Overnight Success

Chapter 363: Breaking The Tail Of A Snake With One Sword

At some point, this big snake had already appeared behind Wu Kui. Seeing the big snake so close at hand, Wu Kui's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't even think of running away.

The big snake roared angrily, then raised its tail, and immediately rolled towards Wu Kui.


There was a sound of broken bones.

Compared with the size of the big snake, even the tail of the snake weighed hundreds of catties. Being hit by this tail, Wu Kui's whole body, whether it was bones or internal organs, seemed to be shattered, and his body was like a kite with a broken string. fell to the ground.


Wu Kui smashed a big hole in the ground, his body was torn apart, and the bones could even be seen exposed.

"Uncle Kui!"

Chen Yunxian cried out anxiously.

In any case, Wu Kui has worked for the Chen family for more than ten years, and even if there is no credit, there is hard work. Now that Wu Kui is dying, she will not be happy, and she can't help but feel a burst of grief.

"Miss, run!"

Wu Kui exhausted all his strength and said weakly.

He knew that he was seriously wounded and it was impossible to live, so he only hoped that Chen Yunxian could get out safely, so that he could have an explanation to the old Patriarch.

"Uncle Kui, I won't leave. Whatever I say today, I will kill this beast!"

Chen Yunxian's pretty face was cold and extremely stubborn. Even when she faced the big snake again, her eyes were still full of fear, but her heart was unprecedentedly firm!

Along the way, many members of the Chen family have lost their lives because of this. If she just ran away, if word spread, the Chen family would become the laughing stock of the world!

Therefore, she has no choice but to move forward bravely.

Live or die!

So far.

Chen Yunxian took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and his aura couldn't help rising.

There is a sense of dying together.


When Chen Yunxian opened his eyes, two streams of light shot out from them.

next moment.

She formed a fist with her right hand, and the air around her body seemed to condense, and she stepped forward, turning into a stream of light, pointing directly at the big snake's head.

Chen Yunxian's punch was simple, rough and direct without any bells and whistles.


Fist wind falls.

This punch can be said to have landed firmly on the big snake's head,

There was a wound on his head, and the blood suddenly appeared.

The big snake let out a scream, and its body took two steps back for the first time.

"As expected of the eldest lady."

Wu Kui was surprised.

All along, he had never seen Chen Yunxian's true strength. It wasn't until the punch broke out just now that he realized that Chen Yunxian had already reached the eighth-level peak warrior.

The overall strength is not inferior to him at all.

Presumably the old Patriarch should not know about it!

But just as he was thinking this way, a scene that changed his expression happened.

In his eyes, the place on the big snake's head that had been severely injured was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the wound disappeared, intact as before.

"This, what is the situation..."

Wu Kui showed despair, he never expected that the big snake would pervert to such a state.

at the same time.

Regarding the occurrence of this scene, Chen Yunxian smiled miserably.

For the blow just now, she had used all her strength, and it was almost impossible to launch another blow like that.

However, for Orochi, it was as if none of this happened.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid my granddaughter won't be able to go back to see your old man. I won't be by my side in the future. You must protect your health."

Chen Yunxian recited silently, and was already ready to die.

Even though she has countless auras and is the most potential martial artist in Tianhai Province, she can't help feeling ashamed at this moment.

It turns out that in front of the real behemoth, she is so insignificant, not worth mentioning...


The big snake bared its tongue, its golden pupils were filled with murderous intent, and it was tentatively approaching Chen Yunxian.

Chen Yunxian had no intention of avoiding it, so he mobilized his limited strength and planned to fight the big snake desperately.


The big snake suddenly attacked.

The huge snake head, like a mountain, hit Chen Yunxian.

Just a touch.

Chen Yunxian's body seemed to be falling apart, and he was hit by the big snake and flew to the ground on the spot, also creating a big hole.


Chen Yunxian was bleeding, and barely supported himself and crawled out of the pit.

However, before she could take a breath, the big snake opened its venom-stained fangs and bit her.

It looks like they are trying to take advantage of your illness to kill you, and decide the outcome with one move.

Chen Yunxian closed slowly

Beautiful eyes, just as she was accepting her fate.

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey, bastard, what's the point of bullying a woman? If you're capable, come to me?"

The voice fell.

With one hand in his pocket, Lin Chen slowly appeared in front of everyone while holding Su Qingcheng with the other.

"Lin Chen?"

Seeing this, Chen Yunxian was surprised, and then she quickly said: "What are you doing here, go!"

"Miss Chen, I'm leaving, who will save you!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly, turned to look at Su Qingcheng and said, "Honey, when I fight that beast later, don't wander around, just stay where you are."

"Okay." Su Qingcheng nodded.

As if understanding Lin Chen's words, the big snake stopped attacking Chen Yunxian and turned to roar at Lin Chen!

Later, when Chen Yunxian saw that Lin Chen was really approaching the big snake step by step.

She couldn't help being taken aback.

"Crazy, what a crazy!"

And Wu Kui, who was underground, was also a little confused when he saw Lin Chen coming.

For this ferocious big snake, others are afraid to avoid it, but this guy is good enough to face it head-on.

I really don't know whether he is brave or hopelessly stupid.

"Give you a chance, obediently stick your head over and die, I will give you a good time."

Lin Chen came directly under the big snake, looked up at it, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Seeing Lin Chen's contemptuous expression, the big snake felt as if he was being insulted, so he gave Lin Chen a severe snake tail whip without mercy.

But, for this kind of ferocious offensive that makes people look pale.

Lin Chen ignored it, until the tail of the snake was less than an inch away from him, and then he suddenly shot.

The aura turned into a sword, and the sword's light soared.

Lin Chen holds a long sword in his hand, and thousands of spiritual energy gather at one point of the sword, as if, once the sword is released, it is enough to collapse mountains and rivers, and make the sun and the moon dim.

With his light wave.

Everyone was dumbfounded and gasped frequently.

Because under the sword edge, blood spattered all over the ground, and the ferocious snake tail was directly turned into powder.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably miserable howl came from the big snake's mouth.

The seemingly brutal big snake, at this moment, no longer had the previous invincible posture, and a deep fear was firmly imprinted in its golden pupils.

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