Overnight Success

Chapter 331 You Are Strong And You Are Strong, The Breeze Blows The Hills


How did this woman come back alive?

At this moment, Xia Qing's mind went blank for a while. She had already thought up a series of excuses to deal with the big shots, but she didn't expect that the dialect came back unscathed?

In this way, didn't all her subordinates encounter accidents?

Thinking of this, Xia Qing clenched her fists, her eyes filled with unwillingness.

In the ring, with the arrival of Lin Chen, the host said directly: "The competition begins!"

next moment.

The big guy sent by Xia Qing yelled at Lin Chen, "Boy, you shouldn't have come up, because you will die a miserable death!"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Chen sneered and raised a middle finger mockingly.

Upon seeing this,

The big man had a look of hostility on his face, and said darkly: "Very good, boy, you managed to piss me off!"

Then, there was a strong wind.

The big man raised his palm and slashed at Lin Chen's Tianling Gai.

There was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Obviously, everyone didn't expect this guy, who seemed to be big, but was actually so fast that it was unimaginable.

At the same time, the corner of Xia Qing's mouth was also teased. Since Fang Yuan could not be dealt with right now, it would be good to eliminate her in the ring.

However, when she glanced at Fang Yuan, she unexpectedly discovered that there was no panic on Fang Yuan's face.


The person who will be waiting for you later will be laid on the ground by me, how can you pretend?

Xia Qing smiled coldly in her heart.

Then, when she turned her head and set her sights on the ring again, her expression suddenly became extremely embarrassing.


When Lin Chen faced the big man's fierce palm, he slapped him to the ground with a light wave like four or two jackpots.


The big man hit the ground, staring at the stars, unconscious.

One trick ko!


At this moment, the scene caused an uproar.

Everyone was shocked.

This big man was a ruthless character at first glance, especially his move, which seemed to be capable of splitting Huashan Mountain, ordinary people would not dare to meet it, but Lin Chen defuses this offensive like an understatement.

It's really you who let you do what you want, and the breeze blows the hills.

Laymen watch the excitement, while insiders look at the doorway and sit in the front row. Gong Nanjun, the master of the dark pavilion, can't help squinting his eyes when he saw this scene.

Leverage strength.

This is an exclusive move that only those with strong inner strength can use.

"Check this person's background."

Gongnan County called his subordinates to give instructions.

On the other side, Xia Qing's face was as gloomy as water.

This big man was specially hired by her for a million dollars. It can be said that he is the strongest in this group of men.

Why, without the support of big shots, this woman can still find a strong person of this level?

Xia Qing bit her lip, her eyes flashed with intense jealousy.

"Miss Fangyuan wins!"

Seeing that the big man hadn't gotten up for a long time, the host announced.

In this way, the two-person team with a bye in the first round also has a winner


Below is the second round of draws, and Lin Chen, who just won, will advance to the final round.

After the first round of elimination, there are only five promotions left in the second round. In the two-two duel, it is obvious that one is missing.

At this time, in the sight of everyone, Gong Nanjun stood up and said loudly: "The one who is short will be filled by someone from my secret cabinet, so as to ensure the fairness of the game."

As soon as this statement came out.

The scene was boiling, and no one expected that the dark pavilion, as the organizer, would send people to participate.

But for the practice of the dark pavilion, many people can also know its intention.

In the past, the Dark Pavilion was the most powerful person in Tianhai Province, and no one dared to find trouble with it. But recently, the Dark Pavilion first died of an elder, and Xingxiu also died later.

Although it's not a serious injury, to a certain extent, it can have an impact on the prestige of the dark cabinet.

Presumably, the dark pavilion must also want to regain its prestige through this summit of kings!

Before the start of the competition, the staff delivered water and melons and fruits to each contestant.

Used to replenish energy.

Many people are envious of this. After all, after landing on the island, except for the contestants, other people cannot enjoy any supplements and can only watch. Biqu library

"It seems that Ms. Jiang is very unlucky. She actually got that gray-robed youth."

On the seat, Fang Yuan said to Lin Chen: "How sure do you think she is of winning?"

"This person is a stranger, and his methods cannot be judged by common sense. Jiang Meigui has little chance of winning against him."

Lin Chen was talking, when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly found a familiar figure.

