For a long time.

Only then did Zhou Junfan come to his senses, and said to Li Fei with a gloomy expression, "You call him dear? What is the relationship between you two?"

Upon hearing this.

Li Fei turned around and immediately snorted coldly: "Zhou Junfan, don't you care too much?"

"Do I need to report to you about my relationship with him?"

"But since you want to know, the girl will tell you that he is my boyfriend, so don't pester me again in the future."

After speaking, Li Fei pulled Lin Chen to leave.


"Do I allow you to go?"

At this time, Zhou Junfan shouted gloomyly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen was surrounded by a group of rich men beside him.

"Zhou Junfan, what do you mean?"

Seeing this, Li Fei's tone was already somewhat dissatisfied.

However, Zhou Junfan did not look at Li Fei, but instead stared at Lin Chen and said, "Boy, I don't care where you came from. If you want to survive, I advise you to get out of here immediately."

"Boy, you are quite courageous. You dare to attack even the women we seldom like. Is it too long for life?"

"Let me advise you, we Fan Shao are the young masters of the Zhou family, one of the four top families in Tianhai County, you can't offend me!"

The rich men around Lin Chen sneered.

In response, Lin Chen glanced at Li Fei.

This girl is real, she used him as a shield and didn't say hello to him in advance.

Looking at the shared hand in his hand again, Lin Chen was speechless for a while.

His shield is probably the most embarrassing thing ever!

Li Fei stuck out her tongue playfully, then gently tugged at Lin Chen's sleeve, looking very pitiful.

"I've never heard of the eldest son of the Zhou family. Feifei is my girlfriend now, so you are the one who should get out!"

This is the end of the matter, Lin Chen looked at Zhou Junfan and said calmly.

For this kind of rich second generation who was born with a golden key in his mouth and doesn't know how to respect others, Lin Chen has never been polite.

"court death!"

"Do you dare to let me go?"

Zhou Junfan was upset at first, but now that he heard Lin Chen scolding him, he couldn't hold back for a moment and raised his fist and punched him in the face.

"Lin Chen, get out of the way!"

Li Fei yelled in horror.

Obviously, she didn't expect Zhou Junfan to do it directly in broad daylight.

But Lin Chen didn't change his face, and just slapped him casually.

There was a snap.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw an incredible scene.

The young master of the Zhou family was instantly sent flying to the Maybach.


The hood of a Maybach car was dented by the impact, giving it a sense of fragmentation.

It can be seen that Lin Chen's palm is powerful.


Zhou Junfan clutched his chest, spat out a mouthful of blood, half of his face suddenly swelled up.

The audience was suffocated.

Everyone gasped.

"I told you to get out, but you insisted on coming."

Lin Chen sighed, putting on an innocent face.

Then, he saw the diamond ring that fell from Zhou Junfan's hand just now.

"Fuck! Such a big diamond ring, it's real!"

Lin Chen bent down to pick it up, and said to himself: "If this thing is sold, it should be worth a lot of money, right?"

Although his wife is a young and rich woman, so far, his pockets are empty, that is, he can't even see a dime, how miserable it is.

"Boy, return the diamond ring to me!"

At this time, Zhou Junfan rushed to Lin Chen with all his strength, and kept pulling at the ring.

"What are you paying back, your name is written on the ring?"

"It's mine now and it's mine."

Seeing Lin Chen's lame appearance, Li Fei beside him couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Junfan's lungs were about to explode, this idiot who came out of nowhere, even if he didn't beat him, he actually wanted to take his stuff for himself!

Can't bear it!

As the two kept tugging, the ring fell to the ground again and again with a "click".

Then, in the sight of the audience, this huge ten-carat diamond ring accidentally rolled into the sewer beside it.

Suddenly, there was a heartbreaking sound in the audience.

Zhou Junfan was completely dumbfounded.

"I imported this diamond ring from abroad. It is extremely pure and worth millions!"

Zhou Junfan yelled at Lin Chen: "If you don't pay me today, I will never end with you!"

"Imported diamond ring, who knows if it's real or not, if you have the ability, take it out and let everyone appraise it!"

As soon as Lin Chen heard that he would lose money, Lin Chen quit immediately.

He was so poor, let alone millions, he wouldn't be able to spend even ten thousand!

No, this is absolutely unacceptable!

"My mother..."

Seeing Lin Chen's rascal appearance, Zhou Junfan's eyes were filled with anger, and his brain was almost starved of oxygen.

"Bastard, what are you doing in a daze, beat him up!"

Zhou Junfan had a ferocious expression, and roared angrily.

For a moment, Lin Chen's rich sons who surrounded Lin Chen were all gearing up and said fiercely: "Boy, if you offend us Fan Shao, you will be in great trouble."

"Brothers, pump him for me,

Avenge Fan Shao! "

After the words fell, the gang of young masters rushed towards Lin Chen to besiege him.


Lin Chen shook his head and slapped seven or eight times in a row.

clap clap...

During Setsuna, this group of arrogant young masters were slapped with bruised noses and swollen faces, just like Zhou Junfan, each of them flew upside down on the hood of their own luxury car.


The next moment, a burst of wailing from the heart sounded one after another.

"It's because my Mandarin is not up to standard, or your IQ is worrying. I've told you to get the hell out of here, but why don't you listen!"

After uttering this sentence, Lin Chen looked at Li Fei, who was stunned, and said, "Get in the car."


After regaining consciousness, Li Fei looked at Lin Chen's shared hand: "You just drive this to pick me up?"

Lin Chen: "..."

Was he disliked?

"Drive my car."

Li Fei handed the Cadillac car keys to Lin Chen.

"Then you didn't say it earlier!" Lin Chen muttered.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the two drove away as if they were flirting.

"I didn't realize that you are so powerful!"

Inside the Cadillac, Li Fei said enthusiastically.

Thinking of Zhou Junfan's big slump just now, she felt very comfortable.

"You still have the nerve to say that you don't say hello in advance without using me as a shield."

Lin Chen gave Li Fei an angry look, and then asked, "How do you know that stunned young man?"

"I met that guy at a medical exchange party when I was studying abroad."

Li Fei sighed: "Since then, that guy has been chasing me like a dog's skin plaster. I thought that I would be able to get rid of him completely when I returned to China, but unexpectedly, this guy also returned to China."

Based on what she knew about that guy, even if she moved out of Lin Chen, he probably wouldn't give up.

At this moment.

In front of the right, half of the car body suddenly appeared, and rushed towards the front of the two people.

Lin Chen's expression changed, and he stepped on the brake quickly.

However, at such a short distance, due to the inertia of the vehicle, even if Lin Chen slammed on the brakes, the front of the car still rushed towards the opponent's body.

Seeing this, Li Fei widened her eyes and exclaimed repeatedly.

On the nick of time.

Lin Chen mobilized his aura secretly, and finally stopped less than half a meter away from the car in front.

Change lanes to the right and come directly toward them.

It was obvious that the other party was not a good person.

When the two of them regained their composure and saw clearly the Maybach that purposely moved away from the car.

His face sank instantly.

It's Zhou Junfan!

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