Overnight Success

Chapter 375 Upright Youth

For a moment, the skeleton female ghost screamed from being whipped.

There were endless screams.

"Handsome guy, I was wrong, please let me go, ahhh!"

The skeleton female ghost's body twitched in pain, and her voice trembled a bit.

"Let you go?"

Lin Chen smiled coldly, "Then who will let go of those people you played to death?"

"They're not innocent."

The skeleton female ghost retorted: "They are greedy for my property, and I absorb their yang energy. This is an exchange of equal value. What's wrong?"

"It's really obsessive." Biquku

Lin Chen was too lazy to argue with him.

Tomb robbers are certainly hateful, but even if they are to be punished, it will not be your turn to take action.

What's more, this female ghost squeezed out the tomb robbers and then brutally killed them. The method was so bad that it was out of the category of equal exchange.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, people and ghosts have different paths, today I will send you to hell again."

Lin Chen finished speaking in a cold voice, gathering the aura on the belt.


Compared with before, this time the belt was dropped with such force that the ghost of the skeleton woman who was drawn was scattered and turned into wisps of blue smoke, floating in the sky.

However, at the moment when the female ghost died, the old man in white also turned into dust and fell to the ground.

"Master, thank you for your help. If it weren't for you today, I'm afraid I would have been harmed by this female ghost."

The middle-aged man came back to his senses and said with lingering fear.

"Early tomorrow morning, you can find a feng shui master to come here to teach the female ghost. No matter what, you are the first to trespass into other people's tombs first."

Lin Chen said lightly.

"I understand Master."

The middle-aged man said, trembling, and continued: "It's nothing, I'll go to the master first, otherwise when my wife wakes up and finds that I'm not there, she thinks I've gone fooling around somewhere."

Watching the middle-aged man leave, Lin Chen shook his head and smiled, and began to look at the tomb seriously.

This tomb is located on the dark side of the mountain.

Yin Qi is very easy to breed, and there are many animals in the mountains, and the paw prints on the ground prove that many wild cats and other animals often come and go here.

There are cats in the tomb, and once the cathode occurs, the corpse is prone to necropsy.

This can also explain why the skeleton female ghost will crawl out of the coffin.

Putting away his thoughts, Lin Chen finally swept away the bloody stones in the cave,

He left contentedly.

After all, it would be a waste to keep such a precious thing here, so it is better to put it in his hands to maximize its value.

Now, he is only one cauldron and one herbal medicine away from refining Huayuan Pill.


Early the next morning, Lin Chen just woke up when he received a new message from Yu Zhen.

The content of the message was Yu Zhen's place of residence, and the time was about one o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Chen typed "OK" and replied immediately.

After a simple wash.

Lin Chen just went downstairs, and it happened that Yun Gaoyuan had just asked the nanny to prepare breakfast.

"Mr. Lin, please hurry up."

Yun Gaoyuan said hello.

"Mr. Yun, after thinking about it, I decided to move out. After all, I still have some personal affairs, so it's not appropriate to live here."

Lin Chen said.

"That's it!"

Yun Gaoyuan read out the hidden meaning in Lin Chen's words, and then said: "Mr. Lin, I'll settle the hotel issue for you, it's my kindness."

Ever since Lin Chen asked him about Gu's situation on the plane, he felt that Lin Chen's visit to the capital this time was definitely not as simple as looking for Xue Yaoshi.

"Thank you, Mr. Yun."

Lin Chen is not polite either.

After that, the two chatted for a while, and the time soon reached noon.

After saying hello to Yun Gaoyuan, Lin Chen walked out the gate and rushed towards Yu Zhen's house.

After several toss.

Outside the third ring road, a dilapidated old community.

When Lin Chen first arrived here, his expression was a little unbelievable.

A woman with such a rich and powerful background would choose to live in an old community with poor greenery and peeling paint.

It's really incredible to say it.

Walking into it, when Lin Chen saw a BMW parked downstairs in Yu Zhen, his eyes flickered, and he went upstairs immediately.

Knocked on the door.

The door was opened from inside.

Wearing a pale yellow knee-length skirt and a small jacket, Yu Zhen said to Lin Chen embarrassingly, "Mr. Lin, you are here."

As a woman, this was the first time she invited the opposite sex to her boudoir.

Lonely and widowed, the atmosphere is inevitably a little awkward.

Lin Chen sat on the sofa, looked around the interior decoration, took the lead to break the silence and said with a smile: "Miss Yu, now you can't even find a simple girl like you with a lantern."

Yu Zhen pursed her lips and smiled, but didn't say much.

Seeing that Yu Zhen didn't want to discuss this topic too deeply, Lin Chen immediately said

: "Miss Yu, you should be proficient in ventilating water! I think the layout of your house is very interesting. The doors and windows are facing the sun, and flowers welcome guests. It is an obvious auspicious omen."

"Mr. Lin, it's too good to be true." Yu Zhen shook her head and said, "My grandfather is the master of Fengshui. I have learned a little at most."

"I remember that Mr. Lin is also proficient in Fengshui. If there is a chance, I will introduce my grandfather to you."

"It couldn't be better." Lin Chen smiled lightly.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, I have always wanted to ask you, how did you find out that there is something wrong in my body?"

Yu Zhen has always been puzzled by this point.

"Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to observation, hearing, and questioning. There are so many ways in it that you can only understand it but not express it in words."

Lin Chen explained.

"So, can Mr. Lin be sure to cure my symptoms?"

"What's so difficult?" Lin Chen said, "However, I would like to ask Miss Yu for a favor. Would you like it?"

"What's busy?"

Yu Zhen was surprised.

Lin Chen looked at Yu Zhen and said in a low voice: "..."

After listening, Yu Zhen hesitated for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "Mr. Lin, if you can cure me, I can promise you this condition."

"Actually, whether you agree or not, I will treat you for you. You don't have to force it."

Lin Chen spoke.

"It's okay, I don't like to owe favors either."

"In this case, Miss Yu, please take off all your clothes first." Lin Chen said: "Then, you lie down on the sofa and close your eyes, and we can start to treat the illness."


Yu Zhen's pretty face flushed, and she replied shyly, "Do you want to take it all off?"

"Well, your body is very cold, and only when you have your menstrual period, part of the cold will be released. Today, I will open up your meridians to detoxify and remove the cold. Then there will naturally be unclean things flowing out of you."

As Lin Chen said, he glanced away from the corner of his eye, went to the bathroom, took out a narrow bath towel, put it in front of Yu Zhen, and said, "If you feel embarrassed, you can use it to wrap your private parts."

"Besides, as a doctor, when I started saving people, I didn't see any distinction between men and women. Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you."

When Lin Chen uttered this sentence, he felt that he was not being too honest.

Yu Zhen bit her lip, thinking that she had been suffering from illnesses recently, so she did as Lin Chen said and took off her clothes one by one on the ground.

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