The figure was the young man from the Dark Pavilion who conspired with the Miao Jiang man before.

At this time, the young man's eyes flickered, and when no one was paying attention, he sprinkled the medicinal powder in his hand into a bottle of water, and placed it in front of an old man with a sense of demeanor.

Following the direction of Lin Chen's gaze, Fang Yuan leaned on his head and said, "I didn't expect that the dark pavilion would send Wuying elders to participate in the competition. It seems that they are bound to win this competition!"

"That Miaojiang people are really miserable."

Hearing this, Lin Chen said disapprovingly: "It's hard to say, sometimes victory or defeat is not determined by strength..."

Obviously, every move the young man made revealed that he was drugging this Wuying elder.

I'm afraid no one in the Dark Pavilion would have thought that there would be a traitor among them.

After a while.

The second round begins.

The first to appear were the leaders of the underground forces in the other two cities of Tianhai Province.

After a fierce confrontation, blood was spilled on the ring, and finally a man with a long beard and a scar on his face won.

"I didn't expect this guy to make it to the final round."

Dong Haihua sighed.

"President Dong?" Fang Yuan asked curiously.

"This person is from Qinglongtang, and Qinglongtang is one of the few underground forces in Huaiyu City who can stand up to me."

Dong Haihua explained.

Immediately afterwards, the second group of competitions began, and the participants were Jiang Meigui and the gray-robed youth.

Into the ring,

The young man in gray robe sat cross-legged here as usual, without even looking at Jiang Meigui:

"I don't want to ruin the flowers with hot hands, you can step down and admit defeat."

Hearing this, Jiang Meigui gritted her teeth tightly. She knew that the gray-robed youth was far above her strength, but the property in Yunhuai City was acquired by her father with his life. If she could not enter the final round, Yunhuai City There is a high probability that she will not be able to keep her property.

"Since you don't know how to praise, I can only send you to hell."

Seeing that Jiang Meigui didn't intend to admit defeat, the gray-robed youth finished speaking in a low voice, and the figure disappeared in the next second.

Jiang Meigui was shocked by this.

Then, before she could react, a gray-robed youth appeared behind her out of nowhere, with two big hands as sharp as eagle claws, grabbing her waist.

Everyone held their breath, and the scene was silent for a while.

It's not hard to imagine that if he was caught, Jiang Meigui's two kidneys would probably be pulled out abruptly.

Seeing that the gray-robed youth was about to succeed, Jiang Meigui dodged most of the attack, but even so, the gray-robed youth still left a deep bloodstain on her waist.

"Tick tock..."

Blood dripped from the wound to the ground.

Jiang Meigui's face was pale.


The young man in the gray robe showed a bloodthirsty smile, his eyes turned fierce, and he clenched his fingers, and slammed towards Jiang Meigui again.


One punch hit.

Jiang Meigui's body fell to the bottom of the ring like a kite with a broken string, bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

The breath quickly wilted.

Suddenly, everyone at the scene gasped.

As the leader of the underground forces in Yunhuai City, Jiang Meigui's strength is beyond doubt, but even she is no match for the two moves of the gray-robed youth.

It can be seen how abnormal the strength of the gray-robed youth is.

Could it be that this person is the biggest dark horse in this competition?

While everyone was shocked, the gray-robed youth made an unexpected movement. Suddenly, he jumped up, his right hand was clawed, and he took out the heart of Jiang Meigui who was lying on the ground.

It seemed that he wanted to take Jiang Meigui's life directly.

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed, especially the men, all of them showed anger. It was Jiang Meigui who had an outstanding face, and she was indeed a beautiful woman with a cold temperament.

But now, she has lost her combat strength, yet this person still wants to destroy her with his hands, this is too embarrassing!

Jiang Meigui struggled to get up, but found that she had no strength in her body, as if falling apart.

"Father, I failed to protect our property, my daughter is sorry for you..."

A burst of despair rose in Jiang Meigui's heart, just as she closed her eyes resigned to her fate.

But listen, there's a swish!

A silver needle came from nowhere.

In the blink of an eye, he shot towards the palm of the young man in gray robe.


The grey-robed young man's face changed, so he had no choice but to give up attacking Jiang Meigui, then stabilized his figure, and dodged the silver needle.

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