Nanjun said loudly:

"Over the years, Ange, as the manager of the underground industry in Tianhai Province, has always adhered to the principle of fairness and justice. All municipal-level industries are all won by strength. Not much to say, the competition starts now. The two sides compete, and those who fall out of the ring or Those who have no combat power lose, and the winner advances to the next round."

As soon as Gong Nanjun's words fell, the battle drums rang out, and sparks flew all over the scene.

At this moment, everyone knew that the fate-changing summit of kings had finally begun, and all the grievances suffered in the past year could be released here.

The eyes of the people of all major forces were hot, and the deafening roar resounded throughout the venue. The monstrous evil spirit and the astonishing hostility intertwined with each other, making the atmosphere extremely cold.

However, compared to the raging fighting spirit in everyone's eyes, Fang Yuan's eyes fell on Gong Nanjun from the beginning to the end, and the murderous intent was written on his face like a substance.

She came here for only one purpose, and that was revenge!

However, Lin Chen did not pay too much attention to Gong Nanjun. On the contrary, he has been paying attention to the movements of the Miao people.

He was very curious, what was the purpose of this group of people coming here?

According to the past, the purpose of these people has always been Huayu. Could it be that there is a piece of Huayu in this dark pavilion?

Besides, he couldn't think of the purpose of the Miaojiang people coming here.


The host came to the stage, and the contestants drew lots. Lin Chen and Fang Yuan were lucky enough to get a bye and directly advanced to the next round.

In the first match, Jiang Meigui took the lead on stage and faced a strong man with a strong back.

This person is from Qingcheng City, relatively speaking, the economy is not developed.

It can be seen that in last year's competition, this person should be ranked low, and his strength is not strong.

There was almost no suspense, Jiang Meigui eliminated this person within ten moves and successfully advanced.

"Jiang Meigui wins!" the host said.

When she stepped off the stage, Jiang Meigui's expression was dull. It was obvious that her eyes were farther ahead, and the really powerful characters were far from appearing.

The pace of the game is very fast. After one match is over, the next match will start immediately.

On the ring, the professional gold medal fighter Dong Haihua invited has already appeared on the stage, exuding astonishing power.

And his opponent was a young man in a gray robe. The young man was lifeless and thin.

Seeing this, Dong Haihua smoked a cigar, and said confidently to Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin Gao, you think this kid won't be knocked down by my thugs and won't be able to get up?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and instead of speaking, he took a serious look at the young man.

At this time, on the stage, facing the young man,

The gold-medal thug grinned: "Boy, do you admit defeat yourself, or shall I blow you down?"

"I'm afraid that if I punch you, your little body will fall apart!"

However, the gray-robed young man turned a deaf ear to the gold-medal thug's ridicule, and instead sat cross-legged on the ground, chanting incantations in a low voice.


"Pretending to be like a Taoist priest, let's see how I will kill you later!"

Realizing that he was being ignored, the gold medal fighter waved his fist the size of a sandbag, and put down his harsh words.

With the host's whistle, the gold medal fighter gathered all his energy as soon as the match started, and punched the young man Tian Linggai with a punch.

This punch was as powerful as a rainbow, as if it could collapse mountains and crack the ground.

However, the gray-robed youth didn't even move, he just tilted his head lightly and dodged it. Biqu library

One trick failed.

Everyone in the audience thought it was a pity.

Dong Haihua even disdainfully said: "Just hiding around, what a hero."

"Hehe." Lin Chen said with a half-smile, "Mr. Dong, you should be lucky that he let your people make the first move."

"What do you mean?" Dong Haihua was puzzled.

"Because, once he makes a move, your people don't even have the ability to resist."

At the same time Lin Chen uttered these words, the gray-robed young man's eyes flashed with brilliance. Immediately, he condensed his right hand into a fist, his body flashed, and he suddenly appeared behind the gold-medal thug, and he punched hard.


On the spot, the gold medalist spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face quickly paled.

The whole body fell to the ground heavily, and died.


Everyone was shocked and subconsciously stood up.

It's hard to imagine, but in the blink of an eye, the strong man who was aggressive just now was directly killed by this gray-robed youth.


It's too cruel!

At this moment, the gray-robed youth left a deep impression on people.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yitian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, not feeling any surprise.

Afterwards, he glanced around, looking for Lin Chen.

Obviously, he couldn't wait to meet Lin Chen and kill him.

"This guy……"

Dong Haihua's face was ugly, he never expected that this seemingly inconspicuous young man would have such terrifying strength.

The next round is the turn of the Miao people.

And his opponent is a woman from Sakura Country.

Lin Chen was a little surprised by this. He didn't expect that people from Sakura Country would want to get involved in Tianhai Province's underground industry.

However, Lin Chen had already predicted the outcome of the game with just a slight glance.

The strength of this woman from the Cherry Blossom Country should not be underestimated, but compared with the Miaojiang people, she is undoubtedly far behind.

Right now, it will take at least thirty or forty minutes before his appearance.

With this time, Lin Chen planned to walk around and observe the surrounding terrain by the way.

Unexpectedly, just less than 300 meters away from the competition venue, he found a young man in the uniform of the dark pavilion standing respectfully on the previous yacht and bumped into Dong Haihua's stern-faced Miao in a windbreaker. In front of the Xinjiang man.

"If you do this well, I will send you abroad and call you ten million."

The Miao Jiang man said indifferently.

"Okay, I believe you." The young man nodded, and then said, "What do you need me to do?"

"Before, you said that in the next round of competition, people from the Dark Pavilion will also participate?"

The Miao Jiang man asked.

"Yes, it is said that the pavilion master did this to increase his prestige. After all, the recent death of the elder of the dark pavilion outside has been widely spread. If he does not show his strength, I am afraid that many underground forces in Tianhai Province will not continue to surrender to the dark pavilion."

the youth replied.

"Okay then, I want you to sprinkle this powder in the next round of competition drinks."

The Miaojiang man said, and handed the powder to the young man.

After receiving the powder, the young man was puzzled and said, "You people in Miaojiang are already very strong, why bother?"

"Wrong, do you think our target is only the underground industry in Tianhai Province?"

The man from Miao Jiang stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "Others don't know, but we know that you have a piece of Huayu in the dark pavilion. For us, the most important thing is to get the Huayu in this trip."

"Okay, remember the task I entrusted to you, as long as you complete it well, we will not treat you badly."

"What the Dark Pavilion can give you, we will give you more."

"Understood." Holding the powder, the young man turned and left, leaving only the man from Miao Jiang standing where he was, with an evil light in his eyes.

However, the two didn't notice that everything they were talking about happened to be heard clearly by Lin Chen.

Sure enough, he really guessed right.

This dark pavilion actually possessed a piece of Huayu. In this way, the big man sent Xia Qing here, probably not just to bring Fangyuan back. Unexpectedly, this summit meeting of the kings would bring him unexpected joy.

Obviously, Lin Chen is also determined to get the Huayu of the Dark Pavilion.

Then, when Lin Chen returned to his seat, he looked around but couldn't find Fang Yuan.

So Lin Chen turned to Dong Haihua and asked, "Where did Fang Yuan go?"

"Ah?" Dong Haihua was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "Miss Fang Yuan went to look for you. Why hasn't she come back yet?"

"How long have you been walking?"

"About twenty minutes."

Hearing Dong Haihua's words, Lin Chen glanced at the audience, and when he found that Xia Qing was missing, he suddenly felt a little bad.

No, something happened to this woman!

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