Overnight Success

Chapter 380 Revenge Begins


The fruit plate was broken, and Zhang Nanbei's face was bleeding.

Watching blood mixed with watermelon juice dripping down.

Everyone covered their mouths and almost exclaimed.

"That's it, have you learned?"

Lin Chen said leisurely.

At this time, Zhang Nanbei felt extremely aggrieved in his heart, but he could only be patient, and kept on being patient.

In his eyes, the man in front of him is like a lunatic, who can do anything.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

Moreover, the sound insulation effect of this bag is really good. If the young people in front of them are really going to kill them, I'm afraid no one really knows.

Zhang Nanbei never thought that he, who was used to domineering and domineering, would one day be crushed by a brat.

Afterwards, Lin Chen demonstrated that the female college students who hated Zhang Nanbei to the point of gnashing their teeth mustered up their courage, picked up a fruit plate and threw it on Zhang Nanbei's head.



After a series of smashings, Zhang Nanbei's head was bleeding, and he bared his teeth in pain and screamed.

In just a short moment, Zhang Nanbei had already been hit on the head, and sweat flowed down his forehead.

"How about it, is this fruit plate satisfactory? Of course, if you haven't eaten enough, I can ask someone to serve it again."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"Enough is enough, enough is enough."

Zhang Nanbei laughed awkwardly, even though he was already full of anger in his heart, he still didn't dare to show it on his face.

"If you're full, just take the money. The beauties will feed you fruit. Isn't it too much to charge you?"

Hearing Lin Chen's slightly threatening tone, Zhang Nanbei immediately responded with a smile: "Not too much, not too much!"

However, the next number reported by Lin Chen made him lose his smile and his expression became stiff.

"Mr. Lin, are you kidding me, you want 100 million?"

Zhang Nanbei said with difficulty.

"something wrong?"

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

at the same time.

The female college students are all stupid.

Didn't expect that one day they could make money beating people?

And it's still 100 million!

"This is too much, no matter how expensive the place is, there is no such price!"

Zhang Nanbei's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.


Not only was he beaten up, but he still had to pay the other party 100 million yuan. Is there any reason for this?

"I said this price is this price, is there a problem?"

As Lin Chen spoke, he stretched his soles and said, "Still

It means that Brother Zhang likes whoring for nothing and doesn't want to pay for it! "

Looking at Lin Chen's ready to move the soles of his feet, Zhang Nanbei was scared to death, and quickly agreed: "Brother, I will pay the money, as much as you say!"

"I'll transfer 100 million to them right now!"

Seeing this, Yu Zhen covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

I have to say that the scene when Mr. Lin called Zhang Nanbei Brother Zhang was really funny!

Afterwards, when the female college students shared 100 million equally and received payments from Zhang Nanbei one after another, they immediately thanked Lin Chen repeatedly.

In this regard, Lin Chen said: "In the future, remember not to come to this kind of place. You can find a better hospital for examination later. If you don't have enough money, tell me. I will ask Brother Zhang to pay you."

Zhang Nanbei staggered, just stood up, and almost fell to the ground again.

"Brother Lin, you saved us, please leave a contact information, so that we can repay you in the future."

A woman with a hot figure and a slim waist bowed to Lin Chen and said.

It's okay not to bend over, this bending down, her own capital is ready to come out, Lin Chen couldn't help coughing when she saw it.


How to repay, is it serious?


After the two parties exchanged contact information, the female college students left contentedly.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket, looked at the trembling Zhang Nanbei and said, "The first matter is resolved, now it's time for the second matter."

"Ah, there's a second thing?"

Zhang Nanbei looked puzzled.

"Miss Yu, I'm not interested in you. Don't pester her again in the future, otherwise, you should know the consequences."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

"okay, I get it."

Zhang Nanbei looked decadent and collapsed to the ground.

"Miss Yu, let's go."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he pulled her away directly.

Feeling the warmth of Lin Chen's palm, at this moment, Yu Zhen only felt peace of mind that she had never felt before.

She didn't expect that this young man would stand up for herself in the end.

For a while, she became more and more fond of Lin Chen.


Beijing, a private hospital on the third ring road.

At this moment, there were bursts of screams in the ward.

Zhang Nanbei's body was covered with thick plaster, and he was unable to move.

Beside him, there are seven or eight vicious youths.

A leading red-haired young man looked at Zhang Nanbei sadly.

Looking miserable, he said, "Brother Bei, who hurt you, brothers, let's vent your anger on you."

"The patient needs rest, please keep your voice down."

The nurse who was bandaging Zhang Nanbei frowned as a reminder.

Unexpectedly, the red-haired young man picked up a slap and slapped her to the ground: "What are you, you dare to teach me a lesson?"

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

"Brother, don't be impulsive, this bitch has to be reserved for Brother Bei to bandage!" The young people on the side persuaded.

The red-haired young man looked at the fallen nurse, and said uncertainly: "What are you doing in a daze, get up and bandage Beige, or I will slap you, believe it or not."

After finishing speaking, the red-haired young man came to Zhang Nanbei and said to him, "Brother Bei, what is the origin of that man?"

As soon as Lin Chen was mentioned, Zhang Nanbei was filled with grief and indignation: "What a shame!"

"That kid, I don't even say that I'm beating my fiancee away, how can I bear it!"

"And, what's more, this kid even took away 100 million from me, a whole 100 million!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Nanbei couldn't restrain his heartache.

"Brother Bei, tell me the kid's information, and I'll take someone to avenge you."

The red-haired youth was filled with righteous indignation.

Zhang Nanbei shook his head: "You are not his opponent."

"You turn on my phone, I want to find my eldest cousin."

Hearing this, the red-haired youth trembled: "Brother Bei, our eldest cousin is a busy person, are you sure you want to ask him to help?"

"This person is extremely powerful. I'm afraid that others will suffer a lot if they rush in, and they will end up like me."

Zhang Nanbei said with a gloomy face: "My eldest cousin Zhao Tianqi is an ace special soldier. I heard that he joined the Qilin army recently and served as the person in charge."

"The Qilin army is a super army secretly formed by the imperial court. Those who can enter it are without exception heroes among men, the king of soldiers among kings of soldiers."

"I believe, as long as the big cousin is willing to go out, this guy will inevitably die!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Nanbei's teeth were almost gnawed due to excessive anger, and his eyes turned red.

See this scene.

The red-haired youth and the others gasped.

This person's ability is really not small, he can force Zhang Nanbei to let his big cousin out.

Immediately afterwards, the red-haired youth picked up the phone and called Zhao Tianqi.

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