Overnight Success

Chapter 360: There Are Always Some Days In A Month

"Honey, take off your pants first, and I'll help you suck out the snake's venom."

Lin Chen said seriously.


Su Qingcheng bit her lip and whispered: "Do you have to suck it?"

"Yes, the effect of inhalation is good. Don't worry, it won't hurt. I have experience in this matter."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Su Qingcheng asked coldly: "Have you ever smoked it for others?"


Lin Chen quickly defended: "How is it possible, I'll just say that."

"Better so."

Seeing that Su Qingcheng didn't press the question, Lin Chen heaved a sigh of relief.


Too careless.

Next, Su Qingcheng slowly took off the denim pants, leaving only a small underwear.

It can be clearly seen that there is a small wound on Su Qingcheng's buttocks, which was left by the fangs of the silver ring snake.

"Wait a little longer..."

Before Su Qingcheng could finish speaking, Lin Chen sucked directly towards his wound.

Smelling the faint floral fragrance of the shower gel, Lin Chen exerted a little force, only to hear Su Qingcheng scream.


"it hurts!"

Su Qingcheng twitched in pain and couldn't help crying out.

It was nothing at all, but in the dead of night, especially outside the barren mountains, this kind of sound seemed intriguing.

Hearing Su Qingcheng's panting one after another.

The nearby Chen Yunxian and others were woken up, and they opened their tents one after another, wanting to find out.

In the end, I didn't know it without looking at it. After seeing it, her expression instantly became unnatural.

In her eyes, there were two figures in Lin Chen's tent, with extremely strange postures. Coupled with this kind of voice, she could think of what happened even with her eyes closed!

What are you doing!

Here, they can do that kind of thing!

How shameless!


Chen Yunxian's heart beat faster, and he hurried back to the tent and lay down again.

But this time, she didn't feel sleepy, and her mind was full of the scene just now.

Is that kind of thing really so fascinating?

But, in this kind of place, it is, it is too shameful...

Unknowingly, Chen Yunxian's pretty face was flushed like a ripe apple.

same moment.

Wu Kui and the others heard Lin Chen's voice continuously, and their expressions were as uncomfortable as eating shit!

This kid definitely did it on purpose!

At night, doing that kind of thing with women in the wild, almost in front of their faces, is clearly showing off, showing off naked!

Damn it!

Everyone gritted their teeth, covered their ears, and forced themselves to fall asleep.

...... Pen Fun Library

At this moment, Lin Chen is in the tent.

As Lin Chen sucked out the last mouthful of poisonous blood, Su Qingcheng cried out as much ecstasy as she wanted.

"Fixed my wife."

Lin Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned.


Su Qingcheng was also aware of her gaffe, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito.

"It's getting late, go to sleep, wife."

Lin Chen thoughtfully pulled up Su Qingcheng's trousers, and brushed his round buttocks intentionally or unintentionally with his palm.

Sensing Lin Chen's small move, Su Qingcheng rolled her eyes.

"Have you ever lifted your pants like this for other girls?"

Su Qingcheng said suddenly.

"No, absolutely not!" Lin Chen replied without thinking.

Su Qingcheng snorted lightly, and said immediately: "You're honest."

Lin Chen smiled playfully, hugged Su Qingcheng's back, and said to her, "Honey, go to bed, we have to continue our journey tomorrow!"


Su Qingcheng nodded, feeling the temperature of Lin Chen's chest, and soon fell asleep.

Whenever Lin Chen hugged her, she always slept very peacefully. In her dream, she dreamed that she gave birth to a daughter, and she stayed at home to take care of her husband and child.

Abandoning the title of the first goddess in Yunhuai City and the position of Su's president, she is just an ordinary wife.

The couple chose a pastoral land with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and began to build their flat tile house. Although the life was a bit simple, they were happy and comfortable.

Thinking about it, a crystal teardrop fell from Su Qingcheng's cheek.


The next day, early morning.

The autumn is crisp and the mist is blowing.

Gusts of cool wind blew up, giving people a sense of coolness on the tip of their hearts.

Lin Chen woke up very early, after a short morning exercise, seeing Chen Yunxian coming out of the tent with panda eyes on his face, he immediately smiled and said:

"Miss Chen, didn't you sleep well last night?"

"Could it be on the mountain, you're so scared that you can't sleep by yourself!"

Hearing Lin Chen's joke, Chen Yunxian said angrily: "Get lost!"

This guy is really spoiling her favor all the time!

What this guy did last night is clearer than anyone else, but now he asks what he knows, it's really shameless!

Stinky rascal, disciple!

What Lin Chen didn't know was that in just a short while, he had already been labeled several times in Chen Yunxian's heart.

On the contrary, Lin Chen was speechless.

Could it be that this woman has come to be an aunt?

What, you got so angry when you woke up early in the morning?

I didn't sleep well last night, and it had something to do with him.

But think about it, there are always a few days in a month when a woman is a woman, so Lin Chen doesn't know her as well.

"Wu Kui, let's go, I don't want to see him again."

As Chen Yunxian said, he gave Lin Chen a vicious look.

Seeing this, Lin Chen stared back without showing any weakness.

There's no reason for this, than to stare, ask me, who am I afraid of, my lord!

Four streets all over the world, ask who is the father!

"Boy, you are the first to make the eldest lady feel so disgusted."

Behind, Wu Kui who stepped forward sneered.

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Chen frowned.

"It's not interesting, just to tell you, stay away from the eldest lady, the eldest lady is very annoying to you."

When Wu Kui said this, he glanced at the tent behind Lin Chen again: "I advise you, when you go up the mountain later, you can make up your own mind."

"If something happens to you, the woman you brought will also die!"

Su Qingcheng just came out of the tent, looked at Wu Kui and said coldly: "Can't you speak well?"

"Is it necessary for me to have a good talk with a woman like you who commits a crime?"

Wu Kui looked disdainful, obviously he regarded Su Qingcheng as that kind of casual woman.

After all, last night, she was the one who yelled the loudest, causing him to lose sleep all night.

It's a pity that he still can't see through Lin Chen's strength, otherwise he will definitely hold this woman under his crotch and play with her wantonly!

Seeing Wu Kui insulting Su Qingcheng in his words, Lin Chen's expression turned completely cold.

He doesn't care what others say about him.

But some people say his wife, that is not acceptable.

Just when Su Qingcheng was annoyed, Lin Chen looked directly at Wu Kui, and said in an extremely cold tone, "I'll give you three seconds to apologize to my wife, or you will be at your own risk."

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