Overnight Success

Chapter 405 Wife, Get Down Quickly

Back home, Lin Chen just opened the door of the villa lightly.

Coincidentally, Su Qingcheng was wearing a white silk nightgown, her pretty face was a bit lonely, she twisted her body and came down from downstairs.

The four eyes are facing each other.

Immediately, Su Qingcheng covered her small mouth, and rushed towards Lin Chen's arms like a baby swallow throwing herself into her arms.

"Lin Chen, you big villain, why did you come back, do you know, I'm worried to death!"

With red eyes, Su Qingcheng tapped Lin Chen's chest with a small fist and said.

Lin Chen felt guilty, looking at his wife, who hadn't seen him for a long time, obviously lost a lot of weight.

Fortunately, the place that should be upright is also upright.

"I'm sorry, my wife, I encountered some problems in the Qilin army, which delayed some time."

Lin Chen scratched his head and said.

"How about it, the people in Qilin's army, did they make things difficult for you?"

Su Qingcheng asked.

"Hey, don't even look at who I am, your husband, who can make things difficult for me?"

Lin Chen said, then turned to say: "However, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay at home for long, I have to go back."

Su Qingcheng was slightly silent: "So, you came back to see me on purpose?"

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded.

"You have some conscience."

The corners of Su Qingcheng's mouth twitched slightly, although Lin Chen would not stay for long and would leave again, but for her, Lin Chen can come back, at least she has her in her heart.

It certainly made her happy.

"Go take a shower, it stinks!"

As Su Qingcheng said, she broke free from Lin Chen's embrace, pinched her nose, and said in disgust.

"Follow my wife."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he took off his clothes and went straight into the bathroom.

"It's sloppy, my living room is so hard to clean..."

Sun Qingcheng stroked his forehead and sighed.

But it's all about complaining, but when she saw Lin Chen throwing clothes everywhere, she felt very warm in her heart.

At the very least, Lin Chen's return gave this empty home a little more warmth.


With the rushing water in the bathroom, the phone in Lin Chen's pocket rang.

"There is still a phone call at such a late hour, busy man!"

Su Qingcheng pouted, and immediately picked up the phone to check, it was a girl who made a note.

Yu Zhen.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng rolled her eyes, and towards Lin Chen in the bathroom, said jealously: "A woman is looking for you!"

"Wait, I'll come out right away." Lin Chen shouted.


You wash it well, I'll just turn on the speakerphone for you, there should be nothing I can't listen to! "

Lin Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Then, just as Su Qingcheng pressed the speakerphone, a beautiful female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Lin, I didn't bother you so late!"

"No, is something wrong?" Lin Chen said as he came out wrapped in a bath towel.

"Well, my friend came back from abroad and brought some good red wine. If you have time, come to my house and let's taste it together!" Yu Zhen said with a smile.

Su Qingcheng sneered, looked at Lin Chen, couldn't help putting a pair of jade hands on the fat on his waist, and twisted it.


Lin Chen took a breath.

Immediately grinned in pain.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter with you?" Yu Zhen asked curiously when she heard the strange voice.

"No... nothing..."

Lin Chen endured the pain and said, "I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to sleep first."

"Okay, Mr. Lin, if you want to come, you can call me first, and I will make preparations."

After finishing speaking, Yu Zhen happily hung up the phone.

"Honey, stop, stop, it hurts too much..."

Lin Chen gasped frequently, begging for mercy.

"Tell me honestly, how did you meet this woman!"

Su Qingcheng said viciously.

However, her voice just fell.

The phone rang again.

Remarks: Xia Keke (female college student)

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng's eyes burst into flames, and he grabbed Lin Chen's fleshy hand, and suddenly increased his strength.

"Okay, you have found all the female college students, tell me, where else have you been in the capital besides the Qilin army!"

This time, Su Qingcheng was really angry.

She could understand that Lin Chen couldn't come back because he was busy with work, but if Lin Chen dared to spend time behind her back, she would never bear it.


Su Qingcheng said coldly: "Press speakerphone."

Hearing this, Lin Chen wept bitterly, feeling depressed in his heart.

These little girls really didn't call early or late, but they called at this time, did they deliberately mess with him!

"Big brother, why did you answer the phone? After that day, our sisters have been wanting to thank you. It just so happens that there is no school tomorrow. We want to invite you out for dinner. You won't refuse, right?"

Hearing this soft voice, Lin Chen's scalp tingled.

However, this is not over yet, on the other end of the phone, there are several more

Female voices of different timbres sounded.

"Big brother, why don't you speak, you must come!"

"We sisters have bought new clothes and plan to wear them for you!"



At that moment, Lin Chen felt dizzy for a while, his whole face was downcast, and he was in distress.


Will there be a way for people to live!

These little girls really think he's not miserable enough!

Lin Chen hurriedly said: "I am no longer in the capital, let's talk about it next time."

Just when Lin Chen was about to hang up the phone, a curious voice sounded.

"Big brother, don't you have a woman by your side, I think something is wrong with you!"

Lin Chen: "..."

You're the only girl who's smart, so you still ask?

"Could it be that the big brother was with the big sister from that day?"

Follow up on the phone.

"Speaking of which, the big sister from that day was indeed pretty, and if we lose to her, we will recognize it."

Finally, after hearing this, Su Qingcheng couldn't listen anymore, and said bluntly: "You are a big brother, and you will be with his wife again. May I ask if you have anything else to do?"


At this moment, the other end of the phone timidly said: "The big brother didn't tell us that he is married! I'm sorry sister-in-law, we didn't know you were next to the big brother."

The girls were a little overwhelmed, and immediately hung up the phone after apologizing.

“Lin Chen, aren’t you going to explain it?”

Looking at Lin Chen who had changed into pajamas, Su Qingcheng's pretty face turned cold, and she said angrily, "If you can't explain clearly, you can sleep in the living room tonight!"

"Wife, I am wronged!"

Lin Chen wants to cry but has no tears, what is this?

There was no other way, so he had no choice but to briefly describe the matter.

"So, you didn't prostitute these female college students. On the contrary, you acted out of righteousness and saved them from suffering?"

Su Qingcheng sneered.

"Honey, I dare to swear that everything in the past is true. The reason why I didn't tell you at the beginning is because I was afraid that you would misunderstand."

Lin Chen said helplessly.

"Let's just trust you."

Su Qingcheng snorted: "But remember, don't contact them in the future."

"Follow my wife."

Just when Su Qingcheng twisted her sexy waist and was about to go back to the bedroom.

Lin Chen subconsciously glanced out of the window, his expression suddenly changed, his pupils were filled with bullets, and he immediately shouted:

"Honey, get down!"

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