Overnight Success

Chapter 394 A Pediatric Test

"It's not too late, let's get started!"

Lin Chen put his hands in his pockets, shrugged, and said nonchalantly.

It seems that for him, taking an S-level test is just a matter of ease.

"as you wish."

Chu Ling cast a cold glance at Lin Chen, and immediately walked out of the office.

Seeing this, Lin Chen followed behind.

About ten minutes passed.

The three of them headed north all the way, and they didn't stop until they reached a wide playground.

caught the eye.

In the playground, there are various guns and equipment, and there is a pillar made of metal.

The top of the pillar is connected to a screen.

Chu Ling looked at Lin Chen, pointed to the pillar and said, "Did you see it? This is the power pillar, and it's the first round of test assessment."

"As long as you concentrate your strength on your fist and hit it on the pillar, the screen will display your test level."

As she said that, Chu Ling put her five fingers together, and with a gust of wind, this fist hit the pillar, and the word "S" suddenly appeared on the originally pitch-black screen.

"The test rating ranges from c to s. Only if you reach s, will you be eligible to enter the next round of test assessment."

Chu Ling said blankly: "Otherwise, after this pass, you can go back the same way and leave Qilin's army."

At this time, Xiang Yu on the side also said to Lin Chen: "You say you, why bother with her? It doesn't matter in the test or assessment. As long as you don't get an s in one round, your final score will not be an s. So you bet her, almost There is no chance of winning!"

In fact, Xiang Yu still admired Lin Chen very much, especially the vigor with which he contradicted Chu Ling just now, which was rare among the recruits in the past.

For some reason, he had a feeling that if he could train Lin Chen well, in time, he might be a good weapon to kill the enemy.

But, it's a pity that this guy is too young and vigorous. This bet with Chu Ling is likely to ruin his military career that has not yet started.

Seeing Xiang Yu sighing, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing.

For others, perhaps this assessment is really not easy, but he is not an ordinary person.

"I have limited time, you better hurry up."

Chu Ling glanced at Lin Chen who had not moved for a long time, and said impatiently.

In her eyes, Lin Chen is clearly a sign of lack of self-confidence.

Obviously you are going through the back door, but you insist on claiming strength. Since you want to prove yourself, then I will give you this chance!

Obviously, she doesn't believe that Lin Chen has the ability to measure the strength of s, so that's fine, after this level is over, let him go straight away!

Just as Chu Ling thought so


Lin Chen has already come to the metal pillar.

Normally, people usually gather enough strength to punch, and strive to maximize the effect.

However, Lin Chen is not like this.

He slowly stretched out a finger.

That's right, just a finger, gently pressing on the metal pillar.

next moment.

A big s appeared on the monitor.


Seeing this, Chu Ling, who had been paying attention to the monitor, stared wide-eyed.

No matter how well-bred she was, she couldn't help but swear for a while.

"Could it be that the instrument is malfunctioning..."

Xiang Yu on the side was also dumbfounded, and said subconsciously.

Just now, although Chu Ling didn't observe Lin Chen, he kept paying attention to this young man.

It can be said that this young man just lightly placed his finger on the heavy metal column, and the monitor directly judged s. Biqu library

This has never been done before!

"Xiang Yu, send someone to look at the monitor..."

Before Chu Ling could finish speaking, Lin Chen pressed his finger on the metal pillar with slight force.

Setsuna room.

There was a roar.

Immediately afterwards, the monitor exploded on the spot, emitting a burst of black smoke.

"I rely on it!"

Now, Xiang Yu was completely dumbfounded.

He clearly knew what the self-destruction of the monitor meant, which meant that the power on the metal pillar exceeded the power it could hold.

In other words, Lin Chen's finger directly overloaded the metal pillar...

Chu Ling was shocked and gasped.

For so many years, there has never been a mistake in measuring heavy metal pillars, let alone such a thing, but right now, at Lin Chen's place, such an incredible scene happened.

She understood that this might not really be a problem with the metal pillar itself, but she was even more unwilling to believe that Lin Chen really had the strength to make the metal pillar unbearable.

You know, this guy only used one finger!

If word got out that this was done by a recruit, the entire Qilin army would probably cause an uproar!

The most outrageous thing was that when she looked at Lin Chen, the young man's face was not blushing and his heart was beating, as if he only used less than 10% of his strength for the finger just now.

The more she thought about it, the more shocked Chu Ling felt.

On the contrary, Xiang Yu couldn't help sighing: "As expected of the person recommended by General Lu, he really should not be underestimated."

After this strength test, at least in terms of strength, Lin Chen is definitely one of the best characters in the Qilin army.

Such talents happen to be scarce in the current Qilin army.

Therefore, in this sentence, he is also

To Chu Ling, no matter what, Lin Chen has shown amazing talent in terms of strength, why not take a step back, give up a step, and give up the bet.

As smart as Chu Ling, she could naturally understand Xiang Yu's hints.

But as a heroine in the female middle school, how could she take the initiative to give in? Since the bet has already started, there is no reason for it to end halfway.

Especially when she thought that this man actually wanted her to apologize naked, she couldn't help itching her teeth.

What an apprentice!

"You pass the first test, but you don't need to be proud. The next test will only become more difficult one after another."

Chu Ling snorted coldly, then stepped forward and came to the back of the metal pillar.

Here, there is a piece of sand, which covers a large area, and there are many obstacles in it.

Glass shards, clips, and spikes abound.

"This place is called the Speed ​​Response Test. As the name suggests, it mainly tests your speed and reflexes. The sandy terrain is complex, like a maze. There are tall obstacles in it, so you can't see the front view. There are various traps everywhere. It can be seen that if you don’t pay attention, you will be severely punished.”

"During the process, as long as you are injured by a trap, the assessment will be declared a failure. As for the lowest C, it will take ten minutes to complete, and for S, it will take one minute."

Chu Ling briefly explained the rules, trying to see the tension in Lin Chen's eyes.

However, she was quickly disappointed.

Because, Lin Chen's gaze was not only not tense, but full of indifference.

For example, these carefully planned traps are like pediatrics to him.

"What's the use of being strong, if you don't have enough speed and reaction, you'll just be beaten to the ground when you go to the battlefield."

Chu Ling murmured inwardly, feeling quite displeased with Lin Chen's inexplicable confidence.

However, at this very moment.

There was a loud noise. Biqu library

It turned out that there were quite a few recruits around here who had just passed the assessment. After they finished their respective tests, out of fun, they naturally wanted to see what rating Lin Chen would get.

Of course, the most important thing is that this sandy land made them suffer a lot at first, but now that they see a hapless guy, they want to start testing, so they inevitably want to see a joke and have fun.

"Since this level is very dangerous and there are many traps, you have a chance to try it. You can choose to look at the terrain first to understand it."

Chu Ling kindly reminded her.

"No need, Ms. Chu is short on time, and my time is equally precious, let's start directly!"

Lin Chen put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

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