Overnight Success

Chapter 409 Lin Chen Is The Murderer?

Hearing this, Li Hua thought for a while, and said immediately: "My father told me that at that time, the Xue family seemed to have recruited the Miao Jiang tribe to go to the Lin family to carry out massacres."

"Mr. Lin, why are you asking about this?"

"It's nothing, just asking." Lin Chen said, his palms clenched tightly, and a look of hostility flashed across his eyes.

What a Miao people, I didn't expect you to have a share of what happened back then!

Now that he knows, next time, no matter if it is the Xue family or the Miaojiang family, he will kill one when he sees one, and kill another when he sees a pair!

In addition, as Li Hua said, her family was destroyed and there was Xue's figure, so it is very likely that the lost Huayu of Li's family was taken by Xue's family.

In short, whether it's out of hatred for the extermination of the family or Huayu, sooner or later the Xue family will have to go there himself!

After making up his mind, Lin Chen said to Su Qingcheng:

"Honey, I'm going to Tianhai province tomorrow to get rid of that evil spirit that was suppressed underground at the construction site. Do you want to go with me?"

"So urgent?" Su Qingcheng asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded: "Since the Xue family took the initiative to provoke, I must return the full amount and let them know that I am not easy to mess with!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen looked at Li Hua and said, "Go and dispose of the corpse!"

For a killer, disposing of dead bodies is obviously a basic lesson.

Soon, all the corpses on the ground were cleaned up by Li Hua.

"Sister Li Hua, you can temporarily stay on the first floor, there is a guest room here."

Su Qingcheng opened the mouth and said.

"Okay." Li Hua said happily: "Thank you, beautiful sister."

"Look at how sweet his mouth is, and then look at you."

Su Qingcheng was delighted and gave Lin Chen a wink.

Hearing this, Lin Chen was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Go to bed early."

Afterwards, Su Qingcheng greeted Li Hua, and then pulled Lin Chen upstairs.

When going upstairs.

Lin Chen turned around and took a deep look at Li Hua.

At this time, Li Hua was waving to him with a smile on his face.

He also smiled back.

For some reason, he always felt that there was something wrong with this woman, but he couldn't say what was wrong for the time being.

After one night.

The next day, early in the morning.

When Lin Chen just woke up, he found a folder beside his bed.

Seeing this, Lin Chen looked at Su Qingcheng who was coming back from washing and said, "Honey, what is this?"

"See for yourself."

Su Qingcheng made a fool of herself.

Lin Chen picked up the folder, opened it, and found that it was a share transfer document.

"I discussed it with my family. You have contributed a lot to Su's development to the present. Therefore, I am going to transfer 25% of the shares to you. Now you are the second largest shareholder of Su's." Su Qingcheng said.

"Ah?" Lin Chen touched his head and said with a smile: "So, I can also wait for the dividends at the end of the year to collect money?"

"That's right, but to prevent you from spending randomly, your dividends are temporarily

Call it to my card at any time, and I will keep it for you. When you need it, I will call you the money again. "

Hearing this sentence, Lin Chen was speechless for a while.

Co-authored for a long time, his dividend is a loneliness.

"In addition, there is a second thing to tell you. I called Governor Sun in the morning and said that you are going to the construction site today to get rid of the evil spirits." Su Qingcheng said: "After hearing this, he has already Send the best police officers from every city to cordon off the scene, just waiting for you to show your skills tonight."

"I have to say, your face is really not small, and you can arouse such a big posture."

Lin Chen chuckled, pretending to be proud and said, "Then you don't even look at it, who am I, your husband?"

"Cut." Su Qingcheng rolled her eyes: "Stop bragging, you should be careful, go wash up!"



That night, Tianhai Province, in the provincial city administration building.

Sun Dongliu reviewed the official documents in his hand, and said to a woman dressed in uniform in front of him:

"Xiao Liu, have the police officers from various cities arrived at the scene?"

"Report to the governor, we are all here." The woman said softly.

"This time the police officers are mainly led by Captain Xiao Ying of Yunhuai City. Now the area around the construction site is under martial law to ensure that no one walks by within one kilometer."

Hearing this, Sun Dongliu said with a smile: "Very good, you just came to be a secretary, and you have done a good job."

