Overnight Success

Chapter 350: The Tiger Father Has No Dogs

Hearing this, Guo Qiang's expression froze subconsciously.

In fact, he came with Lin Chen this time, originally to grab credit, but Gu Feng was so powerful that he surpassed his expectations. If Lin Chen hadn't made a move at the last moment, their business might have been wiped out.

Come and go, stealing a chicken won't cost you a lot of rice.

Instead, they owe Lin Chen a big favor.

"I lost..."

Guo Qiang said dejectedly.

Even if he didn't want to admit it anymore, the facts were in front of him, and he had completely lost this bet.

With only two fingers, Lin Chen blocked the opponent's strongest blow, and then even hit him hard with a single move. This level of combat power was far beyond his reach.

It can be said that he, the leader of the Qilin army, is not a single-handed opponent of Lin Chen.

"Don't worry, I will fulfill the bet. I will withdraw from the Qilin Legion tomorrow and will no longer be the person in charge."

Guo Qiang said.

"Remember what you said."

Lin Chen was expressionless.

Originally, he didn't want to do that either, but this person targeted him again and again. Now he is willing to rescue this person because he is also a Chinese.

Otherwise, what does it matter whether this person lives or dies?

Seeing that Guo Qiang was about to take the blame and resign, all the team members behind him shouted:

"Director Guo, it's absolutely impossible, we were all brought out by you, what should we do when you leave?"

"Mr. Lin, please be merciful and let the person in charge Guo stay!"

"Yeah, we can't live without him!"


Seeing the team members pleading for him, Guo Qiang yelled: "Enough, losers don't lose, I am willing to bet and admit defeat, why do you bother?"

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, I was too arrogant in the previous incident. I'm sorry. Here, I apologize to you."

"I accept this apology, we should go back."

Lin Chen said neither salty nor light.

Guo Qiang took a deep breath, and then said: "Mr. Lin, we have nothing to repay you for saving our lives. In this way, if you join the Qilin army in the future, you will definitely step into the barracks. If you don't understand all aspects of the barracks, you can contact us at any time." Find me."

After the words fell, Guo Qiang sent people to escort Gu Feng to the off-road vehicle, and conducted various interrogations along the way.

As for Lin Chen, he also hitched a ride and returned to Yunhuai Medical University.

Afterwards, when Lin Chen and others arrived here, Lu Siyong took He

Youshun and the others immediately stepped forward to greet him.

Seeing Gu Feng being escorted down by Guo Qiang, Lu Siyong smiled and said, "As expected of a famous flat-headed brother in the army, Guo Qiang, you have made another great achievement this time!"

Guo Qiang smiled awkwardly: "Lu Jun, you think highly of me. This man was captured by Mr. Lin, and I didn't play any role at all."

Here, Lin Chen saw that Guo Qiang deliberately omitted the scene where he was beaten by Gu Feng, but he didn't open his mouth to expose it.

After all, the guy admitted his mistake just now was not bad, and he gave this face to himself.

At this time, after hearing Guo Qiang's words, Lu Siyong turned to look at Lin Chen, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good job, Uncle Lu really saw you right and didn't embarrass your father!"

"You're not injured, do you need a military doctor to check you?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "Uncle Lu, you should worry about that guy, don't let him lose too much blood and die."

"Don't worry." Lu Siyong looked at Gu Feng, who lost his hands and was in pain, and laughed, obviously in a good mood.

"Now that this guy has been arrested and brought to justice, go back and be with your family. This time I will apply to the higher authorities and make great contributions to you, so that when you go to the Qilin army in the future, your waist will be even stronger!"

"Alright Uncle Lu, I'll go back first." Lin Chen nodded.

At this moment, he is ready to return home, and his mission has been completed, so it has nothing to do with him as to how to interrogate the whereabouts of the scientists later.

Seeing Lin Chen's back quickly going away, Guo Qiang couldn't help but said: "Lu Jun, I think you and Mr. Lin are considered uncles and nephews. Could it be that Mr. Lin's father is also a member of the military?"

"You, you." Lu Siyong said with a smile: "Since you want to know, then I can tell you, this man's father is known as a tiger in the army."

"Tiger." Guo Qiang murmured, and his expression immediately changed.

It seems that he was not wronged, but he didn't expect this person to be that son!


When I got home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

For some reason, when Lin Chen entered the bedroom, he found that the bedroom was pitch black, and Su Qingcheng went to bed early.

Seeing this, Lin Chen quietly got into bed in order not to wake Su Qingcheng.

At this moment, Lin Chen only felt peace of mind that he had never felt before, just as he was about to fall asleep, smelling the fragrance of Su Qingcheng's body.

Suddenly, a pair of weak and boneless jade hands hugged his back.

"Honey, are you still asleep?"

Lin Chen side

Turned around, looked at Su Qingcheng and said.

"I've been waiting for you!"

Su Qingcheng said in a low voice. Biqu library

"Go to sleep, wife, you have to go to work tomorrow!" Lin Chen fondly rubbed Su Qingcheng's cheek and said.

"Honey, do you think I'm useless? I've been absent-minded at work these past few days. I know that General Lu must be looking for you for something very important, but there's nothing I can do to help you."

As Su Qingcheng spoke, the circles of her eyes turned red.

Recently, this matter has been pressing in her heart. Ever since the incident in Piao Miao Village, she has known that her husband is not an ordinary person, and even many things he said, including things he did, touched her blind spot of knowledge.

In the past, she only thought that making money could support their small family, but now she found that some things could not be solved by money at all.

Seeing his wife falling into self-blame, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

He knew that his wife had a strong nature, and if he didn't want to encounter trouble, he could only hide behind him. He had been patronizing blindly guarding him all this time, but ignored his wife's feelings.

"Lin Chen, you said that we are obviously a husband and wife, and logically we should be close, but most of the time, I always feel that we are far apart, and you keep running in front, but no matter how hard I chase after you, I can't catch up with you pace."

"I'm afraid that one day you will encounter danger ahead, and I can only watch, but I won't be able to help you."

"Every time after you left, I couldn't get in touch with you, and I was terrified. I was afraid that something would happen to you. You said that if something happened to you, I would become a widow."

Hearing Su Qingcheng's last sentence, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing: "What are you talking about, my life is hard, no matter what, I have to live longer than a turtle."

"Not in shape." Su Qingcheng rolled his eyes.

After Lin Chen made a joke, the atmosphere was not so heavy.

The two looked at each other quietly, with affection for each other in their eyes.

"Honey, why don't we continue to make babies?"

Lin Chen said suddenly.

"Ah?" Su Qingcheng's pretty face flushed, even though she was already a wife, whenever she heard such things, she was still unavoidably shy.

"Don't you want to?" Lin Chen asked with a smile.

"Think, think..."

As Su Qingcheng said, she buried her head in Lin Chen's chest, her pretty pink face was extremely cute.

that's it.

The moonlight shines, love moves freely.

One song after another...

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