Overnight Success

Chapter 40 Death

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Hearing his wife's cry, Niu Dafu's face turned livid.

"What's the meaning?"

The head contractor looked disdainful: "Your wife is so beautiful, it's a pity to be with you. By the way, aren't you clamoring for this month's salary? Let your wife take care of me, maybe I will reward you when I am happy." .”

Speaking of this, the contractor looked at Li Xiaoli and licked her dry lips, revealing a touch of undisguised lust.

Long ago, when Li Xiaoli came to the construction site to deliver meals to Niu Dafu, he had noticed that this woman was very handsome, and several times he tried to use Niu Dafu's work as a bargaining chip to force this woman to sleep with him.

But without exception, all of them were rejected by this woman.

Unexpectedly, I met this woman again in the bathroom of this hotel today, and God helped me.


Hearing this, Niu Dafu rolled up his sleeves, and immediately lost his temper.

Seeing his wife being bullied at will, as a husband, how can he bear it!

"Niu Dafu, what do you want to do, is it possible that you still dare to be the leader?"

Before Niu Dafu rushed towards the contractor, the burly man at the side immediately pushed Niu Dafu to the ground.

"Hey, it looks like your waist is healed. Not only did you come to this hotel to eat and drink, but you dare to fight with me?"

Seeing that Niu Dafu was firmly controlled by his subordinates, the contractor smiled jokingly: "To tell you the truth, the cement that hit your waist was planned in advance by me."

"Who told your wife to reject my kindness over and over again? If this woman is sensible, you don't have to suffer."

Originally, the pool of cement should have greeted Niu Dafu's head, so Niu Dafu was almost certain to die.

At that time, he will have more opportunities to get in touch with Li Xiaoli, and he can use it as a threat in terms of construction site compensation alone. Without Niu Dafu, he would not believe that this woman had a child, and would not choose to compromise with him.

But unexpectedly, the person above missed, and the cement hit his waist instead, failing to take down Li Xiaoli in one fell swoop, which made him very annoyed.

Hearing this, Niu Dafu's face turned red, he fought hard, and shouted: "Are you still a human?"

"And you, I usually treat you as friends, but you help a beast to plot against me?"

He thought it was just a construction site accident, but he didn't expect that all of this was planned in advance by the contractor, with the purpose of killing him and taking his wife.

"Niu Dafu, who told you to marry a beautiful wife, not only the boss, we are also greedy!"

"Tell you again

One thing, the boss has promised us, and when he finishes having fun, the brothers can also enjoy themselves! "

The burly men looked at each other and immediately laughed.

But, the next moment.

The laughter of the burly men stopped abruptly.

Just listen to "pop"!

There were crisp applause.

Li Xiaoli's eyes were red, and she suddenly slapped the contractor.

Immediately, the contractor's face darkened, feeling the heat on his cheeks, he moved his shoulders, and then grinned grinningly: "What a fool, bitch, you still dare to hit me!"

"In front of this stinky bitch, you first smash Niu Dafu's waist again, and then drag this bitch to my private room. I will kill this bitch today and make her kneel Sing conquest at my crotch!"

As soon as the words came out.

Accompanied by Li Xiaoli's flustered expression, the burly men grinned and swung their fists to smash Niu Dafu's waist.

"don't want!"

"I beg you not!"

Seeing this, Li Xiaoli shook her head in despair.

But the contractor obviously didn't intend to let Niu Dafu go. He saw that the fist of a burly man was about to land on Niu Dafu's waist.

Suddenly, Lin Chen, who had been silent all this time, moved.


When the two fists collided, the burly man let out a scream in an instant, and then he flew upside down.

"Boy, mind your own business, right?"

Seeing this, the contractor said grimly: "Give it to me, interrupt all the hands and feet of this nosy kid, and let him lie on the ground like a dog and beg for mercy!"


The burly men looked fierce, picked up the stools beside them and swung towards Lin Chen.

In this regard, Lin Chen's mouth curled up with contempt.

With a ghostly figure, he dodged the oncoming stool.

He snatched it away with his backhand, and threw it at the empty-handed big man in front of him who was a little dazed.


There was another scream.

The strong man was knocked unconscious on the spot.

Then, under the terrified eyes of the burly men, Lin Chen was murderous, grabbed a strong man's hair with one hand, and slammed the strong man's head down on the table with all his strength.

Bloody head.

In the end, it only took Lin Chen less than a minute to beat this group of burly men with fierce faces into a weak breath, and his whole body twitched.

As a result, the entire private room screamed again and again, endlessly.

Witnessing this scene, Li Xiaoli and Niu Dafu were all dumbfounded.

"Little... boy, you... you, don't... pass... come here!"

Looking at Lin Chen who is gradually approaching him, the contractor's head and legs are weak

, tremblingly said.

"Brother Chen, don't be impulsive!"

At this time, Niu Dafu came back to his senses and shouted too.

He was very afraid that Lin Chen would kill someone for himself!

"Boy, let me tell you, your brother has signed a ten-year contract with me. If you dare to do something to me, I will make him not get a penny at the construction site for the rest of his life."

"I will also say hello to other construction sites. I guarantee that no one will dare to use him in this industry!"

The contractor took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

He is undoubtedly warning Lin Chen, if you dare to do something to me, your brother will not want to hang around in this industry.

Including the previously arrears of wages, I can't get a cent.

Hearing this, Niu Dafu's face was also very ugly, and he felt remorse, just like what the contractor said, as long as he can find other jobs, he can't come to the construction site to work hard.

But now, the other party threatened him with a contract, no matter how aggrieved he was, he could only grit his teeth and endure it!

After all, this family still relies on his job to support them!

Seeing that Lin Chen really stopped, the contractor breathed a sigh of relief, and then snorted coldly: "Niu Dafu, I only give you one day, if I don't see your wife appearing in front of me within one day, you won't come to the construction site in the future." Going to work." Biquku

"Of course, no one in other construction sites will ask you, so think about it yourself."

After leaving this sentence, just as the contractor was about to leave.

"Do I allow you to go?"

At this time, Lin Chen spoke.

Hearing this, the contractor turned around and said with a sneer, "Boy, what do you think?"

"Apologize to my brother, terminate the contract, and deliver the wages owed to him."

Lin Chen said lightly.

"It's not night yet, boy, you do it in broad daylight..."

In the middle of the contractor's speech, Lin Chen made a sudden move.

next second.

The contractor's face turned red, and Lin Chen grabbed his throat severely.

The whole person was carried in mid-air.

Tried to struggle, but to no avail.

"Since you are given a chance, if you don't want it, then you can die!"

Lin Chen looked at the contractor and said coldly, his voice was icy cold, like the king of Hades, announcing the death penalty for this person!

Ren Shan was bullied by others, Ma Shan was ridden by others, and his brothers were too honest to be bullied by this beast.

Before, it was fine if he didn't know, but now that he knows, naturally he won't stand idly by.

Immediately afterwards, under the shocked pupils of Niu Dafu and Li Xiaoli.

Lin Chen suddenly exerted force.


The subcontractor's throat cracked, and he stared at Lin Chen with wide eyes. He died in disbelief!

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