In the past few days, his former male secretary had to go back to his hometown due to business, so his subordinates found him a female secretary, who said that she was not only efficient but also attractive.

Sure enough, this Secretary Liu got started very quickly, and all kinds of things were arranged for him very properly, so there was almost no need for him to worry about it.

"The governor is absurd. The main reason is that the captain named Xiao Ying is quick and resolute. I'm just reporting the truth."

Secretary Liu smiled slightly.

"You, you are humble." Sun Dongliu said, his voice changed: "Speaking of which, Mr. Lin Chen is young, but he is very capable."

"If he can help me settle the matter of the evil spirit this time, how can I thank him?"

Hearing this, a trace of coldness crossed Secretary Liu's face.

"Governor, I have some opinions on this Lin Chen, and I don't know if I should say it or not."

Secretary Liu's voice was slightly cold.

"Oh?" Sun Dongliu said with a smile: "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't be awkward with me."

Secretary Liu's eyes flickered, just when she was about to speak.

Suddenly, a phone rang.

Sun Dongliu picked up the phone and was a little surprised when he saw that the call location indicated the capital city.

He doesn't have much contact with the capital on weekdays, so who will call him so late?

Press to answer.

There was an indifferent voice on the other end of the phone.

"It's Governor Sun, I'm Zhang Xionglie, do you still have an impression?"

After Sun Dongliu was stunned, he said in surprise: "The Zhang family

Lord, look at what you said, how could I not be impressed. "

At the beginning of this year, at a regional symposium, he also talked with Zhang Xionglie. The matter of investing in Tianhai Province in the future was not settled in the end, but Yun Gaoyuan was quite interested in the tourism market of Tianhai Province.

However, not to mention Zhang Xiongliegui being the head of the Zhang family, he is still a third-rank official of the imperial court, and occupies a place in the military and political circles of the capital. Why does a person of this level take the initiative to call him now?

Could it be that he wants to invest in Tianhai Province, but this point doesn't look like it at all!

"That's good." Zhang Xionglie paused and said, "Governor Sun, you know that a big change happened to my Zhang family recently."

"What happened?" Sun Dongliu looked confused.

With the strength of the Zhang family in the capital, who can make the Zhang family change?

"It seems that the news has not reached you yet."

Zhang Xionglie sighed: "To be honest, my son Zhang Nanbei was attacked and killed, and his death was extremely tragic."

Suddenly, Sun Dongliu was shocked: "My son, how could it be..."

"Everything is impermanent."

Zhang Xionglie suppressed his anger: "Now, I got news that the murderer who killed my son has gone to Yunhuai City, which is the area under your jurisdiction. You also know that I have many things to do, so it is really difficult to go to Yunhuai City A trip to the city..."

Today, he received news from Zhao Tianqi, saying that this Lin Chen was so powerful that even he couldn't stand it.

Therefore, Zhang Xionglie intends to use power to suppress others, no matter how strong you are personally, can you still fight against the government?

No, he approached Sun Dongliu immediately, intending to let him solve it, otherwise the governor of a mere province wouldn't be worth his phone call himself.

Similarly, Sun Dongliu also knew that the purpose of Zhang Xionglie's call was undoubtedly to let him mobilize power and help him arrest people.

"That's right. If this person really committed a crime, I will definitely bring him to justice when he goes to Yunhuai City." Sun Dongliu said.

"Governor Sun can do this, I am very grateful, but I have an unfeeling request, this person killed my son, if you want to catch him, can you send it to me first, I will torture him personally Fan, otherwise it will be difficult to vent the hatred in my heart!"

Zhang Xionglie gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. After the matter is completed, my Zhang family will invest 100 million yuan in Tianhai Province. What do you think?"

After thinking about it, Sun Dongliu simply said: "Well, Master Zhang will just send me the news of that person later."

The other party has lost his son, and it is not too much to ask for the murderer to be punished. Moreover, he can make a hundred million with this. How do you think about this deal?

The phone hangs up.

A text message rang.

However, the moment Sun Dongliu opened the text message with a smile, his face froze and his mind went blank.

Because he saw a striking murderer's name in the text message - Lin Chen!

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